Angels Lake - Travel to a story

in #story5 years ago

# Porir Dighi

It self named after angle where they use to come right beside a canal or pond.


Straight image of this place


*Left sides image of Porir Dighi. *

This is kind of a story if we think in this generation, this will make a diversity between generation to generation. The story was like,


Earlier here use to be a big lake where jamindar use to take bath. Jamindar is land-lord of 40’s & they use to rule village to village or any certain area that suits his power to control.

Anyhow, a jamindar (not mentioned any name) was having daughters and they use to bath on that lake. One night jamindar had a dream about that lake wants to take by angels and if anybody comes they will take them too. So a day jamindar’s daughter went to take bath and somehow she never came back from the lake!

Jamindar was so upset that he wanted to close the area forever with bricks. He did so but the thing is the bricks not sustain for long and around 90s local people took the place and filled half of the lake with the personal uses. And they planted plum trees around to secure the area instead of brick walls.

Right now this has become a nice area for the visitors like us. Here we have mentioned some photos from very recent visit about three days back!


Photo : selfie taken by Jahid, myself, Shahriar, MdRonik

MdRonik - is a famous #YouTuber
Who has special skills in particular stuff to entertain people around. Anyhow, I shall not break the concentration.

Photo- Left side Jahid and right one is myself

So the guy Jahid and Shahriar was telling me to visit the place #PorirDighi since last week. As we were so busy with works and finally this weekend was suitable to visit.

This is situated in Manikganj city slightly inside and the area name is - Gorpara- Dighi - MollaPara to Porir Dighi


Photo: MdRonik is giving pose

Anyhow, we starts at 10 am sharp and reached about 30 minutes later. After that we took some pictures and spend 20 minutes. The most interesting thing is we felt something bad about that place for an example we were not so much comfortable with the place. We felt that let’s go back as soon as possible. We are still unsure that why this is happened.

Same sort of dighi has in another city named - Narayanganj but that has proper care and services to save. But this one is quite different and a long backward place from any city.

We hope any kind of ancient signs or sculptures we shall keep to disclose to next generation so we can show how we came through and it’s not for only showcase but also it’s a learning that we can do and we can make much more better that that time! Is not it ?

Leave your comment below & thank you so much for reading me.

—the Sobuz

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