YouTube Like Video Site Pays For Videos ~ Comments And Interaction

in #youtube7 years ago

DIY Tube Video Community pays you to interact through video views, comments, thumbs up and more. This is a new video sharing community born out of the need for content creators to be able to earn from their work.

Since YT recently cut tens of thousands of partner privileges on content creator accounts, people have been looking for a new place to share their videos and get paid.

DIY Tube Video Community is just the place.

Get paid in DIY Tube Coins for minutes watched plus comments and thumbs up. DIY Tube Coins are selling at 50% discount during our presale until May 1 when they go onto the market at $0.10 each. Buy now and watch your investment double when DIY Tube Coins are fully integrated with DIY Tube Video Community in a few weeks.

100 comments = 1 DIYT
100 thumbs up = 1 DIYT
1,000 video views = 10 DIYT

Video earnings are based on the number of minutes watched per video at the end of each pay period. For example if you have 1,000 video views on a certain video but 70% average minutes watched then you get 7 DIYT.

Thumbs up minus thumbs down are used to calculate your thumbs up earnings. For example if you have 1,000 thumbs up but 250 thumbs down then you get 7.5 DIYT

Computer algorithms will ensure that there is no thumbs down abuse, spam, copy/paste, plagiarism or other violations.

Community member also earn DIYT for turning in suspected spam or violations once the reports are confirmed.

DIY Tube Coins will be paid out each month in the beginning. As the community grows and automation is completed, payments will become more often to allow members to cash in on capital gains. DIY Tube Coins will initially be set at $0.10 USD in value per coin but due to a limited number of 249 million, the value will rapidly increase.

Channel owners can invest DIYT back into the community to promote their channel or videos. Or they can save DIYT coins for their investment value. DIYT can be traded for Ether with ease or sold for fiat currency soon on coin exchanges.

DIY Tube Coins are based on ERC20 contracts on the Ethereum Network so they are 100% compatible with existing Ether wallets.

Join DIY Tube Video Community and get paid to do what you enjoy!

Learn more about DIY Tube Coins and buy now. Watch your investment grow.


Sounds like a cool initiative.

Sounds more like Troy is desperate not to get a real job.

Look elsewhere for easy money. The only person who will be making anything out of this scam is Troy W Reid, 4489 Pine Road, Lewiston, Michigan.

By the way. You won. You guys chased us out of New York.

You guys chased me off YouTube.

You guys forced me to get a normal, full time job.

I am the marketing manager for DIY Tube Video Community.

That is my job.

It pays the bills now.

So find something new to complain about.

@thediyworld, When will you ever get your lies straight?
You were NOT chased out of NY. YOU stopped paying your rent then tried to sell land you did not own for 200K.
You admitted YouTube cut your pay like everyone else, nothing to do with the trolls.

The only thing you are the manager of is..... FAILURE!

When will you ever get your lies straight???

A mortgage is not rent.

We did not get kicked out or chased out due to non payment and I have pay records to prove it. Although I am sure you have no access to my pay records so there is proof that you lie.

The group your friends run is evidence enough of all the harassment of my family.

I have 100s of pages of screen prints of people bragging about harassing us.

You cannot deny it especially when your friends promote that very website all the time.

@thediyworld, This reply/rebuttal is NOT proof of anything Troy.

You made videos claiming this.

This is why you no longer have a YT channel worth watching.
You're running out of suckers to scam.

Grow up.

Making FREE videos for your FREE viewing entertainment is not a scam. Even though we simply show our daily lives on the homestead - its still entertainment.

Although we show real daily life, even if it was all fake, it is still FREE entertainment.

If you dont like it, leave.

Staying here to harass my family online and in the real world is criminal harassment.

"Although we show real daily life, even if it was fake" FRAUD! @thediyworld

Pretesting to live offgrid and have a homestead to con free gifts from people and companies is FRAUD Troy. Even your church thinks you are lying.

Going to a toy store and buying a fireman's hat doesn't make you a fireman. Giving yourself a made up titled for a made up company doesn't give you a job. Quit lying Troy!

