What leads you to comment but not upvote?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Purely just out of curiosity... What are some of the reasons you will look at a post, comment on the post, and then noto upvote the post?

I mean of course I don't mean when you are looking at a post because you are upset with what is being said or what the people are doing but when you enjoy the information and conversation when you comment why not upvote as well?

It has occurred to me recently that A LOT of people that comment on your posts are not upvoting them but simply commenting on them.

Is there some hidden benefit to commenting and not voting that I am missing?

Thought I would ask everyone since I have seen comments without votes on a lot of posts and not just my own.


~ @Timbo


yeah i dont get why people are so stingy with thier upvote. if you take the time to read something, you used your valueable time and energy to do that, might as well mark it down with an upvote. people comment without upvoting is like they are just advertizing thier page. idk if this is neferious, i just think there might be a lot of money grubbers on steemit, but in the end, the truth about it should prevail

I have to agree with you. There are a lot of people that just want the publicity and are out to make a buck. Although there are a lot of good people too... Just have to keep weeding out the good from the bad. Keep building up the people that build up you and guiding the weak and the new.

Thanks for the input!

I upvote some comments but sometimes its hard to know how to use my voting power cause its not fair to me to have to upvote every single comment and loose all my voting power. People act like i Have to upvote their stuff if they leave a comment and i just want to give me a chance to figure out a fair way to use my voting power.
Maybe ill do like some people and upvote the first commenter the highest and then dwindle the reward with time. But then that doesn't take into account the value of the comment.
How do you guys do?

If it's a post I can dismiss as disingenuous or lazy or scammy. The title might have brought me in, but then there's nothing of substance or honesty.

Ah, I see.... guess you think this post fits into those categories. :P

Ha! No. Sorry. I forgot to upvote. It's a good question. :)

Aha! The old "I forgot to upvote" excuse! (joke)


Hahaha! Always a pleasure to see your jokes

I'll let Buster handle this one:

Ooooo, so sometimes people just forget as well. :P

Haha, your upvote gave this post a $0.17 payout so thanks for that haha.

:P I returned the favor and thanks for the feedback! :)

My steempower is just too low .Even If I upvote it won't won't matter .That why I comment .To let you know that I have enjoyed your content .

Ahhh, but did you know then when a lot of people vote with low steem power it adds up?

Every vote counts to the Author. Every vote counts to everyone.

You see how this post already has 2 votes? Yet it doesn't have any payout. If a few more smaller accounts voted together the payout might increase to $0.01 but without your vote then it would certainly stay with a zero payout!

Thanks for the comment, it makes me see another side of things.

~ @Timbo

My steem power is low too. I do not care though.

I swear my votes used to be worth a lot more.

It is very rare I personally would do that but I am noticing it more and more. I know during the system troubles it was some times hard to get an upvote to stick. Perhaps some people are still having issues, but maybe they simply forgot.

Yea, I had a lot of trouble getting votes to stick when everything was updating. I hope that it is all fixed now but I appreciate the input and guess my thought of having a hidden benefit was a far fetched idea.

I have no slider, only 10 votes for each day. I may read more than 10. I feel no guilt (maybe a little 😅)

If you are reading more than 10 posts a day then I guess I could understand that as well. Hmmm, more information on a subject that I am sure a lot of people are wondering as well.

Thanks you!

My vote is worth zero cents so I think a comment would be worth more to the writer than my worthless vote.

Your "worthless" vote actually adds a lot more than you think.

When a lot of little accounts vote on the same topic it increases the payout by combining the votes worth to make small change. Every vote counts, every single time.

Hope this helps and don't worry your votes will soon be worth pennies, and then nickles, and so on and so forth.

Good luck!

~ @Timbo

I comment and upvote this post and follow you, but please don't hurt the ducky

gun on the head waooooooo

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