ASCENDING TO THE TOP (Leadership) : Sequel 4

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

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Hello steaming Steemians, I trust your weekend was a blessed one and I'm equally certain that God's words were very active in every sphere of your lives. Today as promised, sequel 4 will unfold even more mysteries and applications about Joseph's journey to the top after being sold to the Egyptians and how it could apply to our lives. I urge you to go through sequels 1 to 3 in previous posts, so as to be connected to this sequel.

It's God's good will to bring us to the top, but not by our way. The Lord was with Joseph. If every day of your life, you can't guarantee that God is with you, what then is making you think that you can live to glorify God? God is first of all interested in securing your safety, your person, and your personal soul prosperity, before He is interested in anything else that you do for Him. And when He secures that part in you, then prospering you is not a problem because He knows your soul will use prosperity to the Glory of His name and still remain intact.

(3) And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand. (4) And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.
- Genesis 39:3-4

Bishop David Oyedepo always says "Success commands respect". God isn't interested in who is above you, in where you are, but rather, He is interested in the fact that He is with you. And when He is with you, He will be responsible for your results. This is where we get rest, because a lot of the things we labour to get done, will graciously be worked out by God. When ever you see a child of God stressed, burdened, its because of the absence of God's commitment in their lives. When ever God is absent from something you are doing, it will be burdensome and it can even kill you.

"... and his master saw..." (Gen 39:3).

Who is the master? The ungodly Egyptian? Can you be in that your company and the ungodly leaders there look at you and notice prosperity, changes in your life and the success you are getting? Be you a typist, a marketer or a secretary; can the glory of God be seen in you? Can the people looking at you tell that God is with you because of the quality of your work? Can you command respect in that position? Or, as a CEO, can other companies take note that your own company is different, that the Lord is with you? Note that it's the results that command the respect.

Now, how do you know you are getting results (Godly results of course)? By the REST in your. The bible says;

It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.
- Psalm 127:2

So, there are those who are actually "succeeding", but sorrowfully. Thats not the kind of success that God gives us. Joseph wasn't that kind of person either. By God being with us, means He takes charge of a lot of things in our love, if not everything. And when He is with you, all the things that could have gotten your energy, your time, He will manage them.

"... and the Lord made..." (Gen 39:3).

From the above quote, who made? The Lord. Do you now see why God is with us? He is with us to "make". When He is absent, you will be the one responsible for making everything. When God is with you in that marriage, family, job, business, school, He makes things to happen. He makes peace to happen, He makes health to be, He makes provision to be. Its not by your might nor by your power. The reason why the world will look at our results and marvel is because, the kind of things that we are able to do are the things that a natural person can't do. The rest of the world stands amazed and have no option but to pull us up and give us their position. And they can't fight us and win, because fighting us is fighting God.

Why do they fight some of God's children and win them? Simply because God wasn't in what they were doing. Rather than getting interested about the fact that you are an employee and that there are people above you, instead get interested in the work He has asked you to do at the position where you are and it will pull you to the top.

"...and Joseph found grace in his sight and served him..."

Look at the virtue that was in Joseph that made God to be with him. What was it that made Joseph unique from all His brothers? Its the same thing that was in Moses, Esther, Daniel, Joshua, John, Jesus, Paul. All of these people, God used so mightily in the bible. They had this one thing in them that made for Gods commitment to them and consequently the fragrance of God's excellence around their lives. If you get this, I assure you that your life will never be the same again. Our rebellion is what is causing all our problems today. The Psalmist says;

Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.
- Psalm 119:67

This means that, before life became so stressful, so burdensome, so wearisome, I went astray; But now that I've kept your word, things will be different. Joseph has something, this thing made for God's commitment and the commitment made for rest. Look at the series of events that unfold in the life of someone before you can see the person mightily used by God. There is something in a person and that thing makes for Gods commitment. God's commitment makes for excellence of the persons life. The excellence of the persons life commands the respect of men. The respect of men commands the elevation of man in their eyes.

Rising to the top is never a prayer topic. If we want to ascend to higher places in life, we need to understand causes and effects, protocols and sequences. You can pray and God heals you, yes, mercy manages that, but you can't pray yourself to the top. There's something that brings you to the top. Thus far, in this story of Joseph we don't hear where Joseph prayed. Of course he was a prayerful person, but there is a reason why the bible did not emphasize that. SOMETHING in a man makes for God's commitment, which makes for his distinction and this distinction makes for the attention of the world, which makes for man's lifting.

As we are getting prepared to unveil more secrets from this story in sequel 5, be asking yourself if this SOMETHING is in you. Do you have God's commitment? What quality of work do you produce? Who is standing amazed by the things you do and what's your position as a consequence?

Thank you dear Steemians for staying glued to the unfoldings of wisdom from the Holy book. I'm quite sure someone reading is being blessed right now. If that is so, please kindly share to your friends and families too so that we can together make the world a blessed place to live in while we wait on Christ's return. Feel free to leave a comment to say how you feel and how this has blessed you so far.

Have a blessed week ahead.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for details and for your patience to share with us

 2 years ago 

@lizzybebs Amen. All glory be be unto our God. I'm glad it blessed you. Please, kindly share with others too.
I just posted the 5th sequel. Let's look at more bible wisdom

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