Before exam night how stress can be reduced ?

in #exam6 years ago

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Various techniques that I used when I was a student:

1) Be prepared. Give yourself confidence that you are ready. 

Get a really good revision plan sorted out and stick to it. Do all the past papers under exam conditions. Pick up on any weaknesses. Work on your exam technique and strategy, i.e. which questions you will answer if you have any options, how you will control the clock. Get in the mindset that you have done all you can and that you are ready. Confidence is a great stress beater.

2) Exercise.

Try and find some time to exercise every day during exam period, even if it's just a walk. It's a great stress reducer and helps to keep your body in rhythm.

3) Try and avoid last minute cramming.

Nothing creates stress like a last minute panic. Try and avoid working the last evening. Clear your head and do whatever you do to relax - watch a film, give your brain some downtime. 

4) Get to bed on time.

Get your head down for a good night's sleep. It's likely to be more beneficial than late night studying.

Good luck!

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