(Video) If Fed Does THIS, The Stock Market Will COLLAPSE GUARANTEED!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

The Fed has provided the stock market with its much needed assistance. It has been living off of the nourishment of the ever-expanding balance sheet. If this changes, we will have a MAJOR COLLAPSE of the stock market. Just look at these upcoming indicators and witness the future. There’s no other way around it.

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In This Episode:
The Fed has provided the stock market with its much needed assistance. It has been living off of the nourishment of the ever-expanding balance sheet. If this changes, we will have a MAJOR COLLAPSE of the stock market. Just look at these upcoming indicators and witness the future. There’s no other way around it.

US dollar fed federal reserve balance sheet interest rates economy financial

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the Fed has provided the stock market with its much-needed assistance it's been living off of the nourishment of the ever-expanding balance sheet if this changes we will have a major collapse of the stock market just look at these upcoming indicators and witness the future there's no other way around it you came here for the truth so let me unveil that for you today we're going to look at this issue I want to connect it in with a few others let's begin with this the US Treasury yield now this here is often seen as one of the leading indicators for a recession the US Treasury yield curve slumps for the sixth straight week as the longest since March 2016 and is lowest weekly closed since none other than 2007 we are definitely in to the financial crisis part two and you'll see that right here being the same level back 10 years ago essentially this shouldn't surprise anybody but here we are now what I would say is that one indicator is not enough to signal a slump that's not the way it works a lot of people accuse me of cherry-picking particular indicators to show that there is a collapse I have covered both on this channel and in my books literally hundreds of different indicators that support my thesis but the stock market itself is rising why is that well we've covered that before and I'll get into that here in the next chart let me show you here the g3 central bank balance sheet it has been directly correlated not just with the Nasdaq but with stocks in general particularly though with these so-called Fang stocks and even more in particular with Amazon and you'll see the direction is pretty obvious it's been moving up there's been some slight variances along the way but here it is now should that change should the Fed decide to pull back we are going to have a major collapse and it will be in direct proportion to the amount they pull back on because if it's directly linked now on the way down it's going to be the same situation so you can expect that the stock market will head downward now if the Fed pulls back but the Bank of Japan and Chinese central bank Japanese and so on increase their money printing well then it could push the stock market back up so we could see that but it looks like central banks are claiming any way that they're going to pull back on the balance sheet a lot of people would say but they know that would crash the economy therefore they're not going to do that and so we will have perpetual growth even if is inflated dollars it doesn't matter well I get that you definitely don't want to keep too much cash in an environment like this because we have this inflation that's taking place and it is causing the inflation to take place within equities that is very clear then you have to address the situation why would they pull back I believe if they're going to do this that they are doing so intentionally to crash the market so that they can come in and pick up assets whether it's equities or anything else that takes a hit for pennies on the dollar look at what they did at the fire sale in Greece for example buying up everything for essentially nothing and I've covered that here countless times and that could be the result of this I don't know I don't know what's going to happen but there is a direct correlation it is very clear it is something you cannot argue with the central bank balance sheets and the stock market are directly linked and there it is the g3 central bank balance sheet and what they are noting I think it's too early to note this but they're noting this decline and they're suggesting that this is a very significant decline going back quite a while here for me it's a little too early to say that but it's something to note I mean we had this previously or you could see like in this area here for example severe decline I don't know I don't know what's going to happen but if they're words that they've continued to lie to us about if they go ahead and actually do it and they pull back on the balance tree to a degree that's actually significant then they will crash the stock market u.s. services PMI look at the different indicators look at the hard data I mean it just fell off a cliff I think there was a little bit of hype to begin with coming in word where you saw Trump coming in and there was some talk about expanding jobs and everything else on it and I don't necessarily believe that's not true I just think that the general way is going automation robots offshoring jobs I still think that that's the general way that things will happen but where it goes how long takes and things that change along the way we'll have to see but ultimately the trend is still going to continue this year I thought was pretty interesting one of the worst things in fact about financial so-called assets is the bond because you buy a bonds from a government or from a corporation I think of course government bonds are much worse than corporate bonds is that you trust you put your trust into that country or corporation so you ultimately let's say you buy a 10-year bond you hope that that will eventually ten years down the road we'll pay you back that's the whole premise however we're talking about century bonds if you can believe it or not accession I mean I laugh I can't even I'm holding back my laughter right now to try and do this properly look at this China 2096 maturity what are some other ones a 2117 you can buy an Argentine government bond that will mature in 2117 who in the right mind what kind of person would buy this and not only that but they've done so well at selling these that's what's so crazy it's not as if you know somebody's selling some garbage nobody wants somehow those in the financial industry ate these up that's I mean to me that's crazy because you know they're worthless along the way Argentina will go bankrupt several times if history is any guide so are you going to go ahead and bail them out are you going to get paid out at the end of 2117 or you're going to lose most of it along the way I mean it's crazy nobody's going to hold these to maturity but why even have it I mean it doesn't make any sense it's so silly the way that they do finance and it is something that I've really tried to stress along the way these are useless assets that are only there to show face for a system that is dead rotting and decaying this is the chart you've seen before but I love it I wanted to show you here purchasing power of US dollar indexed and you could see over time it has been crushed when you think about something how much it costs think of it in real terms what did this cost for your parents what did it cost for your grandparents and it seems to me that as I use the example of my book a loaf of bread a hundred years ago is still a loaf of bread probably today has a lot more chemicals in it but you get the picture it's a loaf of bread there's there's not much to it there's not technology in it there or anything else or not supposed to be yet that loaf of bread might have cost a nickel 100 years ago now today it's three dollars well what happened along the way well the dollar has been devalued you may not see it but they do so through these means that are secrets to the average person they don't get but because of central banking we have an escalation in this construction of the currency that's why it's like this that's why we can't rely on a currency to begin with we don't know what's going to happen that's why we have to hold real assets that is the solution it's not foolproof in any way but trying to have our faith in a central bank which is designed specifically to destroy us no thanks UK CPI year over year ever since the brexit and technically even before that we can see the trend increasing year over year and a lot of people have denied us a lot of people that have stated that they haven't seen this in the UK and then there are others which say yes absolutely we have seen this I'd like to know your insight on this for those who are there I have seen you know things like crop shortages and everything else caused a big problem but we have also seen the other issues political issues and everything else that have caused a big problem so I'd like to know those on the ground what you are experiencing that's all for this video if you found it informative please give me a thumbs up last but not least if you found this dead and if I know you'll find my books the money GPS and my new release global economic collapse even more informative so the first book is basically about the four asset classes and how to profit from that talking about precious metals and talk about basically everything and then the new book covers on those familiar topics but then I get into what I call the money GPS strategy so I basically help people to reduce their expenses their monthly expenses and get a hold on earning some income today that's also be into becoming self-sufficient and getting away from the monetary system altogether so if you found this video informative then I definitely would ask that you check out these books you can flip through them go over to Amazon they have a look inside feature it's going to allow you to do that I just repeated myself but that's the way it is if you want to take a look I'm doing something a little different here I found a way to take the actual transcription of my videos which by the way in YouTube there's a feature for those who are hearing impaired or maybe you like to read the text regardless there's a way to hit the CC button and that will actually bring up my words it's pretty accurate it's not exactly accurate but what I'm going to do is I'm going to download that transcription and then I'm going to put that unfortunately I can't put it on YouTube they won't let me my videos will be banned because of the words I say but I'll put it on steam it because they're not going to bat me there so if you want the transcription for any reason like I said hearing impaired or anything else you can always download it there so I don't know how long it takes for the transcription to appear if it's instantly or whatever I'm going to try this and I think that it would be good for attracting people into the videos more because when you do searches online everything you'll be able to find it but also for individuals who you know have some issues so I hope you appreciate that very much and if you're also interested in that let me know I'd like to hear that take care



