Dangerous Fungal Lung Infections Could Be Treated With Car T-Cells - [2022-09-29 Cp603P]

in #partiko2 years ago

Sci-fi author Neal Stephenson wants to build a metaverse open to all:

Lamina1 was contacted for comment.   Neal Stephenson was contacted for comment.   Facebook did not respond to a request for comment on the standards underpinning its own metaverse, and whether it might consider making it interoperable wi…

The cosmos doesn't work to my research schedule – but that's OK:

I work on the dark matter problem knowing the questions I have may be answered long after I die. This is the life I signed up for: to think about interesting ideas and hopefully find out whether any of them are correct, says Chanda Prescod-Weinstein

Robotic pill that delivers drugs to gut could end insulin injections:

A drug-carrying capsule with a motor protects medicines from stomach acid and enzymes before releasing them in the small intestine

Wild boar appear destructive, but they make excellent conservationists:

Keystone species such as wild boar, eagles and lynx were managing the planet quite well for millions of years before humans got involved. We must cherish them, says Benedict Macdonald

Newly recognised species of sloth has a head like a coconut:

Maned sloths were thought to be one species but a genetic and physical analysis suggests there are actually two

Air pollution raises our risk of a stroke and its later complications:

Exceeding the World Health Organization's recommended air pollution exposure limit could substantially increase our risk of a first-time stroke

Satellite uses sun reflections to detect offshore methane leaks:

Methane leaks from offshore oil rigs are normally hard to spot from space but a technique called “glint mode” now makes it possible

Dangerous fungal lung infections could be treated with CAR T-cells:

Adapted immune cells known as CAR T-cells could treat lungs infected by the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus in people with suppressed immune systems, a study in mice suggests

Dogs can smell when we're stressed from our breath and sweat:

In a test to see if dogs can identify material that has been exposed to breath and sweat from stressed humans, they got it right around 94 per cent of the time

The covid-19 pandemic has left people less extroverted and agreeable:

The covid-19 pandemic has changed our personalities – a study of more than 7000 US adults found that people are less open to new experiences and less conscientious than before the pandemic

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