In the future, your clothes could save your life

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Free use Resource from Pixabay, edited with PowerPoint by @tocho2.

Hello friends of Hope ..!

Once again I will comment on the advances of artificial intelligence to this day, today it is the clothes that can detect some diseases and with this it could even save the life of a Username.

As incredible as it may seem, this smart clothing that diagnoses diseases is created with Artificial Intelligence devices and sensors following the well-known neural network protocol to structure a complex algorithm that leads to a “ reading of a parameter or body behavior ”and issues a response or“ diagnosis ”.

And just as there are already prototypes of smart clothing that detect some diseases, there are also models that can detect some symptoms prior to seizures of epileptic seizures, socks that prevent sprains in the ankles, and clothing that can help with breast cancer screenings.


The way smart clothes work is very curious

Here is a brief look at how smart clothing can work for health:

  • There is already on the market an intelligent bra that allows early detection of breast cancer, this is known as EVA, it works by identifying the temperature in the breasts and thus by comparing it with a pattern of possible changes in temperature, The device can alert you to the possibility of a breast tumor.

  • The store sells a "sock" for baby, which is placed on one foot and monitors the heart rate and oxygen levels in the baby, in turn, issues an alert to parents in case their need is attention. This alert reaches the parents' phone.

Smart Socks by Owletcare.

  • The French company Bioserenity devised a set of shirt and hat for the head that monitors brain electrical activity to prevent and alert about possible seizures and epileptics in the users of this garment called WEMU, and like the previous case the signal alert reaches the phone of the user and their families.

WEMU Shirt by Bioserenity

  • Regarding socks that prevent injuries such as sprains and strains, we must clarify that they are made with “smart” fibers and fabrics, and one of their manufacturers is Arch-Max. These socks have elastic fibers that "correct" the user's footprint, the best part is that you can find them in different colors.

Socks with smart fabrics by Arch-Max

  • In the case of runners, there are also sports socks with sensors that send information to your phone and connect with physical activity monitoring applications, such is the case of Sensoriafitnes offering smart socks that record heart rate, count the number of steps, travel speed and cadence; It also offers other clothing for athletes.

This is just a brief idea of smart garments that are at the service of health and sports, if we search deeply we will find other types of clothing-devices that somehow way they can help and improve our lifestyle.

I consider this to be a point in favor of Artificial Intelligence

I particularly believe that these advances in health are fundamental to the general well-being of users, but I also believe that the acquisition costs of these health garments could be high and unpayable in some countries like the case of Venezuela, but this does not diminish its importance and one of the things that I would like to see in the future is clothing that warns in real time the blood sugar values in diabetic patients or the case of clothing that can prevent heart attacks, this among other things.

What smart clothing item would you like to see?

If you liked this post, comment and let me know your opinion ..!

More information on this topic here


Technology is really growing more than we can ever imagine! Smart clothing will definitely more problems in the future as you've claimed most especially when it comes to human health.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Hello @hardaeborla, thanks for commenting..!

Hello @tocho2!
Very interesting post. As you say here in Venezuela perhaps we see very far that they can be acquired, however, they are very important for early detection of diseases and are innovative in that area. I think I would also like to see those that detect heart disease. Greetings!

Hello @yusvelasquez, thanks for commenting..!

Wow what a thing, every day more and more things are being done, this will be great to update us on health issues, it will never cease to amaze me how beautiful science is.
thank you for such a wonderful contribution.

Hello @joseph1956 friend, thanks for commenting

This is a breakthrough in intelligent clothing and definitely the future, we are getting closer to what we see in science fiction movies in terms of clothing. The best thing is that for many people this is something very positive, because if you are able to have an early warning of an epilepsy or an abnormal codition in a baby we are talking about saving a life. Thanks for sharing my friend.

Hello @emiliomoron, to get this kind of clothes will be great to save lifes..!

wow, incredible advances at the nano level, let's hope they find a way to sell this smart clothing at affordable prices, as many projects fail to see the light of day due to their production costs.

Hello @rubenp, I also think that lowering acquisition costs could help save many lives.

While I was reading I was thinking about the cost of the garments, in the end I see that you say what you thought, all this is very important and excellent to detect over time and be able to solve health problems, and obviously it requires a cost, but at the beginning it will have a high cost , then it will be reduced, this is how the market works, in relation to a garment, I would like to wear a sports suit that does not feel heat, I mean, the sensation of heat makes you slow down, while if you do not feel it, the mind helps you to continue , mind and body always united.
Your work is very interesting, I liked it

Hello @lupega, I think I can find out something about what you suggest, I need it too, hehehe

Wow! What is being done with the application of technology in medical diagnostic techniques is incredible, it is like carrying a medical laboratory on top that is detecting and reporting medical alerts in real time.

If we add to that the blockchain protocols and incorporate the medical assistance network (hospitals, outpatient clinics, ambulances, etc.), we could have a whole system of detention and early assistance for patients, a fully automated network that allows anticipating and preparing for Efficiently attend to the various medical emergencies that arise, don't you think?

My regards @tocho2 have a beautiful weekend

Hello @karupanocitizen, I think what you say is very important, sending this data to a large information base of the blockchain would greatly complement the function of this "smart clothing"

See you

Hello dear friend @ tocho2 good day
What an interesting post, to be honest disregards the existence of these smart garments, that of babies is great to monitor their behavior, in terms of the bra, I think it is vital that all women can have one.
I really appreciate the work you do and you will let us know
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day

Hello @jlufer, We already see that health technology is advancing by leaps and bounds.

A hug

We are getting advanced day by day...!

Hola @tocho2. Increíble todo lo que el hombre a logrado inventar. Realmente desconocía la existencia de este tipo de ropa inteligente.
De gran utilidad sobre todo para aquellas personas con factores de riesgo de alguna enfermedad, en particular del cáncer. Un gran avance.
Muchas gracias por la valiosa información.

Hello @pnessy, yo también estoy un poco sorpendida e interesada en ver de cerca este tipo de ropa, sin duda una gran ayuda para muchos pacientes.

Gracias por comentar, hasta pronto.

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