(Video) Warren Buffett BAILS OUT Home Capital After BANK RUN! Retail MELTDOWN on Now!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

If there’s one thing that’s in shortage, it’s BAILOUT’s. The banking system is definitely in need of some more as we witness a slow and steady misallocation of capital occurring. Money is flowing from individual savers and taxpayers and finding it’s way into the hands of the elite. Countries and companies find themselves in turmoil, then the consolidation of wealth occurs.

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In This Episode:
If there’s one thing that’s in shortage, it’s BAILOUT’s. The banking system is definitely in need of some more as we witness a slow and steady misallocation of capital occurring. Money is flowing from individual savers and taxpayers and finding it’s way into the hands of the elite. Countries and companies find themselves in turmoil, then the consolidation of wealth occurs.

wealth money cash currency debt credit financial economy


if there's one thing that's in shortage it bailouts the banking system is definitely in need of some more as we win it's a slow and steady missile location of capital occurring money is flowing from individual savers and taxpayers and it's finding its way into the hands of the elite countries and companies find themselves in turmoil then the consolidation of wealth occurs you came here for the truth today we are going to look at two important topics one being warren buffett bailing out home capital and the other is the absolute bloodbath that is occurring in retail let's get into it first beginning with home capital a surprise injection of capital from the world's most famous investor appears to have marked a major turning points in the embattled mortgage lender home Capital Group so essentially what this was was what they call an alternative mortgage lender so if you're an individual who couldn't get debt through normal means this company would do that for you and that's sort of akin to what we experienced during the subprime crisis they were giving out loans to people who shouldn't have had them in the first place then a snowball effect occurred because the weakness the cracks began to appear and people started pulling their money out and then the stock started dropping and that makes people pull their money out even more and the stock drop even more so here they are Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway said it's going to acquire four hundred million dollars of the toronto-based company that gives it a 38% stake and the reason I mention this at a steep discount so they're also going to provide two billion line of credit okay the reason I mention this is because people follow Warren Buffett or any of these other individuals billionaires for what they do but they don't understand that a guy like Warren Buffett doesn't get the same deal that you and I do so maybe it wouldn't be a good idea invest in home capital if it wasn't at the price that Warren Buffett's getting it at that's the point I'm trying to make you have to understand the sweetheart deals are not for you and I and suddenly the valuations are very different the reason they use Warren Buffett is because he can be in his own realm the billionaire world the 0.1% or whatever you want to call them to be able to consolidate power the government doesn't want to own home Capital Group they want to have their friends and the people who ultimately are controlling the governments to own everything that's why the Emir of Qatar owns several islands in Greece you have corporations that own airports and streets and everything else it's a transfer of wealth to those number one that hold assets to begin with but those that have wealth you could take it away from the average individual citizen or from the nation transferred to the corporations to the billionaires to the elite and one of the things they mentioned here was the lender gets a much cheaper funds hard to read here but cheaper funding arrangement so they're trying to fix the problems of what was happening here filling the void and ultimately because Warren Buffett's behind it you know that they sat down with the government and with this corporation they had some meetings and they decided that this company would be allowed to last and that a little bit of money here and there and we'll give you an it at a better price it's a great thing for Warren Buffett that's for sure and if you remember not too long ago Warren Buffett bailed out Bank of America he gave five billion dollars to put into the one of the worst performing stocks but I'm sure there was a sit-down with those in the government that said we're not going to allow bank America to fail what we will do instead is ask you put five billion dollars in we're going to give you preferred pricing and then we will make sure that this company gets the bailouts that it needs should it desire it you know in future you investing into this company is going to reassure the market so investors can continue we're going to get our friend Jim Cramer to recommend the stock as well so don't worry about it everything will be fine and lo and behold Bank of America didn't need to be nationalized now this is also going on in Europe as well if you remember what I talked about recently look at this look at the link we're sorry we're unable to respond to your requests at this time I don't know I'm going to check this again at a later date I brought to you the spreadsheet that showed you the all the companies that the ECB has been has been bailing out I went back to the site again and this is the message I get we're sorry we're unable to respond it seems like maybe they didn't want to release that information so they were told to take it down but guess who made a copy that's right right here this is the copy of that spreadsheet the cspp holdings and you know I'm sure that this is somewhere else but the original link where of us from is now not working at the time of this recording so in this I can click on it it's there it is it's slow to load but regardless it's here and it's showing up slowly slowly these are the companies that are involved they're in alphabetical order based on country and the whole point is that the entire world all of the big corporations need to be bailed out they can do so by issuing bonds and then the government or the central bank buys the bonds I don't care what you call that that's a bailout because if you didn't buy those or government than buy those bonds would you I don't think so are you going to buy those century bonds that Argentina issued don't worry when you reach the year 2117 you can get your money back okay so that's that I have this here hopefully like the link will be in the description I don't know if it's going to work I have a copy here and I hope others downloaded it as well we'll see what happens now RBC Royal Bank of Canada cutting 450 jobs primarily from said offices in the Greater Toronto Area as it tries to revamp its business in light of shifting client experiences alright new technology it's talking about here new technology what exactly is this new technology well part of one of the things for those who don't know that