It's Time to Start Designing Flying Cars!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Anti-gravity, or the ability to manipulate gravity: Whether the technology exists already, or is yet to be discovered, it may be time now for the artists of the world to start designing flying cars.

the challenge for the artist who designs flying cars is: to design a car that is so bitchin that when an inventor sees it, they will be compelled to invent anti-gravity, just to get that bad ride in the air.

No Propellers or Wings Needed

The beauty of designing an anti-gravity flying machine of the future, is that there is no need to include many of the features that might be expected on cars or airplanes:

  • No need for wheels or landing gear, it's always afloat.

  • No need for aerodynamic design, the anti-gravity car will simply bend a little piece of time to propel itself before the surrounding air.

Guidelines for Designing a Flying Car

As artists, we don't need to know much about the propulsion systems of the future, our flying cars will be designed according to our whims and fancies, and not limited to physics or science.

Just because I don't know how to manipulate gravity or time, doesn't mean I can't design flying cars!

While a true anti-gravity device will not need some features that we are accustomed to on a car, the flying cars of the future might include features that the cars of today are still lacking.

How big is an anti-gravity engine system? Could it be that it's only as big as a toaster? I don't know. I guess the flying cars that I'll be designing will have engines the size of a toaster oven.

Here's a quick sketch of the sort of thing that I'll be designing, as an example of some of the possibilities.


model A, six seat holiday cruiser

Programmable Paint and Glass

Of course the color of the body can be changed, and the polarized glass cabin can be set to any color as well, from the traditional clear glass to a tinted glass, mirror finish option, and all with adjustable value and translucency.

IMG_4774 (1).jpg

The Design Possibilities are Endless

I'm also working on a convertible model, where instead of the top coming off or folding away, the car just recycles the section that you want open, and then the car can 3D print a whole new one, right in place, whenever needed. The feature also eliminates the need to wash the craft, everything is re-printable.

Now, some might say, "Paul, tinted windows are already illegal on cars, and programmable paint for cars... flying or not, could lead to all kinds of crimes. And... what about people who tune their flying car to sky blue, they could hide from the police right there in the open- it could cause accidents. And..."

I'm an artist. Forget about the programmable paint. Never mind the fancy glass, or the one-way mirrored wind screen and force-field. (forgot to mention the force-field, to keep the bugs off the glass) Forget about banning sky blue for now, and let's focus on designing flying cars that are practical, while having some fun with the possibilities.



I have a few more ideas for flying machines that I'll draw up, but some are just as easily described. I have one that just looks like a porch with a couple of rocking chairs, wooden handrails, a swinging bench and everything. Again, the possibilities are endless, so I look forward to all the interesting flying machines that start showing up, either in drawings and art, or in the skies.

IMG_4770 (3).jpg

another sketch, two seater, sport craft

Let's start drawing flying cars now, so we'll be ready when the technology catches up with us. We artists are the ones who design the future, according to our dreams and imagination. Let's fly!


thanks for looking in!

Click @therealpaul for more


The spherical one, the one that looks like a helmet! Give me three of that! I like where your head is at, brother. It takes a man to posit anti-gravity as a solution for the lack of flying cars, but it takes a real man to suggest manipulating time as a solution. I tip my hat to you, sir.

I wanted to simplify the propulsion systems so I could go about designing some prototypes. I've even heard that there's no such thing as gravity, but instead of trying to figure out what that means, I've decided to go ahead and start designing cars that can fly, and of course the craft had to avoid the atmospheric friction of normal travel, so time was just sitting there, waiting to be folded with a little kink, right in front of the grill. And a force field too, for the rain, bugs and birds that might exist in that future that the craft is about to be in. Also, the craft is it's own 3D printer, so if the glass gets dirty, just print a new one anytime. I really am planning to draw a series of flying machines, just for the art of it. We'll see how many I do...

We shalt weave the strings of the universe
Into our own malleable web

We'll put our cars into reverse
And time shalt begin to ebb


Yeah, I don't know what that meant either. But it sounded decent in my head.

And count me in! I'll get started on a few designs right now.

Time is almost certainly the most precious resource in the universe, it would be fitting if our flying gismos use it as fuel. That poem will be looked back on, by all of us, and it will make sense in time...

I have a way to go, my sketches didn't look like I'd seen them in my head, but eventually I'll draw one that needs to get in the air, somehow. I need practice designing cars, my flying 'eagle's wing' ended up looking like a rooster tail.


Yeah, I don't know. I do think there was definitely some string theory being referenced there in that first line, and that has to do with the makeup of time and space, right?

Alright - I'll try to send you any sketches I come up with.