•[-]fixedbydoc (55) · yesterday
troy reid is part of a criminal cult organization called CAI christian assembly international which has been deemed a dangerous cult group by 13 nations and banned from activity as well. this is why they cannot practice in a normal church way and have to hold meetings in their homes with 5 or less people at a time! the fbi has been watching them for years... and their ring leader was charged with multiple counts of child molestation and endangerment! this documentary that is posted was created by a professional investigative news media company in australia and should be watched before you have any dealings with troy reid!!!

Isnt it interesting that you post my address to the world and write harassing words about me but yet you feel threatened by me and I do not even know a thing about you. Hmmm.....

but,but,but codge is only posting your addy so all the old cat ladies can send you donations reid! isnt that why you feel free to openly post yours everytime someone posts openly about sending you gifts and donations?sure seems like it to me from what ive read so far.

I work full time for a living.

I dont need anything from old ladies as you guys always seem to think.

I also have no idea where you get any "donations" since I dont remember ever telling anyone about getting any donations.

Run along now troll.

youre right cuz youve never told anyone about your donations.but one of your donaters told a troll about sending you 250 bucks a mo. and couldnt continue because he as a cancer survivor had heart trouble and you and molly dolly harrassed him to keep sending you money. he told the troll and asked for his help getting you two off his to address that reid?

That is the only way Troy survives. Constantly conning people. He spends more time and effort not working an honest job than working.
Troy logic, go figure.

Wow, that would have been nice to have that much money each month.

But wrong again - it never happened.

Nice story though.

You guys do keep getting more inventive all the time.

Absolutely did happen as I saw the emails from you and Molly Dolly giving the cancer & heart trouble guy grief for stopping his donation to you. I have the email chain in my old hard drive, Mr. Never Happened. You are LYING ass SCAMMER!!!

Where is your DD214 long form LIAR ? The only people that get dd214 short form are those that have less than honorable discharge which is what you showed. You are lying ass stolen valor piece o shit!!!

no reid. it is not a nice story. it is the truth about a lazy bum who harrasses,lies and scams to make his way thru this life because he is too lazy to never show any friends because you have none. nobody puts up with your using them very long and they leave. noone wants to help anyone who wont even help themself by making an honest living.

Interesting because I never heard of such a thing. The only cancer survival I am aware of is Chris, who we took care of.

Hmmm, very interesting stories though. You guys are getting good at making up lies to hurt my family.

oh,you "took care of chris alright" if using another human being as a slave is ok. what you did was take advantage of his friendship because hes mentally slow and was lonely. you do nothing for anyone except use them.

So Troy where did you get the money to buy that forklift battery you ruined? How did you get that Quanta Generator you play with?

maybe hes gonna get enrons old accounting firm to do his creative financing for his llc when its time to file with the irs.

Oh, dont worry yourself about that.

None of your troll business I would say.

Hmm, Ryan is graying out my comments on my own blog.

Not very fair is it?

I mean, you guys come here harassing me and then block out my answers?

Not fair at all now really.

You have 4 illegal 'free' accounts and grayed out comments for months. You whine and cry when Doc got more power than you cause he has great content and you suck. You are lying scamming fraud so... ???

Oh, I dont care what Ryan does on his own blog.

But he has no right to come to my blog and harass me like he does.

Troy Reid, you are quite the douchebag for complaining about people "graying out" your comments... That coming from the very asshole that DELETES comments that questions his honesty... Yeah keep trying you lying sack of chicken poop.

lol. im not but you should be!i hope they take a giant shit down your neck.

Sounds like another troll comment from a life long troll

Sounds like another troll post from a life long troll.

Do not interact with this individual...

He openly associates with convicted pedophiles and lures
families w/ young boys to his "camp ground"....



Oh, and you have factual evidence of such accusations?

Because, if not, then its a felony to spread such lies against another person.

Nice video editing by the way. You guys have such talent. Wasted though.

Dude... Felony? You are as verse with law as you are with gardening, chicken raising, IT, Crypto mining, etc... In other word... you are a wannabe without experience and who fails at everything...

taken from your own video moron. rubbin a guys cock with a pool noodle is juvenile at best from a 45 yo man. ill bet those nights were fun wernt they?

