Dems Doubling Down? HRC Ponders Role In Mid-Terms

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Unbelievable that this woman still does not get that the American people- including PLENTY of Democrats- not only reject her but actually strongly dislike her.

If the Democrats insist on doubling down on their HAS BEEN rejected 'leadership' such as Pelosi and Clinton they willl ONCE again get their keesters handed to them in the mid terms. I'm sure that there are fresh faces in the Democratic party that could emerge as the new party leadership with new ides if these has been retreads would step aside and admit that there time has come and gone.

In a truly Democratic process, unlike the past Dem Presidential primaries- the party's electorate gets to decide who will lead their party- not with the DNC though- they are sure they know what's best for their party members even if their parties members don't agree. In essence the everyday Dem has ZERO say in who will rise up through the ranks because the old guard like Clinton and Pelosi are so entrenched,arrogant, and delusional that I don't think they can even see how clear it is to the rest of us that they need to step aside and fade away into the sunset. Nope, their hubris forbids them from seeing reality and doing what's best for their party as opposed to what's best for them.

I'm amazed that higher ups in the Democratic party haven't gotten together to tell HRC to just shut the hell up and go away- she had her chance- the election was hers to lose and she found a way to do it. Now a woman that was lucky to attract 300 people to her campaign rallies thinks she can actually have a positive impact on mid term Dem candidates campaigns? If I were a Dem candidate I would call her office and ask them to stay as far away as possible and not even mention my name. But alas that means that HRC then makes a phone call to the financiers and there goes any money that would have gone to that candidate via the DNC.

If you are a political donor and you don't like the way in which the DNC rigged the last Presidential primaries then perhaps you shouldn't donate to the DNC again and instead target individual candidates that you think will be able to restore the party.

Mark my words- if the Dems decide to double down on this very much disliked loser they won't recover from that mistake for at least the another decade.

NEWSFLASH to the DNC and all mid term Dem candidates- America has CLEARLY rejected HRC- it's time to bury that old mistake and move forward or the party as a whole will find itself in that hole with HRC at her all you can eat worm buffet- YOU decide.


Never have I seen anyone so bent on the total destruction of their own party. It makes me question why she would do this. Is she retarded? psychotic? It sure looks like a deliberate plan to smash the left. The harder she works, the more people there are that abandon her cause.

Why haven't the global elite realized yet that Hillary is a total liability? Maybe she's higher up on the chain than most of us thought. Why else would they let her get away with this?

Hillary... The kiss of death! If I were running, I'd stay as far away as possible!!!

The only thing HRC should be contemplating is what she did to be put in prison - and, maybe, what variety of mystery-meat they're having for dinner.

thanks for news

Unfortunately I can not make a donation, but I totally agree with it. I'll follow you because you're a smart person.

Trust me the last thing I'd like to see is you donating to either major parties or their candidates- start your own party- run as an independent- ANYTHING is better than the two corrupted major parties that are in reality ONE IN THE SAME.

Good news! Thanks for sharing

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