How can we help President Trump make America great again?

in #politics7 years ago

What patriotic duties can we perform to help our dear President's agenda?


Do the smallest of things for whoever needs your help when you can afford to be.

Be kind to people; they might be nice to you in-turn or they may not. It doesn't matter.

Just be kind and the rest will work itself out regardless of any law they can pass.

I donate billable hours nearly every single day in the hopes that my teaching them new things and helping them...I am trying my best to make america great again.

America is not the stars and stripes, the GDP the armed forces or anything like that.

It's the people. Want to do what you can to make America great again? Do what you can for them. As often as you can afford or want to. And take care of yourself too.

May God bless this this thread, and may God bless these...

That's it...plain and simple. If you start looking for a strong person to make it all better, you're simply inviting tyranny. Spend more time spreading the virtues of decentralization in all parts of life. Eventually, they will cease to exist because they won't be relative. If we're all off doing our own thing, they have no basis in which to exercise power.

get rid of him :)

Even if you don't respect the man, you should still respect the office.

does it mean you shouldnt?

I'm not really sure what I or we can do, except to be hard working people, living with integrity, treating our fellow man with dignity, loving and ministering to our families and committed to do honest work.

A better question would be: what can President Trump and our Congress do? They have made some strides on loosening regulations on businesses and that is already starting to help the labor market (real wages are staarting to move up after being flat or down for a LONG time). Housing prices and building is starting to move up as well. The big thing left to do is pass Reagan-style tax reform. This led to significant economic expansion and pushed up real wages for almost all Americans. This is why he won in a landslide in 1984 and why he was one of the few (maybe the only) President in the last century to get his predecessor elected. Exceptions would be Kennedy / Johnson (but Kennedy was assassinated). Nixon / Ford (but Ford didn't last or win an election). One could argue Teddy Roosevelt got his successor elected (Taft). AND - big AND - if Bush hadn't raised taxes, he would have won in 92. Instead, he abandoned the Reagan playbook, raised taxes, Ross Perot entered the race and Bill Clinton "felt our pain" and won.

well said randy. upvoted and followed.

Not with that attitude.

All trump has done is to show how a real man can be potus. He has shown the way to speak your mind whenever. Since then everyone just is not fake. He knows that the earth is not a god that requires sacrifice and we don't have to be afraid of hurting it. He shows that we can be consistent with following laws till it hurts. That's the only way to force a law to change. Everyone should be courageous and bold in the face of adversity like Trump and to stand by what you know and be yourself.

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