I'm sure the creators of STEEM think so since Troy stole their idea.

Please ignore the trolls. They follow me around from YouTube sadly

since where does this 24.9 million dollars worth of value come from anyway?it sure as hell isnt from your labor. sitting on your lazy,scamming ass doesnt count cant create value from nothing.

The way this Reid fellow conducts himself is CRIMINAL! Preying on the elderly to get land and then trashing the place, fleeing from NY to Michigan and leaving garbage behind for others to clean up! Pretending to be an off-grid homesteader when he's nothing of the sort! Harassing an elderly person who couldn't afford to continue sending him monthly $250 "donations"!

Interesting stories. Our mortgages have been public record. Who cares what age the sellers were. The transactions were run through legitimate real estate agents and banks.

We were run off from NY due to harassment and vandalism out of control. All you "good people" inciting harm and harassment on my family.

In Michigan here we are surrounded by country folk. People dont listen to nasty little trolls like in NY.

Its harder for you to get the authorities to act on your lies here isnt it?

Now I dont know where you get these "dontation" ideas but well, you are TROLL.

another lie. you were EVICTED from pine bush cuz you didnt keep up the land payments. you even said so yourself reid.and you didnt have a mortgage there. it was a land contract.and admit it,mommy and daddy had EVERYTHING to do with you getting a mortgage in mi. after you left mrs. wrights property a total shithole garbage dump.

Another grayed out comment.

Well people - it would appear that if they had real complaints against me that I was truly guilty of - then just maybe they would not block my answers.

But trolls will be trolls. They do not want my side of the story told.

So they come here to harass me on my own blog while blocking out my answers.

Thats a troll for you.

Well, isnt that interesting. How do you get your information?

Because you dont get "evicted" from a mortgage, especially when you made all your payments.

Run along troll.

you really like to make yourself look totally retarded dont you?my info came from your own lying,scamming said you were being evicted from pine bush.and for the last time,a land contract is not a got evicted from a land contract. end of story but not you. your stories keep changing to fit your agenda.

Again, you are lying... (as usual)... none of the trolls "ran you off" from New York... How about to tell the truth for once... Unless you are claiming that your sister and mom are lying? Which is it?

Funny you say that. Do you realize where you are? This is Steemit, powered by cryptocurrency.

not YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY CUZ ITS WORTHLESS.just like your word.the bullshit you spout changes belong in prison.

Oh, really? For what crimes do I belong in prison?

I see a bunch of people harassing an innocent family though, and I do believe the best place for them is in prison - or a nice padded cell where they can be properly cared for.

Another grayed out answer.

You guys harass me on my own blog and then gray out my answers.

Not very fair now is it?

The empty words from a troll. Sad that you guys dont get a life and enjoy the sunshine for a change.

and funny you never defend the accusations made against you. you just ignore it and spout more bullshit. because its true reid?because you dont care about your integrity as a man because you have none?why reid? enquiring minds want to know.and if youre so successful then why is your sister so afraid youll end up sleeping on a park bench?sounds to me like a failure as a man.many homeless are just like you reid. they refuse to get a job.i have no sympathy for them or you.get a clue reid. yur on the downhill slide agewise and noone will hire you after 55. you better get on the stick,get a job and KEEP it before its too late and youre really fucked because noone will hire you.with your so called "businesses",youre gonna end up in prison or that park bench.heres just 1 example.taking money for patreon and promising content posted over and above your nonexistent daily videos and not delievering is FRAUD are a crook.

But you guys won.

You ran my family out of New York.

You ran me off of YouTube.

I got a full time job.

What more can you complain about? Those were your troll demands.

You all said that if I did these things, you guys would leave me alone forever.

I am the marketing manager for DIY Tube Video Community now.

That is my normal, full time job now. It pays our bills.

Visit community where everyone gets paid to interact.

Just a minute. I'm a subscriber to your channels for a long time and I've always been in your corner. But you led me to believe that you had an actual job outside the home, and I thought that sounded like a great idea in your situation. Now you're saying that this diy channel is your new job? Sorry, but that's just a bit disingenuous of you.