And by the way - I saw the 'eagle's wing' and thought it was a hand, then revised that to think it was some sort of wave/splash of water. Either way a pretty cool design, even if it's not the droid you're looking for - I mean, even if it's not quite what you were looking for.

I put Wings on my car but so far I've only been able to hover about three or four feet off the ground.

Three or four feet! I must be doing something wrong here-- I'm still on the ground, and back to the drawing board...

Yes the possibilities are endless. I believe THEY have had the technology and knowledge to do this for several generations. Think Jetsons. But it was never done. Probably has to do with control and more money could be made on dinosaur gas cars. Perhaps we will see flying cars in the next 20 years or so. IF they can do drones why not cars. Thanks @therealpaul.

I does seem to be about money, why we don't have the tech yet. There's also the military applications that keep it secret I would imagine.

Sorry guy, flying saucers are really boring.

The problem with anti-gravity is that gravity doesn't exist.
Well, at least not the Newtonian mass created gravity.

Take two parallel metal plates, charge them to a million volts, and it starts floating.

Take a gyro, spin it up to very high RPMs, in a clockwise direction and it loses weight.

We will start to see something that will be called anti-gravity sleds soon. Basically pallet trucks without the wheels.

The real problem comes about when people actually start reforming families. People all over the world will migrate to places where "they are supposed to be". And, pretty much, they will stop driving around.

Gardens (everyone will have a huge greenhouse) will provide most food, and these "families" will produce something that they can trade. The commercialism, the going out to be entertained, the... everything we use a car for today will just disappear.

And, like i said, flying saucers are boring. It has to be aero-dynamic. It has to have surfaces that are shaped just so. It has to have rotating pieces are very specific locations and configurations.

I do believe we will see hovering cars before they disappear. But, maybe not.

MY flying saucers are not boring! And aerodynamics are so 1950, my flying car will travel between the air molecules, with no regard for shape. As an artist, I can't be bothered with the limitations that you have outlined.

I don't see a problem with people traveling to visit families, but I might be missing something there.

I don't see a problem with people traveling to visit families, but I might be missing something there.

Not travelling, moving and then staying.

It would be like saying the Lakota tribe is going to get back together.
All the people that are reincarnated of the Lakota tribe, are all going to go to the same area.

Cities are going to be ghost towns. Sure there will be heavy industries still in cities, but they will be mostly automated and run by one of these families/groups.

After people are back in their "families" they just won't have this urge to move around.

I understand what you are trying to get at in this flight of fancy that is car design, however, you do not get what i am saying.

Sure, you can have a 1960s car design, but the front hood has to be 62.5° Not 62, not 63, not curved in or out. The design restrictions are from physics. (just an example)

But, physics that most people don't even know exists. Its the difference between have a flying car that flies, and one that is a ground ornament.

I wish you, and all the people who want to draw flying cars to draw to their hearts content.

Makes sense, I'd never really thought about the cities being abandoned, but I know that I would get out of town more if I could fly!

I think I skipped aerodynamics because I can imagine an 'engine' that manipulates time as the craft travels, so that the machine is always 'in front of' the atmosphere, or already there. It would act as a teleporter if the traveler was in a big hurry, instantaneous arrival. Is that possible? I don't know, but time will tell.

It is very much possible. But, they will be built in air tight rooms, usually underground. Very stable.

Riding in a car that used that propulsion would not be enjoyable.
Its like having your body smashed a few times a second.
And even if you could nullify that somehow, the view would be like watching an old television.

But, like i said, there will be hover platforms in the near future, but not sure how propulsion is going to be done. Sure, you could put a big fan on the back.

But, manipulating the car like you have outlined, or inferred, you need to have ... i don't know what they will be called... pods, at least 3, spaced evenly around the driver. And then moving through the air, you have to have known lift in each direction you might travel (including wind /shear) any of which could send you up or down real quick. Which is not good when flying.

When I was just a young lad who lived on a farm and climbed trees for fun and to get away from the imaginary beasts who could not climb trees, I invented anti-gravity.

I used to fall down from the trees quite often and this became rather annoying. Always feet first, falling down.

One day I fell head first and my life hasn't been the same since. You see, on that day of falling, as I traveled to my destination, I noticed I was falling UP.

So in order to fall UP, simply turn the car upside down and drop it. Easy stuff.

Brilliant! I'll have to do some modifications, like pillows tied to the roof of the vehicle so that when it reaches the ceiling (ground) the paint won't get scratched.

Two words: Aerodynamic mattresses

well its time to fly we are so late hopefully by the next decade we will see some of these drawings in real flying around

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