Inspirational Quotes for Healing & Growth #29


Lighten up your life with a daily dose of Inspiration with The Reiki Forest

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~ Inspirational Quotes ~

for Healing & Growth

# 29

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"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

~ Lao Tzu

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Thank you for taking some of your precious time to pass through The Reiki Forest! It is always a pleasure to share these moments with you. I hope you have injoyed today's inspirational quote. Healing hugs! :)


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Unless otherwise stated...content is Always Original & Reiki Infused ~ for your highest possible healing & greatest good


Thank you for the time you give us all. A single step can make such a wonderful difference. Namaste.

Lovely vibrant pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you @suzique :)

Is reiki just about hands, or could it be things like obscuring vision? I took a picture and posted it on my blog today of an adult and baby horse (I know it's suppose to be a colt or a foal) and they had weird masks on...

What was strange about it is that they were so peaceful using only their sense of smell to continue eating grass eventhough they couldn't see properly because of the masks.

Hi @feline1991 :) Thanks for your comment and great question.

From what I understand, the horses are able to properly see through the protective mask. Although it is possible to combine reiki with the usage of these masks, I do not get the feeling or impression that this is the case in this instance, although I could be wrong :)

Much Love & Bright Blessings!

Thank you @Ick :) Much Love my friend!

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