Going Around in Circles with Your Career

in #career7 years ago

With life, there may very well be times where you feel as if you are just going around in circles. When this happens, it can easily drive you to absolute distraction to such an extent that you become overwhelmed and are unable to make any kind of progress.

There are a number of reasons as to why this is the case, and clearly, the reason is going to determine the way in which you can rectify the situation in the shortest time possible.

For example, let's say you are at a point where you hate your current job. You want to change, but you are getting nowhere. When you stop and think, you come to the realization that you have various jobs you would like to do but then you never narrow the options down to something that is easier to manage.

The problem here is that you are shooting in the wind. You are just throwing ideas out there without putting too much thought into them.

What exactly is it that is drawing you towards something? What do you like about it? What is the appeal?

These kinds of questions should immediately come to mind when you are concerned about your career in any way. Going about it like a bull in a china shop is hardly likely to result in you being able to make the correct decisions.

To ultimately resolve this issue, you need to be able to look deep within your own self. This is the time where you need to get honest or you will never make the progress in life that you were hoping for.

I always recommend several actions whenever an individual comes to me seeking advice on this very issue. First, I simply get them to write down things that they enjoy doing. After all, if you can end up being paid to do something that you already like, then suddenly working does not feel so tough. I also ask them to place them in order of preference. This can often be difficult, and even though it doesn't have to be precise, it does provide them with a better understanding of the direction that they may very well head in with their career.

Next, I get them to do some research on the kind of careers that are available that will include those enjoyable things as a main part. Hopefully, an individual will then have an extensive list to work on just by doing this first step.

By doing this, it allows the individual to then look at the list of careers and, once again, place them in some kind of order of preference. When this has been completed, they can then start to examine what is required in order for them to have the career at the top of the list. Do they have the qualifications? Do they have the experience? If not, then how do they get that?

The aim is to provide someone with the focus that they need to ultimately be a success. Too often, we throw ideas around like confetti but then, when it lands on the ground, we have no idea what to do next or even what the point was, to begin with.

Look, anybody can change their career at any point in their life. You may have been working in the same kind of job for 20 years when suddenly you realize that your heart is no longer in it. However, people tend to panic at this moment and fear can push us into strange situations or force us into continuing to do something that we abhor.

That in itself is no way to live. That in itself will add stress to your life that you just do not need, so stop these feelings dead in their tracks. Take a deep breath and be willing to just take that step forward in life as the changes that can occur will often result in the most wonderful feeling swooping over you.92cc77e87cb59d00250f6a70670007ae.jpg

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