Oh, I guess you guys did not like my answer to this one either.

Well, if you dont want to read my replies, then dont harass me on my own blog.

I am the marketing manager and yes the job is paying my bills.

It is a real full time job.

Everyone please ignore the comments below.

There are some nasty trolls that follow me over from YouTube everywhere I go.

I have a YouTube channel with over 100,000 subscribers and nearly 2,000 videos.

When you are that big, you are going to have trolls.

Please ignore them and do not engage the trolls.

Thank you

@steamcleaners please investigate this posting for inappropriate and false use of tags...

FBD Brought to you by.jpg

I just double checked my tags. I do not see what would be considered inappropriate with the use of my tags here.

funny a lot of your comments are unseen too lol...
FBD Brought to you by.jpg

Yeah, funny that. Do you feel good blocking out my own comments on my own blog?

Thats how bullies play. They can dish it out but they cant take it.

You have been bullying youtube viewers for years such that 700 females were in the sucks forum against you. Such an accomplishment to piss off so many ladies against you. STOP SCAMMING AND WORK FOR YOUR OWN SUPPORT YA STUPID FUCK!!!

This here is like poetic justice or karma @thediyworld.

You were able to "dish it out" on your YT channels, and now that we're here.....
you can't take it.

lol you don't see a lot of things troy...
FBD Brought to you by.jpg

@steamcleaners this guy turns me in on my own blog while spamming it full of ads for his own site.

hes not doing anything different than what you pull. i call it "marketing genius", "free advertising". he gets to irritate you while cashing in at the same time. a definate win/win for doc and we get to laff at the same time.

feel free to repost my logo anywhere you like on social media... and here is a sample you can download by right clicking on it and select "save image as" then post it anywhere you want on steemit or youtube or any other social media site! remember its FREE!!!

FBD Brought to you by.jpg

It seems I recall an invitation to visit his residence and be greeted with a 12-gauge shotgun.

If I remember right, this is Michigan and we have the castle law. I guess if someone were to come around here trying to harm my family, I would have the right to defend myself and my family.

I dont know why that should bother you unless you are planning to come on over here again like back in NY.

Now, unless that is exactly what you are planning, I do not see what your problem is.

Michigan is a far cry from NY where you could harass us to no end and the authorities did nothing huh?

aw bullshit!nobodys harassing you ya fucking liar.more drama created in your own paranoid physcopathic mind to create more sympathy and donations for you 3.have you even spent 1 dime on that kid of yours needs yet?except for diapers,i doubt it.nobody dumped oil in your trucks coolant overflow tank or pulled out your egg sign.the only damage on your place is what you do to it,like cutting big fucking holes in sheds to put an 8in pipe thru and said sheds probably not even paid for yet. just like cutting down trees on property you dont own yet because its not paid for yet! (pine bush)

You know... the crazy thing is that you guys have a group openly dedicated to destroying our lives and plotting to get me in jail for crimes I did not comment.

But then you guys deny anyone is harassing us.

I am not even making many videos at all anymore. You won.

I have a full time job now. You won.

I have complied with all your demands.

Your group said that if I left YT and got a full time job you would all leave me alone.

Now its your turn.

nobodys destroying your lives except YOU! being a lazy bum is all on you reid. were just pointing out the extremely obvious you are oblivious to. id bet you money that melanie is gonna leave your ass as soon as she gets her green card but youd welch on the bet.

I work hard for my money.

I have a full time job now which is paying our bills. And its not YouTube.

I am the marketing manager of DIY Tube Video Community.

And if you think Melanie is going to leave then you have some studying to do about her culture.

boy are you you really think all phillipino women have a "stand by your man" mindset,no matter what?i find that amaaaazzzzzziiiiiiinnnnngggggggggggggggg! you promised to treat her like a queen but are using her as a slave while you sit on your ass chasing get rich quick schemes. in other words. you treat her like shit reid. before you know it shell be porkin the neighbor down the road to get him to help her get away from a bum like you. even in the phillipines they have a work ethic and women value security and you aint it!

