自我介绍 Introduce Myself

in #cn7 years ago

位Steemit的元老、朋友,很荣幸成为Steemit的一个新人,在这里向大家问好。                                                                     Hello every one of Steemit, My name is tony,  it is my pleasure to be a newcomer,here Present my best regards.

英文名是tony,在Steemit上的网名是Pioneer(开拓者的意思),我追求勇敢、奋斗、拼搏、探索、进取、分享的精神,喜欢户外、骑行、旅行、看书、健身。                                                                                                                          My English name is tony, the username on Steemit is Pioneer. I pursue the spirit of courage, struggle, hard work, exploration, enterprising and sharing, I also enjoy outdoor, cycling, traveling, reading, fitness.

加入Steemit,主要是想分享自己生活、工作、学习上的一些主要的经历和体会,希望能给大家带来一些有价值的收获。                                                                                                                                                                                             To join the Steemit, I mainly hope to share some of the main experiences and experiences of my life、work、study, and hope this can bring some valuable harvest to readers.

活着,都得有个终极目标,就是理想。和志同道合的朋友一起风雨同行,创办一个互联网农业企业,做利民利社会的实业,是我这辈子的终极目标。                                                                                                                                      People should have a dream. To meet the difficulties with Like-minded friends to Create an internet agribusiness,  found industry that can be beneficial to society, which is my dream.

深圳也有些年了,现还在深圳从事国际电商行业,也和搭档正准备着第三次创业,希望这次能成(也是抱着破釜沉舟的准备和心态去对待这次创业)。                                                                                                                                       I have come to Shenzhen for some years, I am now engaging in international e-commerce industry in Shenzhen. at the same time, my partner and I are preparing for the third venture, I hope this time will be successful.

信真正做事的人都不闲,但也需忙里偷闲,每天花些时间去思考、去自我反省、去总结,这样会让人进步得更稳。我喜欢睡前花点时间敲下键盘,动下笔,把自己思考、总结和反省自我的内容写下来,这样可以更清楚知道自己有没有在进步,哪些地方需要调整、纠正。                                                                                                                       I believe people who are really working are always busy, but also need to spend some time each day to think、 to reflect on their own、to sum up, which will make progress even more stable. I like to take the time to knock down the keyboard before sleeping, write down my own thinking、summary and self-examination content, this will make me know better if I are progressing, Where need to adjust or correct.

下来比较长的时间,我都会把自己经历、总结、思考、反省的内容,筛选出我认为最有价值的部分,分享到Steemit上,与大家一起交流进步。                                                                                                                                         For the rest of the time, I will filter out what I think is the most valuable part of my own content of experience、summary、thinking、reflection, sharing on Steemit for communicating and improving with each other.

到介绍自我,怎能没照片呢?                                                                                                                                                 When it comes to introducing myself, how can I do not have a photo?




(看完上面三张图片,大家应该心情都比较难受,下面上传一张高颜值的,让大家心情好受点--- 我的宠物:阿拉斯加!)

来的路不易,过晚2018春节后创业之路不易。未来,希望能和Steemit一起成长,希望能和大家共勉!           The future is not easy, Business is also not easy way after the 2018 Spring Festival. Hope we can grow up and progress together on Steemit in the next days.

笔水平有限,英文水平更是一般般,欢迎指教!                                                                                                                      Thanks For Reading and welcome your suggestion!

---- Pioneer (tony)


Welcome to Steemit! Enjoy the ride as much as you can!

welcome to steemit .... greeting from indonesian (^_^)

Thank you , friend!

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