My journey with Crypto and how I am paying for my summer vacation!

My journey with Crypto and how I am paying for my summer vacation in crypto!

Since early 2014 I have been fascinated by cryptocurrency. Fascinated by all the possibilities, about decentralization, transparency, smart contracts, dapps. I have a technical background but I knew nothing when it came to blockchain technology. And I had hardly anyone I knew personally that I could speak to about it without getting that look. You know the one. That " I feel sorry for you" look. Like I joined a koolaid drinking suicide cult.

Luckily for me my best friend Ted joined me in my quest to learn about this new technology. So we learned much together and continue to learn. And he has done very well which makes me feel so good. His beautiful family deserves it. It is good to see the people you love do well and not from a 9-5 soul crushing job but from something that excites them.
I stole this picture from my best friend @cryptoted

Being that I am on disability any way to make passive income is a major help for me. I am allowed to work part time only and realistically from home only. About three years ago I started investing little amounts and holding for long periods. I never had much to put in but I saw how fast I could grow my money, or lose it entirely. I knew deep inside there was something here, something happening that was important. It is hard to see through the fog of scams, fud and fomo, but it's there and I wanted to be apart of it.

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But it was one coin that started it all for me, dogecoin. Many people give Dogecoin a hard time. But they don't realize that many of us would not be in crypto if it was not for that friendly inviting community. I firmly believe the crypto landscape would look very different if it was not for Dogecoin. I'm not saying it's a great investment today, but they had the idea behind having an inviting friendly community down to a science. It was a place where there truly were no dumb questions. Noobs were welcomed with open arms. I'm sure it is still that way. Crypto owes much to dogecoin. Remember that. The first thing I got from crypto was hot sauce I bought with dogecoin, ( you know who right?) followed by a computer I bought with dogecoin. Doge had been down at like 27 sats and then shot up to 72 and I decided it would be a nice time to upgrade and take some profits. That computer is what I am writing on now and has helped me make a better living since. And it cost my 1/4 of what it normally would have.

Like most I outgrew Dogecoin. But I owe that community, they gently nudged me deeper into crypto. Around that time scams were running rampant. They were less sophisticated and more in your face. ICO'S were not like today. Projects would raise hundreds of thousands over weeks, not 10's of millions in a day. I learned how to properly research coins. I watched the drama of the MT GOX scandal and many others unfold and was luckily untouched by them. I watched some ugly people like Bobsurplus on bitcointalk scam people and openly flaunt it. I became street wise for crypto you could say. I learned about security when I accidently sent BTC to a wallet I did not know the password. I did get it back eventually but it took months. I had a saying as a tech in the early 90's.

"There are two kinds of people, people who have lost data and people that will loose data." still apropo

I decided to try an experiment and take 10 dollars and turn it into one BTC. Now at the time one BTC was only worth 240 dollars. I failed the first time. But succeeded on the second. It took 6 months. But I was proud of my accomplishment. And I was hooked. I realized as Ted did that we were in a special time. We were in the beginning of a new industry. We often talked about the things we missed or did not miss but did not act on during the tech boom. Had we put just 1k into this or that we would now be millionaires. Suddenly we realized we were in the middle of the next big thing. It was and still is the wild west. But we could feel that sense that this was something we had to act on. This is the thing that leads to the thing.

Slowly we did. And we made some mistakes along the way. Ted has always been great with stocks and money and I have always been good with tech. So we make a good team.

It was around this time I decided I needed to work in this industry. And somehow I was going to make that happen. I made it my mission. I knew this would be difficult. An aging tech with dated experience and highly outdated skill sets. So I did what I always did when I wanted a job for a particular company. I forced my way in! But gently. I knew it was a tight nit community and trust was going to be my biggest hurdle considering I did not know anyone in the field. I picked my target, not a giant like Eth or bitcoin, you have to be realistic, but a small up and commer. It took time but it happened and has been a great asset in my life.
For those wanting to get into the industry but are not IT specialists or coders, becoming a community manager is the easiest way to break into the industry in my humble opinion.

The pay was fair but nothing most people would think exciting. But for me it was life changing. I was living paycheck to paycheck, never any savings left over. I was and am used to living a very simple life with little needs. I prefer it that way. So I decided I would continue living the exact same way financially as if this new money did not exist. And for the most part I stuck to that. I made one purchase to help me with my job. A laptop, Nothing fancy but gets the job done. And slowly got some much needed dental work done.

Since the day I was hired I have been given many new job titles and responsibility. My pay has increased and this allowed me to make more investments too. I know taking profits is a dirty word in some crypto spaces. But I have always believed that taking profits is a good thing when done correctly. Don't let anyone tell you when you should or should not take profits.

