Inflation is KILLING Your Retirement! The Death Of Modern Retirement Planning?

in #money7 years ago


I read an article today on how the $1M needed to retire comfortably rule is gone. Now the new "official" number is $1.5M. This shows how we are seeing inflation catching up to the retirees. Most people retiring in this and next decade is not only going to be in for a rude awakening when it comes to inflation but also see a significant collapse in their retirement net worth.

This will come in the form of their Real Estate, which some people are using as their retirement plan and a stock market that has been driven by debt. This funding gap for the retirement plan will hurt a lot of people.


I want to mention one thing. And this is, of course, my opinion. That is that the current pension schemes are a fraud created by the banksters and government to enrich both of them. From the RRSP system in Canada to the 401k system in the US the system was built for the banks and the government.

Here is how they both win and you lose! First, they force you mostly into stocks and bonds. Stocks make banks win, and bonds help the government print more money. Second, The way they set up the system was for the Banks to make money on the MER fees of the funds you invest in. What is crazy about this fee is that you will pay it no matter if you gain or lose money in your portfolio. Also, there are back-end loaded funds which give you significant penalties to get out before your term, and it pays more substantial referral fees to the financial advisor.


Third, the governments make lots of money in taxation as they give you a minor tax break on your initial contribution and take a top dollar of the more significant amount went you start withdrawing at retirement which is taxable as income. Its worth a lot getting 30-40% in income tax on a big pile of money for the government. This is a collision between governments and banks to steal money from you. Not to mention how you will need to contribute to have your fund grow.

Most smaller investors are also banned from investing in some of the best investments created by the government to make people slaves and more dependent on the government.


Investing for the long term in the stock market is not that great especially if you retire when the markets crash. If you do, you'll end up with maybe only 40-60% less and no way to grow your money other than highly risky junk investments. As an example, retirees need to go into high-risk debt and to invest in equities to have enough money to retire on. The investment strategy of 60% Stocks and 40% Bonds to 40% Stocks to 60% Bonds have been broken by Central Bank manipulation of interests to record highs forcing retirees into high-risk investments to stay afloat.

Investing needs real diversification, and I suggest you read through my overlook over the different assets you can invest in to have real diversification not just in a well-diversified stock or bond portfolio. The end of financial advisors and bankster involvement with governments to enforce you to invest in their garbage I highly suggest you raise your financial IQ and educate yourself on different investments. Become a little bit of an expert to help your future as the time for your retirement comes.


I suggest you look at the investment that takes you off the fund grid and is not dependent on the passive investment strategies the governments and banks have created for you. It is time you win and look at other opportunities.

There are so many of precious metal, land, cash, business, crypto and many other. I highly suggest if you don't have time to invest actively. Make sure to do a lot of due diligence on the advisors that you entrust your life savings too.


vs. New:


The end of financial advisors being go-to for people is coming, and diversification and real decentralization of investment are rapidly approaching. As you are being told you need ever more to survive as a retiree. Think about this. What if you suddenly need $10M, $100M or $1B to retire comfortably. We have significant risks in the economy today, and the risk of saving in fiat currency is probably the riskiest strategy you can use. Just ask friends of mine who saw a currency devaluation of their currency saving money and having investments denominated in their local currency only to see overnight only 25% of what they had when that money was their retirement money.


The risk for a big event like this is coming to a country near you, and we will see it in our lifetime. There is no way today's fiat currency systems will survive. So make sure you have diversified to be as risk averse as possible!

The age of the death of modern retirement planning is here, and no one seems to be aware of it as the current status quo has enriched many people except those who try to retire and work hard all their life. There are ways to protect your retirement, and you need to look at these options now before it is too late.


By the way, there are still some few fantastic retirement planners out there that are seeing things from outside of the box and my financial advisor I use to do that. He has even taken from what I teach and is helping his investors to find real diversification. The reason why we don't see this is that most of the advisors work for big conglomerates that have their advisors sell their products not caring about the persons financial well being just a commision check and making their company money. It is time to find people that put you first, and that might be yourself, but if you are lucky you can find a real financial advisor who cares about your financial well being!

Peace, Love and Voluntaryism!



Here in Russia we lose all savings due to hyperinflation after the USSR collapse (
But polutburo tops privatised all economy in a process, and got filty rich in a new capitalist reality

Inflation truly is a hidden tax. It penalizes savers and forces people to take risks that they would otherwise like to avoid. $1 mil to a 50% jump. Crazy.

1 year from now 1.5 million won’t cut it either

Isn't this just the sad truth @theeconomictruth. It's completely depressing and one can't help but feel enraged at the system that has done this to the people. Seriously, I don't know how to plan for the inevitable. I'm still decades away from retirement but feel myself spiraling down the drain with everyone else. The nefarious schemes at play impact us all. Thanks for bringing a voice to this important topic.

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