Democrats and Republicans are just two shoes of the military-industrial complex for war profiteering. It's time to end the wars and bring the troops home! #peacethroughtrade

in #meme6 years ago

military industrial complex two shoes.jpg


It's time to end the wars and bring the troops home! #peacethroughtrade

You're gat damn right it is! I would like to
see Trump do this. Yet, I'm strategically &
begrudgingly tempering my expectations.

Could also be two wings of the same chicken and
Colonel Soros has taken a bite out of each one of'em!

That guy's leg's are skeevy
cc: @thepholosopher
The thing is, there is an agenda and the "Complex" even if removed is only part of the bigger oligarchy or the "Fascism" as defined by definite shill Jim Marrs, "the merger of state and corporate powers."

The funny thing is, Mussolini's Corporate Powers were bodies of stakeholders. The modern Jim Marrs non-Fascism Fascism is interlocking boards of directors from whom some work for the government at different times.

Now whether you get or believe what I'm saying, it is what is and we're screwed. Most everything is managed and we will be soon too... one way or another - highly managed. We're going to go into a Plutocratic Technocracy type of Globalist State at some point. There will be some type of religious thing to. RN, the Jews are looking to build a Temple where the Muzzie Temple are... Shoooo....

I bet you guys are in college or not long out ;)

One thing is certain, I'm not game for a mandatory religion.
Nor am I game to be managed, we'll see how far they will go.

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