Thanks, can't wait for the collapse

I have a hard time looking at the hard data chart anymore. Everything just goes against all common sense, but yet there are still smart people who believe the market will go up. My brother just told me two days ago he was looking at buying a second home and putting more into the stock market. I told him he was insane, but he said housing was going up and unemployment was going down. I think he got it after another twenty minutes of reviewing all the hard data, but 90%+ of all investors are probably thinking the same way because they go home and hear the soundbites from CNBC and the other MSM finance shows.

oh, and yes it will collapse in a big way. The irony is that the stock market may rise further short term if the economic data worsens and wall street thinks they will not raise rates. More free money to pile into the system. Nothing surprises me anymore. I'm short across stocks, the dollar and real estate myself right now. I went from long to short over the last two few weeks. Better to be six month early than a day late.

Great info. I believe the stock market CAN rise. If they print more money and lower rates, it can happen. But it seems the trend is reversing and this could be it. We know as a FACT that the market can't stand on its own two feet.

I'm still not sure if it will be a buy when the blood is in the streets thing or a hunker down and barter for food thing.

We'll have to see what direction this takes.

I'm asking you: If the Fed pulls back on the balance sheet, will the stock market COLLAPSE?

Another crash is imminent and it ultimately hurts the middle class but its not the end of the world. If Trump actually lets big companies fail his presidency may ultimately be good for people in the long run.

I hope they would let big companies fail but if history is any guide, that won't happen unless they want it to consolidate power.

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