A Hero's Journey~

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Face thy dragon and be not overcome.

"Only One who risks themselves for the fight with the dragon and who is not overcome by it, wins the hoard. The treasures hard to attain" C.Jung

"The archetypal hero represents the psyche's quest for individuation, the process that makes each person unique. Carl Jung's concept of the collective unconscious to encompass all the world's mythologies. So grateful on this journey. It takes time to realize depth and expansion. "

Arcane Conclusion

When life gets difficult, it is often asking one to engage and meet the situation that confronts. Our challenges create the strength needed to move forward. Meet them as an opportunity to expand and create a new sense of awareness. We are grateful for all of our worries, our sadness and sorrow, for one day, we wont have them.

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Well that's awesome, you sound great!

Thank you so much. we are glad to hear you enjoyed!

I know this music and instrument

it's good

Thank you, we enjoy playing!

so glad to hear! thank you

Nice surroundings!!! Are u really there in Costa Rica or using a green screen like CNN??!! Just kidding brother, I wish i was there.

Good message :) and I like the playing too!

Thank you for the kind words!

Sweet little jam bro!
What kind of instrument is that, mandolin?
Good words from Jung, thx for the reminder to appreciate our sorrows.
Rock on.

This is an instrument know as the OUD,, Check out Hamza El Din if you are insterested in hearing a master play!

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