Muh Roads. When you still have to educate Socialists on the economy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago

When you get frustrated with Socialists that still come up with the same old argument with nothing to back their claims!

5 days ago
Are you people idiots? It would be interesting to find out how many of the comments are from Americans. Just because your country is failing doesn't mean others have to follow you down the toilet. Guess what guys, Taxes are necessary to maintain the roads, keep the hospitals open, have schools and libraries and all the other services civilized countries have. It's kind of nice being a Canadian because we don't need to prove ourselves to anybody. And if you need to ask, I live in Edmonton Alberta, my ex-wife is Chinese ( so my three daughters are half Chinese ) my niece's husband is black so thier kids are half black, my other nephew married a native indian ( so thier kids are metis ) and I have friends who are muslum and i work with a number of East Indian or Pakistani engineers ). And guess what, WE ALL GET ALONG REALLY WELL !
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The Economic Truth
The Economic Truth
1 second ago
That's why Canadian roads are so bad compared to American, Why you have 1000's of Canadian seeking American healthcare. Taxation leads to more government, then to higher taxes to more government to high taxes to ore government. Just look at the trouble most southern European states are in when they hit 50% Government expenditure on GDP. In Norway, there is a monopoly on Roads and over half of the bridges are built shit and have to be replaced in 10-20 years and have fallen apart. Manitoba especially Winnipeg where corporations are granted a monopoly onservicing roads are creating roads that are undriveable 10 years later. Winnipeg's freemarket created a pot hole map and it is so bad as you see car shops giving rebates for wheel alignments :D Taxes also lead to high indebtedness and dependency on government handouts.

The top 10 Countries for indebtedness of the private sector and households not working for government is actually let me give you a bigger list:

Luxembourg 483.80 Dec/15 459 490 259 % Yearly
Ireland 421.94 Dec/15 401 422 189 % Yearly
Iceland 323.43 Dec/15 380 380 273 % Yearly
Norway 282.92 Dec/16 279 283 195 % Yearly
Portugal 271.50 Dec/16 280 321 156 % Yearly
Canada 266.89 Dec/16 258 267 177 % Yearly
Netherlands 266.14 Dec/15 269 276 248 % Yearly
Denmark 265.18 Dec/15 270 286 189 % Yearly
Belgium 263.79 Dec/16 252 264 150 % Yearly
Sweden 263.47 Dec/16 269 275 187 % Yearly
Korea 253.75 Dec/14 249 254 244 % Yearly
South Korea 253.50 Dec/16 254 254 237 % Yearly
Japan 231.10 Dec/15 232 294 230 % Yearly
United Kingdom 230.51 Dec/16 225 241 153 % Yearly
France 228.93 Dec/15 226 229 163 % Yearly
Australia 223.38 Dec/16 221 223 126 % Yearly
Switzerland 211.00 Dec/15 209 227 185 % Yearly
Finland 208.35 Dec/16 223 223 132 % Yearly

This is a sign of Socialist economies with high taxation forces people into debt and government servitude to live poor as middle-class and have to get loans to go on vacations. Healthcare is crap, Norway as an example took 6 months for my mom with 200 in blood pressure to see a heart specialist. Meanwhile, my Grandpa, when he had a stroke, went to a private clinic and paid a little instead of going to a public hospital where the stroke survival rate is way lower than at the private institutions!

Schools are getting funded in Canada from Property tax. If you don't pay your property tax you will have to sell your house to cover it which means the state owns your property, not you. The state will never stop growing.

Trudeau Putin Toungue stuck to pole.jpg

Talking schooling, first of all, private institutions are way better, schools have become government indoctrination camps. I went to school for 12 years and that is also College. 95% of what I learned I never used. That means 95% of my time spent was a big waste of my time. Teaching kids basics can be done easily through a private charity for the poor and homeschooling for the middle-class and rich. Universities should only be for higher learning. Today they are spewing out Marxist propaganda instead of focusing on giving people real knowledge on topics. Governments and politics have polluted free individuals to become slaves to the banks and big government to beg for more money to build roads, which they are terrible at to provide healthcare for the pharmaceutical industry to keep you sick and keep you stupid in order to control you better.

It is great to hear that your family is well diversified. So is mine. I have friends of all colors and beliefs as well, they are very successful and hate government destroying their productivity to try to make Canada a better place. You were mentioning Pakistani and Indian engineers, funny enough none of their education was government funded :D They came here to seek a better life, but many are becoming discouraged as they see Canada is worse or becoming what they fled in the first place!!

I don't have more time to rebut your Government Socialistic rhetoric seen in all these failing statist Socialist/Marxist countries, but the above are all facts.

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