Take my heart away...

in Account Booster 👍2 years ago



See when I let go of people who bring me down
Remove things that don't serve me well,
It doesn't mean I lost them totally,
It just means they're not with me anymore
It doesn't mean that I allowed them to ruin my life or take everything.

I'm willing to be open
To new things and new experiences
And I'm letting go of negative thoughts
I'm finally becoming happy, now
It's a little scary, but this is the change!

The change that I'll take for myself
Sharing, being free with my emotions
To all the new things and new experiences
And I won't let myself turn away
From what could be a really good year…

Turning back to
Being free with emotions
New experiments
Sharing thoughts


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your own destiny and the maker of your own dreams…”

tikatarot sign.png

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