what's happening here part of this is that RBC is entering into a new mode and what they've done is they've cut fees across the board and what they've suggested is that if you invest with us you're going to pay extremely small fees but there are a lot of mutual fund companies that fees are their bread and butter that's what they do but they can't compete with the big boys they can compete with RBC who may have much more assets under management so as a result what do they need to do well number one if you're going to get a lot of people and you're going to reduce your fees you need to cut from somewhere else because of course corporate profits always need to increase so what do you do well you fire a lot of people and then you introduce new technology and what exactly is that new technology well hang on to that thought show you in a moment first I want to show you more of the bloodbath that is occurring Sears Canada is seeking court protection memos creditors it plans to cut about 2,900 positions across Canada it's closing 59 locations and you know I'm sure they'll just close the whole store the whole company will shut down maybe you'll be bought out by other companies that are around retail I feel in many cases is dying we can see the trend moving online that's clear but I think a lot of companies are not able to really provide what people need people are searching for example you see a lot of people a trend anyway it's a small group people going away from the sort of big-box stores and they're trying to go towards the mom-and-pop shops I don't know if that's ultimately going to happen but we see companies like Amazon coming up and destroying everybody in its path there's a lot of different reasons why this is happening but I just see a lot of the companies we've been used to over let's say the past few decades they will not be around that's just the way it is and there's many things happening like I said you have the big boys like Amazon coming out and destroying a lot of these other companies but at the same time you have a lot of people saying you know what I don't want to take part in any of this I'm going to grow my own food I'm going to shop at the mom-and-pop shops so this is like this chasm which is formed Michael Kors closing up to 125 stores as sales plummet this is what would be considered sort of a luxury type brand or their thing and upscale bread they expanded too far I don't know why they did this but this is the way it is and now they have to bring that back ultimately what I'm getting to is that a people lose their jobs there's people who were employed they're not employed today so the reason they have encountered this simply sales are not keeping up bed bloodbath and beyond this is q1 estimates store closings are likely here another retailer yet again and this here being Robo advisors now Robo advisors are an interesting concept when you go to and I've done this myself many years ago when I was 14 years old I had a at that time it was a big sum of money for me it was I think it was about $800 and I invested in a mutual fund based on the recommendation from another than my parents but at that time I thought it was just had so much money put it in the in the bank and they put it in a I think it was called the dividend fund and so invested in banks mostly so here they are providing myself with hopefully down the road income and you know just to give you a little tidbit I ended up selling that for gold at a later date what we have here is a typical conversation with the financial advisor you tell them your risks you tell him how long you want to keep that in for and here we go they recommend something for you what has been disclosed in more recent past is that we see that the recommendations don't really have anything to do with your risk assessment and everything else it's ultimately incentive based doesn't matter now what they'll have is robo-advisor so you just go on the internet you go to the site you click a few buttons and they make a recommendation it's really no different in a way the only difference is it loses that individual so you no longer need to go to the bank to speak to the customer service representative who will make an appointment for you to see a financial adviser then you go to the financial adviser there he is no you don't need to do any of that you just go to the website which is they pay a technology person setting up that website and that's it it's just one-time thing you don't have to do anything to it after that other than maintenance or what have you but that becomes your new adviser a lot of jobs will be lost I don't think that there's even a need for this we shouldn't be investing in these to begin with but this is the way it is and last but not least McDonald's new bank ATM requires zero human interaction so where do you get your fast food well if you're part of the new trend you're going to get it from an ATM vending machine essentially that an individual will supply with food as you tap on these big screens and you outcomes your food there it is the new evolution less human interaction more robotics more automation and ultimately what I see coming is the possible scenario for a guaranteed universal basic income that would be just enough to keep you under the poverty line so that you become subservient to those above if you found this video informative then please support me by giving a thumbs up and if you found the video informative then you'll find my books the money GPS and my new release global economic collapse even more informative the first book is more about the four asset classes and how to profit from it it's also longer more detailed the new book touches on those familiar subjects but I get into something that I didn't in the first book and that is how to become self-sufficient reducing your monthly expenses in what I call the money GPS strategy so they're both different in their own ways is not really a continuation so check those out at Amazon they have a look inside feature you can flip through them and also want to note that what I have been doing is YouTube has a feature where it creates the transcripts of this video I take that and I'm downloading it and then putting that into a big text block and no editing or whatever it's just one big sentence essentially taking that and I fortunately I can't put that on YouTube because they will definitely ban me what I'm doing is I'm putting that on the steam it's post so every time I post a YouTube I'm also posting the exact same thing on steam it and for those who don't know steam is like a social media and other social media and from there in the description of that you'll see the transcript and the reason I mentioned this is because it's great to bring people in when you're searching online or whatever it better for that but also for individuals who have hearing impairments or any sort of issue with hearing and maybe they want to read instead maybe they're not really interested in hear my voice so they can instead read the transcript so it's actually it's fairly accurate so you can see that there if you're interested want in steam it at all then definitely I check the links in the description that's all take care



