Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S2W3 - Blockchain in our lives.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy2 years ago

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Hello Steemians. The third week in this engagement challenge continues and this is my third entry for this week. It was another interesting contest organized in the community which I will be writing about today. I will like to urge you, friends, to read with me today as I write how blockchain is changing everyday life for everyone.

Blockchain is changing everyday life for everyone, what is your opinion on the matter?

Blockchain is changing our world with its implementation in different sectors which is making our lives better in different ways. The blockchain that first came into existence when it was proposed in the 1991 with less popularity at that time until its application as the technology that cryptocurrency is built on in 2009, that's when it became very popular and other sectors started adopting it to make their space better.

Blockchain has a lot of features that differentiate it from other technology, an example of that is decentralization where all the nodes of a system are interconnected in a way that a fault in one node that halt its operations won't affect the system, the network will continue its work and allow people to perform their intended work without any delay.

Furthermore, the decentralized nature of blockchain helps to make timely decisions without experiencing any delay that would have occurred when the sever of a centralized server goes offline, this won't happen in blockchain as many nodes will continue their works and allow one to perform any transaction as they wish to.

Blockchain helps to securely store information on it in a transparent way that cannot be changed by anyone, this helps to guide against corruption that is very popular in many sectors that have their mode of operation to be centralized, enables us to make quick transactions at a reduced cost, foster cross border interaction and many others.

This special technology has been implemented in many sectors to improve their users' experience and attract more people to their organization due to added advantages that blockchain has brought to their business. It has been implemented in real estate, human fitness, healthcare, gaming, and many others. I will like to talk about some of the above-mentioned sectors later in my post today.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages, of adopting the use of blockchain in everyday life?

We have many advantages and disadvantages of adopting the use of blockchain in our everyday life, these are the things that either make or mar the use of the blockchain and as the question of this section demands, I will be writing about them.

Advantages of Blockchain

  • Decentralization:There is no way I can write about the advantages of blockchain without listing this. Blockchain is decentralized which gives full control to any user over her accounts or wallets on the blockchain which means they can make decisions anytime they wish without waiting for approval from a central body. Also, the inactive of some nodes don't stop the blockchain network from working, others will keep working.

  • Immutability: Blockchain is immutable that is it's impossible to edit data stored on the blockchain and this prevents corruption in an organization. If my workplace adopts blockchain, it means all the money I have made in the laboratory and recorded on the blockchain cannot be edited by any top officials in the hospital. Blockchain adoption helps to maintain trust in an organization.

  • Security: Blockchain uses cryptography for securing information stored on it with the use of private keys, these keys are used to add digital signatures to transactions and only those in possession of the keys can have access to the information. This helps to secure the information or assets from our daily activities.

  • Transparency: Blockchain is transparent as information about a transaction is visible which will prevent the upper arms of a government from involving in any bad practice without being visible to everyone else. Only certain information can be hidden as agreed on by the management of an organization through encryption.

  • Disadvantages of Blockchain

  • Scalability: Scalability is a big problem for some blockchain networks, there are limits of transactions that can be processed per second on these networks and if transactions exceed that, it leads to delay which can be further lead to congestion. The problem is faced on most blockchain networks and some are forced to work on it by bringing in different solutions.

  • Cross-communication: Many blockchain networks cannot share information with other blockchains and this is a big disadvantage which means you have to belong in the network before you can communicate certain information to another node. In the traditional banking system, I can send money from a bank to another bank that works on another different server without any problem. Only a few blockchains have this interoperability functionality.

  • Irreversibility: Though it's good that data on the blockchain is irreversible to prevent corruption but it's also a disadvantage should in case there was a mistake. So if there was a mistake in the information stored, it would remain like that without any chance of correcting it and the only solution could be duplication with information update and that's another transaction entirely. Irreversibility is a disturbing disadvantage of blockchain.

