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RE: X marks the spot...

Alright, switch flip. I guess it's good that I have coins here that I had been searching through. If it happens tomorrow, I'll be set. Booyah! (Is that still a thing that people say? Ha ha) I wouldn't mind having a huge increase in the amount of money I had just because I kept a bunch of coins.

Like when you find a quarter in your couch... it would instead be like $25. That would be cool!

Here's another question for you: If you go to the grocery store and want to get a pack of gum, if it's only $0.50 or whatever, are they going to force you to get a second one so it's at least $1.00 (a physical penny)? How will change be given for these smaller amount since we don't have anything smaller than a penny?


If all you have is Physical Coinage, you can get 2 for a Penny or you'll be able to use a Debit Card, a Credit Card, or you can use your U.S. Crypto-Coinage, which will be denominated in Dollars and Cents... Debit, Credit or U.S. Crypto will have fractions of a Cent, so you can buy the gum with a half Crypto Cent... Much like here in the Steemit World... .500 in U.S. Crypto-Coinage... Most people these days, don't use Cash, so it will be easy for them to continue using what they use now, with the added option of U.S. Crypto-Coinage... Our Country will be so much better off, if we give the Central Bank Owners the Boot and start using our own Money...

Ahh, so they're going to do the crypto coins at the same time, so you'll be able to use the fractions. I wonder if they would go back and mint 1/2 pennies and such?

They won't go back to using half pennies again... There's really no need for that any longer... By the way, I'm constantly editing my comments, so take another look at everything... P.S... Physical U.S. Coinage is about to become very Rare... Think 100 Fold increase in Purchasing Power...

They won't go back to using half pennies again... There's really no need for that any longer...

So you think that the use of physical US coinage is just a temporary stepping stone until they can get everyone switched over to using crypto?

Just my preference, but if there's a clarification you are making, it's easier for me to see when you reply to the comment. Then I get a notification of a reply. Otherwise, it might get missed.

Physical Coinage will continue, but very hard to get your hands on... Physical U.S. Coinage and U.S. Trade Dollars, will be Cash, and all the rest will be "same as cash"... I prefer having something on hand that will Circulate without the use of Batteries...

I prefer having something on hand that will circulate without the use of Batteries...

I'm with you there. I almost missed a flight once when I tried to pull up my boarding pass at the gate and the reception there was terrible. The wi-fi wasn't working, so I had to run to the counter and cut in front of everyone so I could get my pass. I made it with only a few minutes to spare. Now, I get that pass printed. Can't beat it.

We sure don't want anyone having total power over our Medium of Exchange...
I love having Choices...

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