#club5050 - @Steemit Philippines || Beach sand and sea water with various health benefits

in Steemit Philippines2 years ago

10% payout for @steemitphcurator account

Greetings steemean friends

Dear friends and all community moderators. The sand on the beach does indeed present a beautiful sensation of a beach. But have we ever realized that bathing in sea water and soaking ourselves with sand on the beach will be immeasurable benefits for health.

Here I will explain some points about the benefits of bathing in the sea and soaking with sand on the beach.




A. Some of the benefits of bathing in the sea

1. Reduce stress
Traveling to the beach is usually done when the burden of our thoughts has piled up. It's on the beach where we overcome all of that. Bathing in sea water cheerfully will help us reduce excessive stress levels.

2. Lose weight
By swimming automatically all our bodies will move actively. This is very helpful for us to lose weight, especially for those who are on a diet.

3. Protects the respiratory system
Every time we swim every now and then, we must dive into the water until our heads are covered with water. If necessary, try to dive for a long time and repeat several times. This is what makes us hold our breath in water and of course this activity will also keep the respiratory system well.

4. Solve the problem of itching
Bathing in salty sea water is clearly an antidote for those who experience itchy skin problems due to bacteria and fungi. Because the salty level of sea water is able to kill germs and fungi on itchy skin.


B. Benefits of soaking with beach sand

Sand on the beach is a traditional therapy for those who are experiencing stroke, kidney and joint problems. By digging a hole in the beach sand, we continue to go into it and then close the hole again. Well, the head must still be visible. In this case, you need someone else's help to do it.

By soaking for 30 minutes in the beach sand, the diseases and symptoms that I mentioned earlier will subside and even heal.

In this case, many people have been successfully healed by bathing in beach sand, especially for those with joint disorders.

Dear friends and all moderators. That's a snippet of my exposure on today's occasion which hopefully will be useful for me for what I have described. Of course, I also hope for suggestions and comments from all of my friends for the good of myself and this beloved community in general.

Greetings @teukuipul87

Camera PicturesSmartphone
Android Version11
Original picture@teukuipul87
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Locationnorth aceh

I would like to extend my gratitude to all my friends who are sheltered in this beloved community, as well as to all the moderator brothers and sisters who have devoted a lot of energy and effort to the progress of this community.


 2 years ago 

Now, I know some good benefits of beach sand and sea water...thank you for sharing...

 2 years ago 

thank you admin for stopping

 2 years ago 

amongst the benefits, it would be losing weight that I like..hehee thanks a lot for sharing these facts!

 2 years ago 

he he thank you too admin

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