Great Thai restaurant

in #seafood7 years ago

Inside the Thai restaurant


Entry to the restaurant has pools with water lilies on both sides and all flowers inside were live big and completely different how I see and know in Europe...

Vstup do restauracie ma dve jazierka z vodnymi leknami na oboch stranach a vsetky kvety vo vnutri boli zive a uplne odlisne ako vidim a poznam z europy.


A chef preparing fresh fish for customers was for me good feeling to see open kitchen and fresh seafood from Thailand. They also prepared Japanese specialties in the kitchen and too many more dishes.

Sef kuchar pripravuje cerstvu rybu pre zakaznikov a bol to dobry pocit vidiet otvorenu kuchynu and cesrtve plody mora z thajska. Oni tiez pripravuju japonske speciality a mnoho dalsich jedal.


I could not past the ice shelves with fresh fish without the picture of Red Grouper catches in Thailand.

Nemohol som prejst ladove regaly s cerstvou rybou bez obrazku z Red Grouper chyteneho v thajsku.

IMG_1071 2.jpg
Thai Lobster is very colourful and is one of the delicious sea food on the planet...

Thajsky homar je velmi prestrofarebny a je jeden z najchutnejsich jedal na planete..


Hey I almost forgot. We had by the table a singer with experience to sing all kind of old songs in too many languages ... BRAVOOOO MAESTRO :)

Hej ja som skoro zabudol. My mame pri stole spevaka zo skusenostami spievat vsetky druhy starych piesni v roznych jazykoch... Bravoooo majstrooo.

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Some really cool shots you have here. I'm glad you pointed out what the lobster was, because I had absolutely no idea from that picture. I would have just guessed mutated seashell lol.


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