I Shot Myself in the Foot

in #steemit6 years ago


It seems like things on Steemit come in waves. A trend will get started and then everyone starts doing it. Sometimes they're things like "Color Challenges." Other times, they're things like those wallet advertisements that most of us hate. (Full disclosure, not everyone hates them, but I need more than 0.001 SBD to warrant an uninitiated interruption.)

The most recent trend I have seen is someone I don't know messaging me with an advertisement for their Discord group even though I've never talked to them before. I can't figure out which group most of the advertisers are coming from, but I've gotten a few in as many days.

Screenshot cut so as to protect the guilty party

In this case the individual was advocating me joining a group that would buy cheap cryptos as individuals. When the deadline was met, all the members of this discord group would pump the crypto in message boards and other channels. Then when they drove the price up, they would sell. Not my cup of tea.

I decided that I would not only block the individuals, but I would stop allowing people to DM me from some of the various groups I'm in. These groups can be quite large and it increases the potential for bad actors, such as the sender of this message, to find more targets.

In case you didn't know, you can right-click on any group and you'll see options.


If you click "Privacy Options" you see this message


If you don't want to allow Direct Messages from people in the server, just turn this switch off.

The Problem

Here's the issue. I forgot about one friend who I really like on here who messages me from a group... GINAbot.


I kept seeing this all afternoon and couldn't figured out why. Then I finally figured it out when I decided to check my GINAbot settings and this happened.


Ooops. Sorry, GINAbot! I promise I didn't cheat on you and I don't want to break up.

I changed my settings back and it looks like we picked up where we left off.


Ahhhh, such a lovely sight!

GINA and I are back together and things are good again.

Sorry if I missed your comments. I'll be working on them shortly.

If you like silver, Enter to win FREE SILVER courtesy of @britcoin!

Ono Small.png


Would be nice if Gina could be a friend then you can block all except friends ;) I want Gina to be my friend then when my girlfriend asks what I am doing I just I am reading messages from my friend Gina then giggle my ass off.

I want Gina to be my friend then when my girlfriend asks what I am doing I just I am reading messages from my friend Gina then giggle my ass off.

Ha ha ha, that's a great way to get in the doghouse! Still, it would be really funny. :D

haha! you and Gina are back together again..ha
love a happy ending.

It's happy, but it's not an ending. This is just the beginning. Now she's back to giving me notifications when you nice people comment on my stuff.

nothing like a dependable female to remind you of the important stuff.

She's not quite at the same level as my wife, but she's pretty good. :)

no sir the wives will never be replaced in that category!

@janton tagging Your wife here :D

haha..hey remember that movie that came out a couple years ago about the guy who fell in love with a computer? he wanted to marry it but I didn't see the movie so I don't know if he did.

I didn't hear of the movie, but I heard of a Chinese guy who cut his thumbs because He was too addicted to mobile phone and social media :D
That movie could be a same story, what if He married the computer? Will he download his kids? lol

And they lived happily ever after :0)

Ha ha, I think that's the case. I'd love for it to be so. Hopefully I still have a lot of life to live.

I don't know what will happen with the turtle. I'm already thinking of a sequel.

Lol the good old pump n dump groups. Some wild groups on the discord!

Yeah, not the sort of thing I want to get involved in. If they were stocks, I'm fairly certain that you can get in big trouble with the law for doing that sort of thing. Besides, it's just not right... in my opinion. I feel like that's just purposely deceiving people for your own profit and that's not something I would be comfortable with.

I completely agree with you. This should be punished by law. It is a scam.

Gina told me you had disappeared from her life, and she was heartbroken. I told her that it had to be a mistake, so I glad that here is proof in the pudding :)

Thanks for sticking up for me. You're a good friend. GINA can get a bit excitable at times, so thanks for calming her down. I'm sure you got lots of notifications about it.

Oooh, pudding! I want some now. Hmmm, maybe Greek yogurt instead. I can add honey and/or strawberries.

Oh yeah, I had to really talk her down, but in the end, she was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Such a good girlfriend!

hmmm, I just bought some fresh yogurt today! It's so hot here, that I don't feel like eating, but that sounds delicious 😅

Thanks for talking her down. We're just friends though. I would stop talking with GINA in a heartbeat if I thought it would hurt my wife in any way. I'm super protect of my wife... which is why it's not good to play board games with her and other people, because I don't like her getting attacked, even in games.

I must have been hungry tonight because not only did I have dinner, I had cheese and crackers, and cereal, and yogurt with strawberries. I don't know what it was, but I was super hungry. At least I'm full now! Thanks, God for food! Ha ha

Any time that GINA needs a good talking to, I'm your gal !!

haha sounds like you cleaned the place out there! Some nights are just like that; not quite finished eating one thing and your wondering what you'll find next 😅

You're a good friend. :)

Yep, time to head back to the grocery store and get more food. I've already cleaned out most of the ripe stuff in the garden.

There is nothing better than fresh fruit and veggies from the garden. Something you grow yourself always seems to taste so much better than store bought, doesn't it?

Yep, and I know what went into the soil that it's growing in. And I know what got sprayed on it. I normally wash them because of dust and whatever comes down from the stuff that gets sprayed in the sky. But they're delicious!

I flooded GINAbot with mentions and replies, so no biggie, it should only take a day or two to catch up. :)

I'm surprised I haven't had something like that happen to me. Instead, I keep getting dings without notifications. I do have some other groups I'm a part of and I've muted the notification sound on everyone of them but GINAbot, but I still get these random dings without any message or notification showing up. It's like they're catching up to messages that have already come in or something, like a badly synced 1970s Kung Fu movie.

Five messages appear from GINAbot.

Three minutes later...


Except, I'm pretty sure they ding when they come in, so I have no idea what any of that is all about.

Thanks for the help. I'll be bogged down with replies, but I'll be adding some comments and CL to my score, so it's all good.


You should probably also "suppress "everyone" and "here" in your discord groups. That's probably what's going off. On some of the random groups that I'm in, I did that. That will help with it. You won't get those notifications though so if there's an important announcement, you might miss it.


Okay, now I've got "The Most Annoying Thing in The World" song in my head. Or maybe it's called "Crazy Frog." Totally CGI animation with a frog on a floating invisible motorcycle in the future. Remember that?

You're welcome. :)

haha! I like that crazy frog and song, kinda woke me up!
thanks Glen!

Crazy Frog - it's better than coffee at "waking you up!"

ahhahaha! yes sir! I like that crazy guy! never seen or heard nothin like it.
it sounds like it could indeed by manwithnoname's theme song to get pumped up to go silver hunting!

Almost correct. This is my actual pump-up jam!!!

lol! I love that song. here it is again, have you seen this with the trucks backing up? unreal.

You should probably be going to sleep at the time you wrote this, not waking up to it. :) As for me, I wouldn't want to wake up to it at all. :) It's amusing the first time or two, but after that, it lives up to it's name—annoying. :)

hahaha~! yeah I can see how that would get old fast.

Ha ha! I don't remember that one. Sorry I did something that got that stuck in your head though. I could see how that would be annoying.

And yes, thank you so much! ;)

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