Another HUGE Child Porn/Pedo Bust Today- July 6- Way To Go Germany!

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

Looks as if these scumbags were using their darknet website not only to deal in child pornography but also trafficking children for sexual exploitation- including BABIES.

I'm not a huge fan of the death penalty however in a case like this I think it would be warranted for the site owner and admins- when you consider all the paon and death they have brought to innocent children it would be an appropriate punishment.

I'm very happy at what's going down- the Alliance is indeed taking out the global pedo network- it seems we can't go more than a week or two without a new major bust going down.

So excited for what's to come- think of all the children be saved from suffering rape, torture, and murder.

The fact that kids lives are being saved is of the utmost importance to me but I have said for a LONG time that the first domino to fall in the liberation of humanity will be the dismantling and arrest of these scumbags- It's happening now and what comes after all of this plays out is going to BLOW YOUR MIND in a very good way!

So HAPPY I could pee my pants!


I want to see arrests of high level politicians. That is the problem that affects a whole country through compromised politicians. Nothing will change in the big picture otherwise.

The biggest problem with prosecuting cases like this is that the truly sick entities (who are often in secret societies) try to use such arrests to get rid of their enemies and opponents - which means that some of those arrested may be totally innocent.

Yes, I had a criminal law class taught by a district attorney, and this topic was discussed. He was explaining a case where child images were found on a guy's computer. I raised my hand in class and asked, "How do you know he put them there?" His quick answer was, "Oh, we looked at the computer logs." Uhm, computer logs can be altered. That's not good enough. I suspect some people are having this used to ruin them. There are a lot of real child predators though, and they need to be destroyed.

Computer logs are almost meaningless in this context - as someone who knows very well that many 'district attorneys' (and other characters in middle levels of the artificial hierarchies) are bought and paid for, I immediately question his/her integrity. The answer sounds like hand waving designed to silence a difficult question and nothing more.

Yep, he wasn't happy with me asking it. The class was for a prerequisite for a masters in Digital Forensics, and the whole purpose of the masters is to create experts to testify in court on behalf of the government.

They don't want free thinking good investigators in other words. They want people who'll do as their told and not question the evidence.

I have adequate evidence from many different sources that clearly show the long term activity of secret societies in such roles - at least there are some of us around who are awake enough to notice!

I've never been a fan of such organizations. The truth does not need to be kept a secret, so therefore they are not protecting it (something Masons will suggest).

i followed you btw :)

Well I think they are ALL on there way down but yes the overlords use the pedophilia as a means of control.

That's actually one of the main reasons I'm not really anti-pedo, as I believe the hysteria against it causes far more abuse to happen, from making parents spooked and keeping their kids inside in front of a television or ipad, to the government simply silencing any opposition by planting some child porn on their computer or on a usb in their home.
Nobody is safe till that changes or the government is burnt to the ground.

So many users... appalling.

That's tiny, there was a site last year that was taken down with like a million active users (weekly I believe).

I hope they keep tracking down more of these sick and terrible people, squash all of these places.

It seems the world is full of such predators. I'm a private investigator and hope to help with cases such as these. I'm learning how to work missing persons cases for example. Anyone can do it. You don't need to be a LEO.

Huh, I wonder how I haven't heard of this before, just asked and apparently Elysium was shut down awhile ago and it was only open for a short while.

Anyhow, as typical #pizzagate people and the #BiasedMedia lie about the story.
Of course the crazies in the comments say they bet it's a muslim thing, a priest thing, a whatever thing.
Goddamn they've lost their mind.

A child porn site isn't a ring. It's a forum.
Nobody trades or shares children. Nobody sells things. Nobody knows each other. People just gather on their and link to child-porn videos to allow others to download them for free.
That's it.
That's not a fucking ring. It's not organized. There's no product being sold or organized. There's nothing of the like. By definition it is not a ring.

It's kinda cute how they act like 87,000 is a lot when late last year there was one that included about a million if I remember correctly.
They also act like it's major, when apparently it was just a tiny one that wasn't even around for long, while there's still a couple behemoth sites that have been online for well over a year or two and are probably another 1million+ users.
I guess everyone but me has to toot their horn over a tiny victory like this, when really it means nothing other than a few dumbasses getting arrested and a few administrators. It'd be nice if they found some of the kids from it, but knowing how they catch such people, they won't, and that's the only thing I'd consider a win.
These sites will never go away.

Naah.. I do think this was Psyop
there No super Anti Paedo Cops.. to takedown a Elite Pedophile Ring at G20 Hamburg

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