I sold my eth at 400. I got into a bunch of tokens that sat idle for awhile collecting dust and losing value but I held them anyway. For the first time since I became disabled I had money put away, I had money in investments and I had money coming in. Not a lot for most people. I'm still poor by most US standards. But I live alone. I only have to worry about me financially. I have a cushion and savings. I don't owe anyone. So when I saw it was close to time to take a vacation and my portfolio was looking great, I took profits. I took 5k out which initially cost me about 700.00. My tokens had suddenly become very profitable. I had added to them after the ICO dumps. Lowering my cost base average.

I knew I could make more with it by leaving it alone. But what good is money if you don't occasionally enjoy the fruits of your labor? So with this money the first thing I did was go see The Who in Tahoe. Money well spent. A quick 24 hour trip. It was an amazing show exceeding all my expectations.

Next I leave on the 15th to Yosemite and Mammoth Lakes. I rented a nice condo in Mammoth for 6 days. I love nature and the outdoors and I feel in love with Mammoth Lakes long ago as a teen. Condos in a mainly ski related town in September are super cheap! Way cheaper than a hotel and you basically get a house. And I am taking a friend who could not otherwise afford such a trip but is great company and friend.
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The amazing thing to see is what is left in my active portfolio doubled since I cashed out. Yes I have one I call deactive. It was meant as a long hold and I never touch it.

Crypto for me has meant financial independence, a new career with some wonderful people and an opportunity to be involved in one of the greatest technical revolutions of my lifetime. I won't look back and say, if only I had. No not this time! I will have done it.

My advice to people investing and trying to figure it all out is take your time. Learn what it is really about. You still have time. This is still early in the game. Pick things you believe in. Things you have an interest in. Like Steem for instance. I love it because it gives me this platform and I make a little while saving. Even if the price does not jump dramatically im saving what I otherwise probably would have spent on coffees or some other non necessity. Pick things that will make a positive impact.

Remain Calm
Don't chase prices. Don't get emotional over your decisions. Dont panic buy or sell. Make goals and stick to them. If your goal was to sell eth at 400 and you did, and the next day it goes to 500 be OK with that, you made money! Remain as calm as a hindu cow. Looks how calm that cow is.

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Humble advice
Don't be afraid to hold a coin you think has promise even if there are rough patches. Look at what Ethereum went though. I got in way late because I was scared off by the whole fork. People who had faith and held strong did astronomically well. Don't spend more than you can loose but don't be afraid of some risk. It is crypto anything can and will happen. And when you can , take some profits and enjoy yourself. What's better than taking out what you put in and having your investment be entirely profit driven? This is very doable in crypto. Learn from your mistakes but try and have your mistakes be recoverable. In other words no one investment should be able to crush you. And ALWAYS leave some free BTC to take advantage of the dips. If you are "all in" you have no money to take advantage of the opportunities.

Enjoy Life!
Rainbow Falls Mammoth Lakes
rainbow falls.jpg
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#Ecotrain - Humble passenger
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Member of #whalepower


I love little personal stories like that :-) Looks like we got into btc at the same time. The best strategy is indeed the hindu cow mentality, can't agree more. I don't go all-in in crypto for the simple reason that my heart wouldn't take it :-)

Thanks, i hear you there. I don't go all in either. I would never sleep! This has been a great year though.

Nice. Very good advice. I'm still learning.

Pretty inspiring story. Thanks for the encouragement and insight.

thanks for reading

I so hope you have an absolutely wonderful vacation when you go Tim!
Interesting post. I still don't understand any of this crypto stuff. Mostly here for the community :)

Thanks its been so long since I had a proper vacation. 15 years probably. I can't wait to go, I leave in 8 days.
Being on steemit you are in crypto since this is all blockchain driven. Even not knowing much if Steemit ever goes mainstream or even just gets better adoption rates your steem may make you a crypto fortune!

I missed the tech bubble and BTC, but got into steemit and steem in July this year. My investment into steem equals the amount I would lose in a day in futures trading if I got stopped out, so no big deal.
My plan is to buy more steem and power up if the price drops significantly, but so far, it hasn´t done me the favour.
But I won´t be sad if steem keeps going up and I never get to buy that second tranche.
So I feel I am in a win-win situation.

i love steem too.
But in my humble opinion it's not too late for btc. Look into ethereum too. People though it was too late when btc was at 1k now its over 4600. 00. Omizego is another new one im fond of.

That's a great story and some good advise. I'm new to crypto. But I can see the possibilities and how crypto can change the world. Thanks.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62260.20
ETH 2431.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64