Full time job? As in sitting your ass on the couch, tinkering "crypto miners" ? Dude, I am not even sure if I would qualify you to change a light bulb... let alone any IT thing.

As to mortgages and property ownership - well - I guess you have some things to learn.

like what reid?calling a land contract a mortgage? destroying property not paid for yet in case you cant finish paying for it? being a cheap hoarder that turns property into a garbage dump and leaving it for others to clean up?if i was mrs. wright id be suing your ass off for the cleanup costs since YOU devalued her property. do you really think anyone wants to purchase a garbage dump? think again reid.

I paid $49,000 on that land so I would say I did a very good job of making my mortgage payments.

Other than that - well - you are troll.

Run along now.

be that as it may,id say you threw away 49k on a really bad investment when you could have continued to rent for 200 a mo. with your troy math thats 49000 divided by 1500 a mo. equals 32.6 mo. you paid. 32x200 equals 6400. you lost 42,600 on that deal yet you tried to turn it around and get 200k for a piece of land you turned into a garbage dump thereby devaluing the property.theres always a fuckjob you try to perpetrate with anything you do isnt there?

No one is "coming around there". YOU made the invite to Codge. That's different from someone trespassing, in which you do have the right to defend yourself. And I'm not planning to come there "again". I've never been to your residence and have no plans to, liar.

notice this cocksucker refuses to address any accusation made. he just dances around questions with more bullshit.

Look at who is making nasty accusations and using nasty words.

I am just here on my own blog, minding my own business.

Really - if you cant take it then leave me alone.

Troy always evades the truth. None of these so called trolls were ever on Troys rented land in Pine Bush NY.

If anything happened there it was all on him. I firmly believe he staged most of it for sympathy donations. But that is all right for it is Troy's conscience that rocks him gently to sleep at night.

Oh, I would never invite such a nasty, vile person to our beautiful community.

i hardly think a disabled old man with medical problems is going to fly over 4000 miles to ream your ass for being such a aint worth it reid. get over yourself.

I do not even know your names so how on earth can I threaten someone I dont know.

You cowards hide behind fake names and harass people from your sofa.

I am too busy taking care of my family to worry about scum like you.

Did you leave the NY property without cleaning it up? I know you collected lots of pallets, trailers, tents and motors. Did you get rid of them before you left or did you just leave it?

Message to trolls - I'd appreciate it if you'd let Troy answer this direct question. Comments from you will just be a distraction. Thanks.

No comment from Troy. You left all that stuff right there, didn't you? You don't want to lie and say that you cleaned it up, which would be a lie, so you'll just ignore my question instead.

So yeah, you left tons and tons of stuff behind. What the trolls say about some things is absolutely true then.

@steemcleaners This is blatant tag spam...

It is also luring unsuspecting user to a malware infested website if that matters,,,

Dig out your Monopoly money folks , it has more value than the crap this fool is trying sell you .

Troy would you tell your viewers whether you allow free speech on this site?

I am the marketing manager but I would say that each channel owner has the freedom to allow what he/she wants on their own channel.

But freedom of speech ends when it turns into harassment and bullying so dont expect anyone to accept you with open arms.

I do know that DIY Tube Video Community has some serious admin power and they can shut trolls down fully. Unlike YouTube which seems to promote trolls.

"But freedom of speech ends when it turns into harassment and bullying so dont expect anyone to accept you with open arms."

So if I posted a video of constructive criticisms of you, you wouldn't allow it?

Your version of "constructive criticism" would probably be turned in by the community as spam or harassment. Its going to be fully open to the community.

I am the marketing manager for DIY Tube Video Community.

The people will decide for themselves what they approve of.

So you don't allow criticism of yourself - even constructive criticism? This is why you have a forum dedicated to you. This is why this forum exists. All the members of that forum were labeled 'Trolls' by you, just for giving advice. Anything you didn't like in the comments section of your YouTube channel, you deleted. And it appears from your answers here you would do so on this so called platform you are promoting.

Then there are the scams ............

This is why we are here.

what about scamming,lying,ebegging? are these accepted practices on your website?

When will you @thediyworld show proof of your army discharge?

What is it that you're hiding Troy?

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