Artificial Intelligence to the medical service to detect colon cancer

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Imagen from Pixabay, edited with PowerPoint by @tocho2.

Hello Friends..!

Sometimes I feel that I spend a lot of time without writing in PH and when I manage to do it, it is a pleasure for me, I am glad to know that many will read this publication and will like the content in some way.

But today's topic is quite serious, during this week I have talked with different people in the workplace and the common factor that they have mentioned is the problems of the gastric system and in particular they mention suffering from some discomfort in the colon, obviously the first thing that What we do is attribute it to our work pace, the engineer is highly productive when he is "engineering" and creating, so breakfast, lunch and dinner can be limited to many cups of coffee and some water, and when he can really eat, junk food is the first option, in no way is this right, we are all aware but it continues and will continue to happen.

When suggesting a colleague to have a gastroscopy and colonoscopy, he felt fear about the procedure and the possible results, which is normal, nobody wants to go through that, and this motivated him to today's post, while we convince the colon to go to a doctor, I will write about what I know so far about the use of Artificial Intelligence in colon cancer detection.


Does AI really contribute anything?

From AI we can extract a few technological applications such as the cameras used in gastroscopies and colonoscopies; and the robotic arms for taking samples that will be submitted to biopsies, we already know this from the analog era to its current development, we also know that they are invasive procedures that require prior preparation of the patient and an analysis of imaging and extracted samples.

Image from Pixabay, edited with PowerPoint by @tocho2.

Worse if we think of the same invasive procedures with current technology, if we can also think that their effectiveness in detecting cancer, polyps, ulcers, conditions and other conditions is considerable and even greater than before.

There are numerous cases of undetected diseases, more diagnosed diseases and poorly conducted treatments, due to a misinterpretation of the results in this type of diagnostic tests, I can testify to it…!


So what does AI bring to colon health?

I am surprised by what technology brings to us in this opportunity and it is an "endoscopic capsule", just a capsule that the patient must take for "the magic to happen".

The "endoscopic capsule" consists of a simple capsule like the ones we already know as common medications, but it is equipped with an electronic device such as an integrated card capable of going through the stomach tract until it reaches the colorectal tract, gathering information through images and support of "Deep learning" that is transmitted in real time to a computer and even to the patient's own smartphone.

The information collected and processed by this "endoscopic capsule" is based on images that are interpreted, and since "Deep learning" is an intelligence programmed to make judgments, criteria, diagnoses and determine conditions, the data obtained through this study They are so far pretty accurate.

Image from La Vanguardia, edited with PowerPoint by @tocho2.

The great advantage is that the uncomfortable procedures that involve the nasogastric tube with a small camera at the end are avoided, the painful sample extraction procedure is avoided, and the use of anesthesia is not necessary, it is only enough to “take the endoscopic capsule”.

The “endoscopic capsule” measures 3 cm, but it is expected that the size of this electronic device will be reduced over time

Another of the great advantages is that patients, by no longer being afraid of this type of physical examination, will be able to respond to the doctor's call when it is necessary to undergo the corresponding examinations, and in this way the detection of any condition, illness or disease will be earlier.


I can say that this technological advance will be more effective than expected, and early detection of diseases in the digestive system is a great need considering that extreme cases such as stomach and colon cancer are very difficult to treat when the disease has advanced significantly without any timely detection and attention.

And obviously, being an engineer, I also know that this method of diagnosis using an "endoscopic capsule" as an exploratory procedure is not definitive, another identification and diagnosis mechanism will always be necessary, but it is undoubtedly a great advance.

If necessary, would you have an endoscopy or a “endoscopic capsule”?

More information on this topic here

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Wow! truly technology keeps surprising us every day with all its advances and this one is undoubtedly very gratifying, since as you yourself express gastrointestinal problems are quite common and its main cause is the lack of medical studies that can be less painful for the patient.
Greetings and thanks for sharing this valuable information @tocho2

Hello @sidalim88, thanks for read and commenting friend.

Greetings @tocho2.
No doubt that technological advances continue to surprise us and even more if it is in the service of health. to detect this terrible disease would be of great help to humanity.
Thank you very much for sharing your publication

There are many people who will be saved thanks to this more advanced exam. thanks for comment @dgalan friend

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

Hello @tocho2

That makes two of us, I am also pleased that fellow PH members read the posts and you are one of those people. Thank you.

I had not heard of this novel technology, which will certainly go on to detect early the suffering of this terrible disease. I will read more carefully everything related to the procedures.

Best regards, be well.

Hello @lupafilotaxia, Thank you friend for reading and commenting.

this topic is of great interest, we always have someone close to us or a friend who needs to know this.

Regardless of the negative things people have to say about technology, I really believe that technology has proven to help us in lots of ways. Imagine how technology has added to the improvement of colon health, this is huge.

Hello @bimbo45, I think the same as your friend, this is a great advance and many people need it.

Hi @tocho2 dear friend, what a wonder artificial intelligence is, well used especially for health purposes, your publication is fascinating, it shows us a giant advance in the detection of colon cancer and other pathologies, in addition to freeing the patient from the cumbersome colonoscopy, although we know that this is only the beginning of other advances that will come, greetings your post, much success

Hello @aplausos, I am glad to know that this exists, there are many people who can be saved with an early diagnosis

We have seen how AI have structured our means of living by simplifying complex challenging issues the use of this advance technology is very paramount for our daily use.

Endoscopic capsule this is indeed a great finding in the medical field and will definitely make diagnosis less complex for medical personnel.

On a contrary, are there no side effects when humans take electronic capsule? Just curious.

Hello @mccoy02, As far as I know, the capsule after making the journey to collect information on the patient's body and health, is then expelled "naturally" by the body, and the information was transmitted remotely to a computer during the medical examination, apparently does not involve any risk.

Hello @tocho2
This is awesome, I had not read about it. Based on what I handle of medicine, I think it is a great advance, as indeed, colonoscopy and gastroscopy are very uncomfortable exams for the patient, I know that very well.
But in this aspect, based on this that you share with us, I am left with the doubt whether it could really detect a cancer, unless it is very aggressive or very advanced. I must assume that it works to see some anomaly, but generally the diagnosis of cancer in any part of the organism is generated is with a biopsy, it is the definitive, but for sure it is a great support tool in the diagnosis.

Hello @josevas217, what you say is totally true, the biopsy gives the definitive result and it will always be necessary to do it when cancerous lesions are suspected, so sampling should not be ruled out.

Thanks for commenting.

Hello friend, really this camera and all these advances have many advantages in terms of the quality we want to provide to the patient. We must be very concerned about what the patient feels and suffers, many doctors forget about it and it is a reality that we cannot overlook. Greetings, excellent post.

Hello @franyeligonzalez, your'e right, what the patient suffers in each procedure is fundamental, and many patients stop doing the corresponding tests for fear of pain in each procedure

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