The Foodie Space - I Wish I Was Full With Tacos Instead Emotions :(

in #travel5 years ago (edited)

Hi There Steemians :)

While vacationing in California, my family and I went to visit some museums, and quite a few of them were interactive pop-up places that are also called as museum.

Those pop-up museums were pretty fun to visit altho seem a bit high in price when you go there not by yourself, let's say a family of four or a group of people while you are the only one paying :P

Anyhoo....One of those pop-up museums that we went to was The Foodie Space, where you will find everything giant food. Yep, you read right, food in giant size!

At The Foodie Space, as this is an interactive museum, visitors/customers can do (almost) anything they can think of with the displays, as creative as they want to be.

I said almost because some of the displays are fragile, so some cannot be lift up or stepped on and whatnot. But for some others, you definitely can jump in, like this caviar tin above lol

The food related puns are also pretty cute and would make one smile. I quite enjoyed them lol

Do you have this kind of pop-up museum where you reside?

Most of these pop-up museums require you to purchase your tickets online, by the way, and do take note of this. We did learn that we had to, but the 2 pop-up museums that we went to before The Foodie Space, allowed us to purchase the tickets at the door. However, at The Foodie Space, they definitely only allows tickets to be purchased online.

We had a hard time to get the ticket as we were already there, thinking it would be just like previous museums., that it would be okay to purchase at the door. With limited internet we got on the phone, it took us almost 30 minutes just to get the tickets lol That was not fun, with the hot California sun lololol

But at least, we were served with mouth watering caviar and nice matcha tea ;-) Hahahaha

But yeah, once inside, it was so much fun and all was forgotten, but better purchase your ticks online :P

We had fun big time, especially my youngest lol He wanted to take a picture everywhere with every displays :D Not to mention, he posed as whatever and however pleased him :P

My youngest just got a stuffy of Jake, from Adventure Time cartoon, so he posed with it in most of the pictures we took. lol - he loves stuffies, and needless to say, we got quite a few while in California, they took up so much space in the luggage! Crazy hahaha

Anyways, here are some more background of the giant foods at The Foodie Space, where you can take a picture or two, or even video, with :)

They are so much fun, but maybe they can actually do better set-up actually, and lighting too! A bit dark!

The set-ups are placed quite close to one another, you would have to edit pictures much should you want to have a better picture where each theme won't collide one another.

Anyways. Thanks for looking and here I leave you with pizza topped with Sriracha. Yummo! lol

Have a great TGIF, peeps!

!steemitworldmap 33.9884243 lat -118.3849364 long d3scr The Foodie Space

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What a great place for taking photographs! I have never heard of a pop-up museum before, but that one looked like a lot fun! Congratulations for featuring in the Daily Travel Digest.

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