Dismantling A Nation: A DIY Project For Everyday AmericanssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

(for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to dismantle your nation at home. Any adjustments should be made by trained professionals.)

So you want to dismantle your nation? Maybe a "united" people was a good idea at first, but the results are in, and now uncertainty fills the air, and division of those same people seems to be the main activity and focus in modern culture. In the USA, it had always taken some mental gymnastics to see how fifty individual states with unique personalities could be expected to behave as one 'united' device, and their cultural and regional differences have always made good sport, but these days, there's no room on a map to draw all of the thick imaginary lines of division that the culture is being trained to see. 

nation in distress. image by therealpaul 



Watching the professionals destroy a nation can be disheartening. With phantoms of founding fathers and their virtuous ideals haunting the minds of the population, the dialogue of 'freedom and liberty' has always lingered, but in time it became the language of the outcasts, and the common feeling was that only certain people talk about that kind of thing. 

The words, language, and even virtues have become so distorted that the very word 'freedom' is now practically synonymous with corruption, violence and immorality. Or now, when we hear of a lost 'liberty', we may be automatically reminded of patriotic slogans spewed through Mountain Dew smiles, or hand-written sentiments fitted onto useless protest signs. Throughout the US media and it's subculture, it is made clear who those people are, and why you don't want to be them. Within this dynamic, a divisive formula emerges. 


Since simple division seems to be the math at work in this process, then this may be something that the whole family can take part in. Division is mysterious, because it can go forever, dividing the smaller parts into even smaller ones, until a microscope is needed to see the work. The same can be done with people. If you can't divide a nation by yourself, or a state, or even a town, perhaps you could find ways to divide your community. Similarly, a family unit, if not already scattered by the pros, can be broken by one troublesome member. Dividing further, the person's own mind can be traumatized into various compartments of fear, smaller and smaller, until we see a fractal version of the 'divided states' of larger scales. Truly, 'We are all one', but it's hard to believe, once you see all of the varied and agreed-upon divisions of the people, by the people. 

Whether using math to divide people, or language and naughty words like 'freedom', the fractures are real in the minds of the individual, and real enough to cause some damage.

How do we stop this 'Freedom'? 

There are things that can be done. If you insist on taking the nation apart yourself, because you can't trust the 'experts' to do it for you, then here are a few ways that changes can be made to speed up this demise, so that the world will see, once and for all, that 'freedom= evil', that humans can't be trusted to govern themselves, and that as many as fifty little 'united states' should really be managed by a larger 'United Nations' type of outfit, if the world is to be a civilized place to live. (entertainment only, see 'Sarcasm')

Embarrassment In Chief

 Is your president a decent, benevolent person, who is well liked by the masses? If so, then you're doing it wrong. A more despicable person to couple with the ideas of 'freedom' can help to create distaste in the minds of the nation's people, so that they can feel the bite of shame for having supported the system, and then the world will be forced to presume that you are unable to produce anything decent-- that this is the best you have. Just prop up the most awful person that you can find, and then act like that person is the greatest thing to ever happen to the world.  This procedure is easier than it may sound, since decent, caring people will never be put into any significant position of leadership, so that the immoral psychopath becomes the default candidate, making the voting people's shame real, and the embarrassment more acute. 

This is not to suggest that you actually get to choose which psychopath will rule you, all that's really needed is your belligerent support of whichever parasite is most vile. The lesser of two evils will also do nicely, they will still be claiming to represent you and your flag to the rest of the world, no matter how they were selected.

 Wreck An Election or Two

 Elections-- the prize of democracy, the cherished way for a handful of dedicated voters to create the illusion of choice via the ubiquitous television, will need to be tampered with for this next step. This is also easy to do, and once a national election's results are put into question, and the whole process is examined by the curious world, then the seed has been planted, and the doubt can fester publicly until the silliness is emphasized, legitimized, and becomes the underlying foundation for the whole affair. When a "dangling chad" becomes powerful enough to change the course of humanity, then ridicule is bound to follow.  

Once the people begin to doubt their own culture's joke of a political structure, they will stop promoting it so openly, and they will shuffle about in silent despair, hating their situation of helplessness. Their vote doesn't matter, they know it, but they dare not discuss it. They pull the curtain tighter, and robotically do their duty, but the uncertainty is the secret ingredient here; If their duty is possibly just a giant waste of time, then deliberate mindlessness can be the sugar that helps that placebo go down. 

Shred the Constitution

 Was your president born in the right country? Are you sure? If the president was born on the correct patch of ground, then everything can be seen as being orderly and proper. If the president was NOT born on the right section of earth space, then the very Constitution of the country has been compromised, and many would insist that something should be done to repair things if possible. If nobody is really sure either way, then we have the formula for dissonance and confusion. 

With the conflicting ideas securely planted in the subconscious, the topic becomes forbidden and uncomfortable, and can lie under the surface as a menacing shadow, always lurking in the peripheral, mocking the ones who dare to notice it again. The possibility that such a lie could be perpetrated on everybody sounds impossible, but maybe "that's just what they want you to think!" A few twists and turns like that, and a new term, 'birther' was made up for it, and it became a thing, whether true or not. Another way to divide communities-- division is common math in the modern world, a math that is sometimes taught in the most inhumane ways.

