Hey, It's The G!

A few days ago, a friend from 10,000+ kilometers away @dawidrams introduced me to this site, and since then I have been exploring the site, and now I have finally decided to introduce myself to you guys.

Hello, my name is Gia, an eighteen-year-old college student from Philippines. My friends call me “The G” as in G for game, because I am always game or open in trying out new things (as long as it is not illegal). I am often taken as some typical airhead girl because I look like one, and I don’t really believe that because I know I am not that kind, but here’s a picture so you could judge it yourselves:IMG_20160609_161134.jpg

So moving on, I am currently majoring in Psychology for my prelaw in a university in the City of Manila. I am actually an odd mix of so many things, like for example if you were living with me, in the morning, you would see me on the couch in my robe with a coffee in my hand watching the morning news and constantly ranting about socio-political issues reported or discussed on TV like a proper patriarch, but with an added twist of having on fleek eyebrows already set for the day like a supermodel with an early call time. Then at nights, you would see me either watching Kardashian clips, checking out top model or beauty pageant news on the internet, or reading a really philosophical novel.

Aside from those hobbies, I also have this passion in empowering women and continuing to advocate feminism, especially that I am from a Catholic country that it is conservative in a way that it somehow still doesn’t view women as equal with men despite the contributions of females especially mothers in households here. I have a blog that used to be full of feminist articles, but I had to reset it to come back with more encouraging and influential content which I am working on. You can tell that along with my passion for this advocacy also comes my love for writing, and I don’t just write based on feelings, but rather with research and intellectual substance for sure. I am even currently working on a short novel right now in hopes of having it win this really big contest by a known publishing house here and also to influence my fellow youth into being more aware of social issues that our country is facing.

I might have sounded really serious back there, but I swear, I am a fun person, or more like I-didn't-mean-to-be-funny funny due to my frequent accidents like falling from stairs twice within thirty minutes in the same restaurant in front of many people (true story, happened a few days ago), but at least I am here to write and I don’t think my clumsiness is going to affect that.

I am very excited to share with you my thoughts and how it is like to live here in my beautiful country!


Welcome to Steemit!

Yes, your eyebrows are on fleek, but so are your passions and writing, so I will follow you and see what you post. We have a great community of nice people and I think you will enjoy being here with us. Best wishes!

Hello G! You could also consider publishing your writings here, chapter by chapter, if you don't have the luck with publishing houses. The audience is still small here on Steem ecosystem, but it's growing and you'd be building for future. Many of us believe that Steemit, in one form or another, can become a mainstream thing.

Also what many people might not consider at first is, your posts will always be here. Some day your grandchildren and their children could be reading this and thinking "How wise and cool she was!". I personally like the idea.

I can only see the new media platforms gaining more influence on what people think. From little kids to adults, people are more and more spending their time on social media platforms like Instagram, Youtube etc. How many of us know PewDiePie for example?

And about the "typical airhead girl"-issue. When we watch media, we usually see beautiful women like yourself play these typical bimbo roles so we start to expect same behavior in reality. Which is stupid and rather disgusting when you catch your own mind doing that; judging people who you don't know by their looks!

But it's time to wrap it up!

Good luck and may you enjoy yourself here in Steemit!

I did it! Good to see you here :)

welcome to Steemit @thegiamarcos, looking forward to see your post from the Philippines !

Hello Gia and welcome to Steemit! It is a great site. Have good time and enjoy posting good content. Also check out my story :)

Hi Gia, welcome to Steem! :-)

Great intro "The G":D
Welcome to steemit!
Following you for your odd mix of things :)

welcome to steemit ! ,-)

You are going to love it here! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Welcome to Steemit!

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