
ahh a control freak huh! lol!

I think there are a lot of people in this world who could do with a lot more self-control. Cutting out some alcohol would be a good start for them.

hhaaaha..but Blondie whiskey is a big part of the Cowboy Code! if you cut that out it's not the same. you'd have to rewrite the Code. lol.
apparently that was the thing to do back then and you had no choice if you were to be accepted. I'd have to pay the bartender to pour me those teas or colored water drinks like he did for the dance hall girls, then I could drink up a storm!

I'm with you there on the tea. I really enjoy a nice cup of tea. I wouldn't want to waste all my money though. I like saving. Maybe I would buy the tavern and sell the whiskey.

there you go Blondie, buy the joint and demand payment in SILVER!

You know it, boss! And I'm going to buy the silver shop too, so I get a markup there as well. ;)

well I wouldn't get too greedy there Blondie, there has to be a line somewhere. a limit somewhere.

Roger that.

... and after that, I'm going to buy the bank. I'll run for sheriff. Then I'll buy the train station too. I think I'm well on my way to becoming a supervillain in a Western movie. Crap. That means that I'll have to fight me... and possibly kill me. Because I don't like villains. Hmmm.

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