Why are we doing what we are doing?

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

This is a question I've been asking myself a lot, lately. And honestly, there really is no simple way to answer it. There is no silver bullet to any question, ever. This question is no exception.

After writing my first few blogs, I decided to share them with a few friends of mine. I wanted them to read it and maybe give me some feedback. One of them was a very good friend of mine from high school. As we have known each other for the most part of our lives, we are very close and have always been supportive of each other. He is a big inspiration to me in many ways. And I have a feeling that I'm the same for him. After reading one of my posts, he asked me this:

"Why do you do it? Do you want to get shit off of your chest, or do you want to inspire people and be successful? Because those are two completely different things. If you want to inspire people, then the articles need juice."

I took some time off to think it through. I learned a lot from writing and reading articles, but I always felt like I could do better. I wrote a couple of other posts and had some success with them, but it was just a few numbers under the articles. Nothing really tangible. Granted, there were some great comments I really appreciated and am thankful for, but still not the input I expected.

Often, when we are demotivated, we don't know whether we should continue or not. We try finding motivation anywhere we can, but it never seems enough. We struggle and fight with ourselves. It does not matter "WHAT?" the subject is, however. You might be an athlete, a student, a mother. You might be working boring day-to-day job, but with the correct "WHY?", you will always be able to see the better tomorrow.

"WHY?" is a pivotal part of our lives. We are constantly looking for meaning in things, even though we might not sometimes admit it. For most of us, many things need to have a reason why they are happenning. Else, we are lost. Stranded in the abyss of nothingness and just waving through life. Nobody ever really remembers that kind people.

I think there has never been a person, who was successful and at the same time, didn't have his "Why am I doing this?" question sorted out. It just doesn't work that way. In order to fight the hard times, we need the answers to our "WHYs?". Sure, it may be "Just cause I can.", but not that often.

The dark side of the moon to this is that we might not always understand the "WHYs?" of the ones around us. This can cause misunderstanding and create a tension in relationships. It can go as far as poisoning the relationship, resulting in it's bitter end. Sure, most of the times, you will never really be able to understand their situation, unless you first live it. That is the power of experience. But don't force people to understand your "WHYs?" before at least trying to understand theirs first. Be sensitive and nice to people around you first, and you will find that, even the most upset people will melt under the amount of kindness you give them.

Now, to drive my point back home. The very next post I wrote after adjusting to my friend's input, he told me that it was the bomb. You just can feel it, when the post is right, he said. It all came together just a few days ago after he told me he had been reading all of my posts and most of my comments. I didn't really expect that. I knew he read some, but man, all of them? Cheers to him. I got an instant surge of motivation to push through. Also, I got very excited about him showing me so much support that I wanted to elaborate on the question of "WHYs?".

In the end, people like him are the ones that really matter in our lives. People who see the best in us. The power of friendship lies in the things that are hidden from plain sight. Things that are unseen until they are explicitly told. Only then, can you see who cared all along. Some times, this might not even happen. Some friends are like angels. They support us without really showing. The thing I appreciate the most is that this guy does it just because he wants to. He does it because he sees the potential in me and wants to see me thrive. And I am deeply greatful for that. This blog post isn't dedicated to him in any way, however. Nor am I writing this just for him to read. Rather, I want to send the message to as many as possible, that we should always be mindful of people around us. Be the hidden angel to your friends. It will be rewarded greatly.

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