Ep. 13 Money Or How I Become Financially AwaresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #challenge30days7 years ago (edited)

I am born in a lovely and amazing family in a small city in Romania. My parents maybe earn enough when I was a child because I dont remember being hungry even it was the communism time. I remember that we had a deposit in the locker ( back then only one bank was allowed in Romania and people were not that used to the interest concept) and few savings in one of the famous bank account C.E.C. (the House of Savings and Notes) for the next car. My story starts back in 1985 when at the age of 6 years old I was allowed to have my one saving bank account (a present from my dad and my granny).

You might believe now that my parents were reach or business oriented, but the reality is that they were non of this. My first bank account had around 50 lei in it (less than 3 dollars at the same time). My family salary accumulated was around 350 dollars so maybe medium class back then. But I guess what I've learned at the age of 6 was that I want to have savings as well when I will grow up. My family supported me trough college and University (in Romania the studies are still free) with food, help for a bed at the student home and plenty of care. In this case I have been lucky, I didnt need to work before I was 24 (wow such a long time ago)

My first job was in the most famous design company in Bucharest (ISPE - Institute of Power Engineering) apparently as a Junior Project Manager. My salary was less than my rent and Bucharest not a cheap city. I split a studio with a collegue but even like this is was overwhelming. I want to travel outside the country so I was so keen to find a solution. More than this, I didn't feel complete (I would say a failure) as my childhood model was the one with savings. So what went wrong? After one year of struggle I kind of become famous in that big building because I had a good spoken English. So I went to all the important meetings for the foreign projects as a technical representative. I was offered a MBA by the business development manager and a contract to stay with them for 5 years. I guess they were pleased with my performance but they've missed to add something to my pour wage.

I am a Capricorn, the most down-to-earth sign from the zodiac apparently. So refused the names and the glory and went to work a new start up in energy trading (my mom and friends were shocked about my decision to go when apparently all is great and shining). I quickly realised that is a huge opportunity to do something totally out of comfort area and my financial life doubled :) I was already booking my first tour of the Mediterana and stetted up my saving accounts. I read books about investments and traded few months on forex (enough to realise that the adrenaline in my case is not giving me good inputs).

Slowly over the years my jobs and positions inside companies gave me that chance to experiment the safeness everybody is talking about. My saving account was not bad, I've seen 40 countries or more and I was part of the country elite. I realised that all this was possible thanks to my family good example. Another thing is I never hated money or people with money. I always wish them good and tried to see how they get there, what is the quality I can import in my life. We have TV shows in Romania and I am sure that elsewhere in the world that show the rich people in a very bad position. Ok I am not naive, some of them maybe had stolen or made special deals with the government, but still. I am able to appreciate their willing to sacrifice their image (ego) for them. I do have this barrier, I wouldn't enjoy my wealth if it was not done with the "right" society means.

The last thing that I want to say is that when I arrived to meditation a long time ago, I've seen people having the habbit to see the money as a bad energy as something to be avoided rather than welcomed. That was pretty strange to me until I've found one the funniest gurus ever that had a very good relationship with money. So this is one example from OSHO philosophy that I instantly fall in love with

"All the religions have been against wealth because wealth can give you all that can be purchased in life. And almost everything can be purchased except those spiritual values – love, compassion, enlightenment, freedom. But these few things are exceptions, and exceptions always prove the rule. Everything else you can purchase with money. Because all the religions have been against life, they were bound to be against money. That is a natural corollary. Life needs money because life needs comforts, life needs good food, life needs good clothes, good houses. Life needs beautiful literature, music, art, poetry. Life is vast! "

Source: http://www.oshonews.com/2011/08/31/talent-creating-wealth/

Now I want to add another aspect that money brings in my case. The capacity to help other people. I am a very poor helper in most of the cases. I mean I can help you rather paying for the hospital bill than holding your hand for 3 days in the hospital. I've put my mind/effort to earn those money so I believe that if I can easy someone's life with 50 pounds I will always do it. This is the way I can manifest care easily.

Last but not the least I believe habit is the greatest way to make yourself up to speed with the financial hassle. I am now new into this bitcoin/altcoin stuff market. I am totally aware that I will not be savvy in 2 days. I've allocated every day on my diary some time to study (mainly watch videos and read a bit) - you may think that I have a lot of spare time. Well I am one of those people that have good time management skills by nature and I always find 10 minutes for my latest curiosity. If you count I still can add 70 minutes allocated in a week to learn a new skill. I will make some sense at a point and when I will be reach in bitcoin I will draw a big party on a island (lately I have Asores in my mind :D)

See you soon in Ponta Delgada :P



Source: http://www.travelforsenses.com/the-10-most-beautiful-islands-in-the-world/



I was one of those person having a bad relation with money in term or negative energy. Fortunately, things have changes in the last 2 years and now I know the sweetspot is the point when money are working for me and a good base is needed to be able to invest time and energy in spiritual part of life.

I glad you are using the past tense :) Is good that now you are seeing things differently :) Loads of money in all currencies to settle into your pocket ;)

True, I will put it at a more profane level, without mentioning Bill Gates for example, who with Rotary International together, managed to almost completely eradicate poliomyelitis, by having the means to do it. So back to my profane thinking, we are told since we are little, that money does not bring us happiness, but have you ever seen a sad person on a ski-jet? I didn’t, and money can buy you a ski-jet or at least the feeling of one. :)

And another thing I love paragliding and I like to have money to try it on every corner on this world. You are so true I havent seen many sad paragliders :D

You got it, even it seem to be shallow in terms of social behaviour, it is true :)

Congratulations on your becoming, on your awareness, and on the remaining path you have laid before you.
Looking forward to your party in Açores. Bem vindo ;)

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