The CHAOS is Spreading Around the World and It's Coming to Your Doorstep!

in #money7 years ago

The chaos that we have seen from the Middle East and North Africa has spread around the world. It isn't just the Arab spring. We have watched cities erupt into destruction. From Athens to London, we have seen the madness brew. How long until it reaches your doorstep?





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In This Episode:
The chaos that we have seen from the Middle East and North Africa has spread around the world. It isn't just the Arab spring. We have watched cities erupt into destruction. From Athens to London, we have seen the madness brew. How long until it reaches your doorstep?

Unemployment,Government,Hyperinflation,Economy,Crisis,collapse,global,economic,america,US,debt,crash,financial,Deflation,inflation,GDP,recession,central bank,unemployment rate,venezuela,caracas,oil,crude oil,civil unrest,trump,US dollar



Interesting that you bring up the outdoor office. Yes it does seem strange. Very possible it was staged, so many fake news and lies in the media. Like the fake beheadings, fake bombs

Is the world in a state of turmoil? Or are things relatively calm?

What do you think?

That's a very good question. Although, two things are crystal clear at this point in time:

  1. The power elites are quite adept at using the media to report on politics, religion, and racism to "divide & conquer" their "subjects."
  2. People are generally dumb enough, in large enough numbers, to continue to be influenced by these B.S. ideas, which does not bode well for a future full of peace and utopia.

I see that many black muslim immigrants have been moved into my own small, rural town - which seems incredibly odd to me. Eastern Oregon & Idaho are well-known for having a past of "white supremacy" groups in the area. So... why on earth would these kinds of immigrants be wanting to come to this area of the USA? - unless they are being directed here by someone who has an interest in sending them in to promote even more chaos. But, isn't that the way of it? Create chaos & disorder - then step in with the "solution" to all of our problems, so they can remain in control of the outcome.

It seems like this has happened before, but people don't have time for any real learning & free-thinking; they're too busy "working for the man" and paying off their debts. Unless people, en masse, finally realize that we can create our own, debt-free monetary systems, and completely leave behind the globalist banksters influences, we are doomed to repeat history again. It sounds like more turmoil ahead, to me.

This is hectic stuff. Don't really know what to say..

I will support you. I gave you a follow :) Talk soon.

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