1000+ Confirmed COVID 19 Cases in Australia ~ When Is The Lockdown?!?!?!

in GEMS5 years ago

Hi Everyone,

Where do I start? Today the figures have shown that we have past 1000+ confirmed cases of COVID19 in Australia and yet no shutdown. Schools will still continue on Monday, some people still need to go to work, shops still open, cafes are in operation .... The new rules of 4sqm distance from each other are not followed anywhere I can see when I drove past cafes, public places and such, people don't seem to care.

I took my little one out to get some art stuff in case there is a lockdown, I have some things prepared to keep those two busy. The quick 1.5-hour trip we wore a mask pretty much everywhere at the shops in Chatswood. The centers and carpark were pretty quiet for the weekend and those who are out and about are just stock up on necessity. We weren't the only ones wearing a face mask and what is worse, I found a store that sold face masks priced at $100AUD for 50 of them. Yes its like gold here and it's getting a bit ridiculous how things are going. I hope this really gets resolved quickly or else I would probably think about taking the kids away from school (which some friends have done already) even though the government says they shall remain open.

In the end, we bought some craft sets and 2 games for the kids. I probably will go back again tomorrow to stock up more activities as Baby E was with me so I couldn't spend time checking out what other interesting things the boys may like during the school holiday and lockdown. We need to be prepared after seeing what other countries have gone through, it would be pleasant so we want to ensure we can be ok for it.



animation by @catwomanteresa

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I don't think we are going to lockdown anytime soon too but travel is practically blocked because anyone coming must stay home 14days in addition to the travel ban already introduced. It seems while our initial approach was more drastic, we are not taking a gradual approach. Setting the expectation before, government told us before that people will die. When they announce 2 died yesterday, people start to go supermarket again with long queues though not really panic buying.

Keep yourself safe!!

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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


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