Steering a Giant Spaceship Alone Was Hard- Portrait of a Cabin in Oil

in #writing7 years ago

There was a time when I thought I would live in this hotel. Indeed, after the collapse of society we all knew that we would migrate to this place, to combine our skills and perpetuate the species with grace.

The Hotel Nannyberry

There was a time when I would go out to the Hotel every weekend, and the quiet, still valley would suggest that I was alone on the planet-- the last man. The cold water from the spring would remind me that if this were the end of civilization, then I at least had a good water supply. I would then sit on the long porch looking into the remote valley below, dreaming of catastrophe, and waiting for the refugees from town to start showing up, so that we could begin the new world.

Spaceship Nannyberry

There was a time when I'd go to this place, and the evening darkness would close in around the lofty cabin , so that only the cabin and the sky remained, and from the porch I navigated the stretch of galaxy by sight, steering from a church pew and lazily cruising along a busy thicket of stars.

The world didn't end, and we began a new world anyway. I was high at the Hotel Nannyberry, but I came down when I figured out that I'm not really steering this thing through the galaxy-- we all are.

thanks for reading along, painting is oil on 9' X 12', 'Spaceship Nannyberry' 2003. It was a long time ago, and considering how fast the galaxy moves through space, it was painted far, far away from here.

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'Spaceship Nannyberry' is beautiful.

Thanks, I do miss the place.

Nice painting and very interesting to read :) Thanks for sharing this!

Thanks for commenting, it was my pleasure to share it, I'm glad you liked.

nice painting! thanks for sharing

I appreciate it, thanks for the comment.

Sure :)

This is an amazing piece.. really beautiful :)

Thank you, I appreciate your comment.

Another spectacular painting. I feel that the hotel nannyberry has officially been added to my 'places to see' list. I imagine our visit out to you to occur at about this time next year, or if we can afford to wait a little longer I might choose a time when your garden is in full swing.

I haven't been out there in a couple of years-- both of the guys who owned the place died within a few weeks of each other, and the property was lost in legal fog. Thankfully, around on the other side of that ridge is another spring, same water, on a remote county road, pull right up and fill the bottles. Utterly pure!

Well, I am not opposed to doing a little sneaking around :)

The last time I was there, the neighbor came up and said he was watching over the place, and he didn't know who we were, and we didn't have any ownership or any living connections to the place anymore so we didn't stay long. I've had to accept that I may not go back, at least til I get enough steem to buy the place myself!

Then we shall go to the neighbor's place with your portrait of the nannyberry, and I with my dazzling charm will explain the stories you have regaled me with about it and how I just simply must see it :)

I'm afraid to go see it now! Nobody's mowed the grass in three years, and the house already needed some attention. The property has a good spring though, good land.

Maybe best to remember it how it was then. And it's immortalised in your fabulous painting.

There are lots of good memories from the place, and a lot of the zany stuff that I write about here was incubated in and around that hotel-- there's lots of room for contemplation on things out there in that quiet valley.

Your writing is good because I can very easily form the mental pictures and gives me just a taste and always wanting more.

Thanks for saying so, I've always been a visual artist, so my stuff tends to be visual I guess.

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