High-Level Judge & Fmr Trump Campaign Chair Sentenced to Prison for Sex Trafficking Children

By Matt Agorist

 Newport, KY — Former District Court Judge and school board member Tim  Nolan plead guilty to 21 counts of human trafficking in February and  this week, he was sentenced to 20 years behind bars. In court it was revealed that the judge threatened young women and  girls under the age of 18 with arrest to force them into sex. On one  occasion a victim was living on his property and he forced to evict her  if she did not have sex with him. He also gave numerous victims heroin. 

During the sentencing, Prosecutor Barbara Whaley read statements from some of the women in court. Whaley noted that seven of the 19 victims were under 16 years old. “Tim Nolan, I want to say, you ruined my life,” one teenage victim wrote in her letter. “You ruined my childhood teenage years and made me lose hope. I hate you.”

“I was forced to stay in his apartment in Alexandria and was told if I  ever left, he would call the police and I would go back to jail because  I was on the run,” wrote one victim. “I ended up turning myself in because jail was better than one more second spent with Tim Nolan.” 

As TFTP reported at the time of his arrest, Judge Tim Nolan of California, Kentucky represented District 5 on the Campbell County School Board. He served at the chair of the 2016 Donald Trump campaign in Campbell County. During Trump’s presidential run in 2016, Judge Nolan was serving as  the chair of his campaign. The alleged sex trafficking occurred in  August of 2016 — while Nolan was working on the Trump campaign. 

As RCN reports,  Nolan is an outspoken and controversial figure in local politics. In  2016, he sued the creator of GOPfacts.org, which took aim at Nolan and  others, and specifically referred to Nolan as a vehement racist and  posted a photo that purported to be of Nolan in a Ku Klux Klan robe. Nolan was appointed by Governor Matt Bevin to the Kentucky Boxing and  Wrestling Commission but was removed only days later when the Klu Klux  Klan scandal erupted.

 Unlike Governor Bevin, however, Trump did not remove the Judge from his campaign. Among the charges that Nolan pleaded guilty to were human  trafficking, attempted human trafficking and giving drugs and alcohol to  minors. According to charges read in court, Nolan told one of his  victims that he would “call his friends in the FBI and other law  enforcement to arrest her.” 

After the original guilty plea, Nolan claimed he was innocent and  attempted to delay sentencing multiple ways, including firing his  attorney in March and trying to withdraw his guilty plea, according to WSMV.  

However, on Friday, he apologized and promised to seek treatment. “I’m so sorry for my crimes, even though I’m a  first-time offender with a low-risk to re-offend,” Nolan said, as if to  imply the decades of preying on children somehow made him a “first-time  offender.”

 “I resolve to fight my demons and addictions and not  repeat my immoral behavior,” Nolan said.

 “Obviously the lack of sound  judgment and yielding to physical impulse must never be repeated.”

 “The punishment in this case does not undo the trauma inflicted on  the victims, but it brings closure and some justice. I want to thank the  Campbell County Police Department and our special prosecutions team for  working this case,” Attorney General Andy Beshear in a statement.

 As TFTP reported, before he fired her in March, Nolan’s attorney,  Margo Grubbs, actually tried to downplay the charges that her client  pleaded guilty to. 

“He took full personal responsibility for these acts that in his  potential day and generation would not necessarily be considered to rise  to the level of human trafficking,” Grubbs said. She also accused the victims of lying, despite Nolan’s guilty plea.

 “I’m saying the underlying facts as alleged by victims do not  necessarily equate to what really happened, because we all know in life  there are two sides to every story. The sad part of it is, often times  the criminal defendant finds themselves at an insurmountable obstacle in  order to prove complete innocence,” Grubbs said.

 Her comments are insanely ironic considering the fact that Nolan  spent his career presiding over the cases of nonviolent offenders, where  they were sent to jail in situations where it was impossible to prove  they’re innocent.

 It is likely that Nolan did not give this a second  thought when the shoe was on the other foot. In February, Grubbs suggested that his position as a government  figure should should somehow absolve him of his crimes, despite the fact  that he used his position to get away with them. 

“Mr. Nolan has been a public servant to the people of Campbell County  for a majority of his life, and at some point there has to be a  redemption for those who committed offenses but has to be balanced by  what they have given,” she said.

 Luckily, the prosecution did not see it that way and this predator  will be removed from society. Unfortunately, however, he will be  eligible for parole in just four years. 

 We are the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability. All of our content was created by our team of artists and writers. Learn more about us on our website thefreethoughtproject.com.


A judge...

they only reason this is getting any press is the indirect relationship he has with Donald Trump, note Donald Trump's name in the headline.

He served at the chair of the 2016 Donald Trump campaign in Campbell County. During Trump’s presidential run in 2016, Judge Nolan was serving as the chair of his campaign.

in Campbell county a county with a population under 100,000. there are 3,144 counties in the US.

Not that this guy is not a scumbag or that this is not a newsworthy story of a corrupt judge its just that the national media is pushing this because they can say Donald Trump over and over and make claims like he was "the chair of his campaign". At most they attended the same event once, that is the extent of their relationship. This is just another installment in the "Trump is a pervert/ white supremacist/ madman" guilt by association narrative.

How can he be eligible for parole in only 4 years? A shame...

I'm really amazed at how little traction this Tim Nolan story is getting. Here we have a bigoted & harsh former Kentucky judge with ties to the KKK being convicted of child molestation, rape and human trafficking 2 years after campaigning for the sitting president.

But Kanye... he's all the rage

So, a typical judge.

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