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RE: I Got Flagged Three Times Yesterday. Did You?

Do you see a crypto dollar happening, though?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes, absolutely.

Expanded answer: Yes, the government already controls the money supply (well, the Fed does, but that's another story), but they wouldn't mind having even more control. If the currency is entirely digital, and if it can be tracked completely, then they can know where every dollar is going, and if you make a transaction, or earn money from something, they could tax you on it right away. They could even take it from your wallet without your permission. A government crypto currency would be the antithesis of decentralized. It would be more centralized than we've ever seen. Yes, governments want crypto currency, and the USA will introduce one.

Note: Just my opinion. Do your own research.

Regarding businesses and crypto:

The point is that businesses need to know how much money they'll be getting. Most can't just be accepting less money than the sale price. It's not good business. Most companies would have a difficult time absorbing a 14% drop in their revenue on sales. It might be ok one time, but if it happens repeatedly, it can be difficult to survive. Certain industries have less wiggle room than others.

Back to Costco: I believe they operate on something as low as a 14% margin. I could be wrong, but at one point I believe it was that low. Granted, they make most of their profit from selling the memberships, but if a company isn't selling memberships, they need that margin to stay whole. (unless they're liquidating something to free up space for merchandise that's moving).

Am I on track here at all?


Okay, just looked up their gross profit margin and Costco is consistently operating below 14% and up until May of this year, was below 13% more than they were above. I thought I'd heard it was even smaller than that, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

The fact that they do sell memberships is why they can go with the smaller margins, yes, and it puts some downward pressure on the cost of items they sell, too, since there's all kinds that would love to be sold by Costco but can't because they can't afford to cut into their own profit margins.

Hey, you're the man when it comes to opinions and research. You've provided great reasons for why they might do it, too. It's almost like you've been sitting in on some meetings or something.

That's really sad, though, if/when they do it. Using a blockchain to basically ensure their total control and monitoring of your every move. I'm going to have to leave planet earth because there won't be anywhere else to escape from them in the world.

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