  • Discuss the future of blockchain, and how this technology is impacting the world

    Blockchain has been implemented in so many sectors as I explained before which can make our everyday life easy when compared to the conventional sectors that have been existing before now. Blockchain has proven to be a very efficient way of maintaining records in a decentralized manner which eliminates the cumbersome traditional method of storage.

    An example of a way blockchain is impacting the world is through the tokenization of real estate assets on the blockchain, this helps to connect property owners with buyers and foster trades through smart contracts and this get rid of all forms of scams as one asset can only own identity to a true owner. The tokenization makes it easy for the sale and acquisition of properties without involving an intermediary.

    Furthermore, the level of transparency of blockchain is one important thing that would change the world, to improve trust between individuals. I can boldly say that blockchain is the future and its implementation will be seen in so many sectors in the nearest future. I will like to talk about the role of blockchain in human fitness and gaming.

    Blockchain in Human Fitness

    The popular saying that health is wealth is true, that is it's only through good health a human can enjoy what she has toiled for under the sun. It has health benefits for human beings to be exercising regularly so that the body system remains in good condition. Traditionally, we can exercise to stay fit but can't earn any money while during these things.

    Blockchain has been implemented on some protocols to help people perform their fitness regularly and they are rewarded for doing it which is a kind of encouragement to do more, an example of this is the Walk-to-Earn model implemented on Stepn where people uses NFT sneakers to walk or jog or run by consuming daily energies and earn money.

    Blockchain in Gaming

    Another beautiful advantage of blockchain can be seen in the gaming sector. Traditionally, you can only play games to enjoy by yourself or by playing against your friends and nothing as incentives can be earned. Blockchain changed the narrative as people can now play games and earn real money for their knowledge of the game.

    Furthermore, the model used for this is known as Play-to-Earn which could be like managing a virtual farm on a gaming protocol that is built on top of the blockchain. A player can buy different animals, feed them till they grow, multiply them by reproduction (like the transformation of eggs laid by a chicken to chicks) and all remains the property of the player that can be sold to other virtual farms on the game to earn real money. An example of this type is CropBytes which is farming based.

    What is your opinion about the implementation of blockchains in the health sector? Has the implementation been positive or negative? Explain a use case

    It's no longer news that blockchain has been implemented in the health sector and its implementation is positive so far, there may be even better use cases of blockchain in the health sector in the future. The success of blockchain in the health sector added to the successes of blockchain and this will enable more sectors to adopt it in the coming years, like I said before that the future is the blockchain, and every sector is beginning to see its benefits.

    According to my research, I identified some of the popular problems encountered in the health sector and how the blockchain has helped to win over the problems, some of the problems are with the supply of goods to a health facility, record keeping, and many others. I will be talking about some of the positive results of blockchain in the health sector below.

  • Medical Goods Supply: This is one of the use cases of blockchain in the health sector whereby a medical center can monitor the supply of medical goods like medicines, laboratory equipment, theater equipment, and many others, from when it left the manufacturer till it reaches the location, credibility of the original shape of supplies is guaranteed in this way.

  • Proper Record-Keeping: The research shows that a lot of fatalities have occurred before in the health sector because of improper and imbalance record-keeping but blockchain has helped to keep a record in a way that nothing would be lost and this enables medical officers to have access to the full record of their patient's health.

  • Trade Settlement: It is also established that the use of blockchain in healthcare has made the settlement of supply and payment between the suppliers and the medical firm that has ordered for goods easy. This is done with smart contracts where funds are locked and released when the supply reaches the destination.

  • Verification of Identities: Blockchain has been used for seamless identification of medical officers and patients which cannot be altered or manipulated, that's because blockchain is immutable and this ensures that the right person has access to certain records at a point in time.

  • Coral Heath

    Coral health is one of the healthcare companies that has implemented the blockchain, and it is based in Vancouver, Canada, the creation of the use of blockchain in Coral was in 2018. Coral works in a way that they collect patients' health records and stores them using the distributed ledger system of the blockchain so that data of patients is securely stored in a way that no part of it can go missing and that's because of the blockchain's immutability.

