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RE: Comedy Open Mic Round #22 (A Cry For Help)

I think you tend to have a drier sense of humor. That's how most of mine comes off too. Rather dry and sort of morbid. Ha ha. Self-deprecation is also in my wheelhouse. Thanks for getting most of my jokes. If you don't get it, it's probably because it's from some stupid tv show. In which case, Lynn gets it. :D


I get it from my Dad, and probably his father, too, come to think of it. With my dad, you have to be listening to him, and know what he's like, otherwise it might sale right over your head. Although it is fun to watch people thinking about what he said and then laugh a few minutes later. :)

I think it comes from a bygone era, really. Now, we don't have a lot of subtleties in our humor. It's becoming a lost art. It's like slapstick took over, only with words. You always have to beat the audience members over the head with every over the top topic, words, visuals or sounds that you can come up with.

I didn't feel inspired today, post -wise, and now the day is basically over. I did manage to get a post out, though, a little late, though. We'll see what the morrow brings.

There really isn't much subtlety in our humor. It's all fart jokes and such.

I hope you're able to feel more inspired tomorrow. But if you're not, that's ok too. Enjoy yourself here. That's one of the best ways to long-term success. Otherwise, you'll just burn out.

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