Save My Marriage Today: The Past Could Have Done That

in #emotions3 years ago

"The Past Didn't Go As We Had Hoped" is a new eBook that has just been released. Author Roseanne Barr tackles the question, "What did we do to get ourselves in this mess?" Well, as usual, all the answers are found in the author's book. This one helps the woman of today understand how and why that special person may have left you and hurt you. If you have ever been through a break-up with someone you cared about, then you know what I'm talking about when I say that sometimes the past can sneak up on you. You can't help but think about the decisions you made during that time, and you might even replay them in your mind over again.

The Past Did Not Go As We Wanted: How To Save Your Marriage is not a book for women to just sit down and read. It's full of sound advice and helpful tips that every woman can use right now. There's also a small booklet that comes with it that offers even more. If you've been wondering if your marriage can be saved, then this book can help you find out. It is so important to take time out to find out the truth, no matter how hurtful it is, if we don't then we'll continue to get hurt.

What I like about this book is that it is not trying to make any ground by telling us our cause was wrong. In fact, throughout the book, the author encourages women to look at the other side of things and not to place blame on ourselves. When you really look at the situation, you'll see that men were not the problem, but the way we react to each other was. This book teaches you not only how to save your marriage, but how to do it without blaming others.

By the time we reach the last page, the book has taught us several ways to keep our marriage healthy. Although the author admits that we may feel like we want to give up, she wants us to take on this fight once again. She wants us to realize that we can have the marriage we want.

I have to admit, when I purchased this book, I was very hesitant to even open it because I felt like I should know what the main points were. The author tells you right from the start that there will be some stuff that will be hard to understand. That's OK, because the information is still there. You just have to put it into practice to make it work.

In this book, there are some gems that I wanted to read over again. One thing that sticks out to me is how much emphasis is placed on communication. If we want our marriages to last and be a successful permanent relationship, then we need to communicate with each other. This book will definitely help you to communicate more effectively with your husband. Not only that, but it will allow you to learn how to easily communicate with your friends, too.

Another thing that I really liked about this book was that it was written in a very humorous vein. You will learn that some of the more simple things that women often do to control their husbands actually backfire. If you think about it, a lot of the problems in marriages can be traced back to our habits and perceptions of how relationships work. As the author points out, if the past did not go as we wanted it to, let me tell you that we all can blame it on our own personal perspective. So, you can take the book and learn some new perspectives that might help you, too.

Overall, if the past didn't go as we wanted it to, let me tell you that this book will really help you to get on the right track to saving your marriage. I also really liked the fact that it was written in a way that was easy to read and understand. There are a lot of good things that you will learn about if you read this book, as well as some things that will really resonate with you. You will not have to worry about if the past did not go as we wanted it to, because you will know how to change the future, today!


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