He is so connected to the government

The elite always do anything to gain power and take over

The 'Elite' ARE always doing something to maintain their power & consolidate more control over the people. The have their Agendas, they publish them & we still don't wake up. Just look up 'Agenda 2030'. They have already implemented the first stages which were called 'Agenda 21'.
That is the blueprint for our Orwellian future.

I think I will issue a bond so Warren can bail me out.

Devalue companies so that they can be bought at a discount to ensure substantial profits in the future.

Hi, great article again. I think this one percenters people they are delaying the funeral of the dead corps so they can blame it to the new administration (US), and don't get blame for it.

I'm so glad @themoneygps is on Steemit. Always interesting, informative and quality content.

Thank you! Much appreciated.

Warren Buffet... the same guy that got a bailout in 2008? From the tax payers money? Sounds like he's preparing is future bailout. With again, my fucking money that I fucking work hard to get. I'm tired of this crap. Work hard for others, pass go, collect 65% of your paycheck, pay 15% tax everywhere (not mentioning gas and cigarettes that are tax a 80%, then try to make it till the next go. Fuck this system

You're lucky, you live in Ontario, here in Quebec the government likes so much the the poors, that they're making thousands of them every months. We're in a socialism-communism regime and in 10 years, we will be all poor (except a few minority). But I've talked to a few millenials in the pasts weeks, those who are awake don't like what is happening here. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, because the last 15 years here had been a one way ticket to the abyss. Keep it up David, I like your work! Have a nice Canada day next week!

Nikky xx

I'm Sharing this - oops
I'm resteeming this! LOL 😃

I've only been with steemit for a week...

David, ive been following you for about a month now, really informative content you are making, im planning to grab both of your books and gain some knowledge on the upcomming collapse, i wanted to ask you if you could express hour thoughts on the tho italian banks that went under on friday afternoon, i havent checked thourgh that spreadsheet you had up, if the two banks are ob that spreadsheet could this really be the actual start of banks dominoing one after the other?

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