Nine One One Truth

 Nineteen hijackers, World Trade Center, everybody knows the official story. But is it correct? So many questions have been brought up on this topic, it would seem that if the US government had perpetrated that disaster upon itself, so carelessly leaving so many clues and so much incriminating evidence, that they were trying to get caught. Anybody with an Internet knows that there are countless mistakes in the official story. Why would anybody want to be caught doing such a heinous crime?  

Instantly, the invention of the word "truther" emerged, meaning 'anybody who believes something else', and a controlled controversy could then be played, further polarizing communities with the old conspiracy stuff. This is where public opinion can join in on the dismantling of the nation, to really start taking the thing apart in a hurry. If 'we' believe that criminals should be punished, and we think we know who those criminals are, then what's the delay? Isn't there enough evidence already to realistically present to a world court, to put the criminal US Government on trial before the planet?  

Now, if the case is presented properly, then the world will likely agree with your charges, and the outrage will be considered universal. If the jury is fair, and honest, then it should be easy to predict their decision on the fate of the violent self-loathing nation, and the feeling of victory should be worldwide, if only fleeting.   

Cautions and Downsides

 Many people carry around virtuous notions of what the word 'freedom' really means, and some even believe that as long as nobody else is being harmed, then a human being should be free to live as they please, pursuing what they fancy, and doing as they like. Those kinds of ideals were probably the ones that started a place like the USA to begin with, but today Science would be able to show that those founders were mentally ill, likely suffering from Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), so that any similar concepts as theirs can be seen as dangerous thinking in this surreal modern age. 

Today it can be shown, even by amateurs, how ideas of open societies with self-ownership and civil liberties will lead to evil, and how certain countries can be used as a perfect example of that.
This is the psychological warfare that is being used against the population, though, a contrived menu of self-loathing and internal division, leading quickly to the perceptions of external divisions within communities of otherwise friendly humans.  

 Guilt By Association

 To make the free-minded people into the bad guys, it takes a constant barrage of media triggers and key words to keep the division strong, and the nagging idea of freedom will soon be seen as a disease, so that in time the 'cool kids' will believe that humanity is bad, and doesn't deserve any freedoms, while those who speak of it are sick, and they are trying to bring peril upon a nation, as the evidence has shown.
At this point it is simple to couple "America" with the philosophies of freedom, and it appears that the philosophies are being demonized in the media, and those self-empowering ideas were likely the target all along in this psychological war.  

The Silver Lining

 The good news in all of this, whether you would like to dismantle a nation or not, is that people help each other when things get bad. Humans care about each other, no matter what those scheduled programs said, and disasters always bring out the real 'human nature', the goodness that we are made of in the first place. The controlled demolition of a nation that we are witnessing now suggests that we don't like ourselves, but if disaster were to strike, we always remember that we do really love each other, when it comes down to it. 

It's easy to get caught up in the latest doom, and to believe the dystopian programming, and to even begin to believe that humanity is incapable of doing good without guidance and control, but when we see people helping each other in real-life situations, where care is needed, then we are watching the incredible potential of us. We can see what we would be doing if the world fell apart, or if the world were weeping, how we too would be weeping, and of course the imaginary lines that we are trained to respect and observe don't exist in real life, where all of us humans live. 

If humanity is ever in real peril, it could be predicted that humans will invade the planet instantly, beaming in by the thousands. We might recognize them as strangers, or we may recognize that it is actually us, and we were here all along, ready to help save the world.   


thanks for reading, I'd like to thank Freeman Fly for explaining and compiling many of these social engineering concepts, and in such a way that I can share the information that he offers. Be sure to check out his site, FreemanTV.com, it includes a recent podcast of his-- the inspiration for much of the above writing-- where he covers the mechanics of these topics, plus some analysis of the US 2016 election and how it fits into the program, and much more. Iv'e been listening to his shows for a few years, and very few podcast hosts can keep my attention for that long.


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follow me @ @therealpaul 


House of Cards.

When any construction gets too big for the strength of it's components...
for further reading see MonkeySphere and Rat Utopia

Those cards need to be persuaded to come down freely, like it was their own idea, so that nobody gets hurt!

What can not continue WILL not continue.
If you overload a structure it will break.
If you overload a communications system it will crash.
The federal government is SO large that no one actually knows HOW large it is. The right hand has no clue as to what the left hand is doing.
On the gripping hand...there are so many laws,
so many of them are contradictory.
That everyone commits three felonies by noon.
Prison is a growth industry.
The US has more prisoners than any other country in the world.
....I remember when this country was more free than it is.
I kinda liked it then.

I remember too, like it was yesterday.
I think the very idea of a centralized .gov has always been a cumbersome mess no matter how it was assembled, but it wasn't so obvious before the Internet came along to detail it for everybody.

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