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RE: What I think makes Bitcoin Bitcoin, and why I think Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

No, that's not actually a problem, or more precisely it's not a complete roadblock but a 'problem' already considered in the original design that should be mitigated over time if scaling on chain is just seriously considered and tried. I can recommend a few resources.

First read Satoshis own writing and the design paper in particular. Satoshi was actually very clear on how to scale and even in the paper he released there is briefly a plan laid out on how to facilitate it.

Gavin Andresen tried re-explaining this many times before becoming isolated and eventually pushed out from the upper echelon of the developer community around the official client. At the very end he made several moves trying to decentralize development by launching competing clients, realizing that likely Satoshi had been wrong in expecting only one client to be enough for the network. You can see what he had to say here. He has since made casual contributions in the Bitcoin Cash community.

In order to scale the blocks to very large size, technologies displayed at several of the past Bitcoin and now Bitcoin Cash conferences can be used. Even without technologies such as advanced pruning etc, this can likely be done without endangering anyone who wants to run an advanced SPV or so called "full node" - which does not actually count as a node per the design - on their computer as a hobbyist or for extra security in transactions.

This article explains some of the potential hurdles to different sorts of onchain use cases and how to mitigate them even if we can implement almost inconceivably large blocks (past several terrabytes just to begin with).

I could go into much greater detail of how Bitcoin was designed to function, but please ask this question in the r/btc subreddit or to developers on r/bitcoinabc if you want a more thorough answer.


thanks for the long answer!

You're welcome =)


Obviously a straw man, but otherwise well done. I'm sure you could put your skills towards something actually useful.

Promoting a scammer and conman is useful in your opinion, ye? Well done mate.

When nothing else works, just keep moving that goal post and try guilt by association instead.

I've already said plenty that I disagree with Roger about much, but that he is not a scammer. That I think Craig Wright is, but neither control Bitcoin Cash.

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