    Furthermore, Coral uses the data stored to connect patients with the right doctors, physicians, pharmacists, surgeons, health organizations, and many others, so that patients get the right hand to handle their health cases, and only recognized professionals on the blockchain is connected with the patients.

    Also, Coral uses smart contracts between the patients and health professionals to ensure that all treatment required is being done and the medications have been taken by the patients as prescribed. This is one of the many health sectors that have implemented blockchain to achieve a very positive result.


    Blockchain has made our everyday life better with its benefits like decentralization, security, smart contracts functionality, immutability, and many others and it has been implemented in many sectors, and the result is positive. Some of the sectors it has been implemented in are real estate, gaming, human fitness, agriculture, healthcare, and many others.

    The success of blockchain in many of the above-mentioned sectors shows that the future is the blockchain as more sectors will implement it in the years to come. I sincerely thank the academy for this type of contest that allows me to talk about blockchain and its application in my field.

    I invite @samuel20, @davehanny, and @patjewell to join this contest.
     2 years ago 

    Well, i must commend you, you have made a very good research about coral health, the adoption of blockchain will benefit the health care system in several ways,

    Imagine earning by just doing activities that is been done for fun, play-to-earn is one of the favourites decentralized blockchain gaming center that i love i haven’t done much research on walk to earn but i know that it is a good project on blockchain
    Yiu have detailed so much about the use and benefits of blockchain I cannot agree less

     2 years ago 

    Thank you for reading. Blockchain is still growing and what it will look like in the future would be massive in adoption.

     2 years ago (edited)

    Walahi talahi
    Oma loud gan ni oo

    I’m sure that we have not discovered half of what blockchain can offer us. I suppose we will only learn with time what will be next.
    A great post with lots of information!
    Thank you for sharing & also for the invite 🌼
    Good luck for the contest!

     2 years ago 

    You are right, blockchain has many amazing features that makes it unique, and we will continue to learn more about it. Thank you for reading.

    Believe me you are not the only one learning. I learn of crypto and blockchain with each day.
    One of these days we will be known as experts 😊

     2 years ago 

    Yes, we will soon be known as expert.

    Nice entry friend. Blockchain is a technology that has come to stay. One of the amazing feature that I love about blockchain is the fact that, it is permissionless. One does not need to belong to any social class or background to be able to access it. It has come to stay, and with time… it will invade all sectors.

     2 years ago 

    Yes, Blockchain does not require permission of any central authority, user has total control over her account. Thank you for reading.

     2 years ago 

    Blockchain helps to securely store information on it in a transparent way that cannot be changed by anyone

    Yes this is why it makes it a suitable avenue for users to run their stuff fair and square without any one feeling like he or she was cheated.

    Many blockchain networks cannot share information with other blockchains and this is a big disadvantage

    Yes that is true. We sometimes even see it with crypto networks where we can’t send an different currencies to one network or the funds will be lost.

    A suitable example is deepcypto8 which is only meant for steem deposits.

    If a user makes a mistake and send sbd there then it means his funds are lost.

    tokenization of real estate assets on the blockchain

    Wow I think this is really great to hear about.

    So in this case, does it mean both parties will not meat on ground but will only meat after the final deal has been struck?🤔

     2 years ago 

    Yes, in the application of Blockchain in real estate, the owners and buyers complete their deals virtually and the property will be transfered to the new person, they may not even meet at all.

     2 years ago 

    Blockchain helps to securely store information on it in a transparent way that cannot be changed by anyone,

    Yes one of the biggest benefit of blockchain is that its data can not be changed because all the data on the blockchain is permanent and not editable. What do you say about this feature of blockchain?. Is its helpful or not? Share your opinion.

    Another beautiful advantage of blockchain can be seen in the gaming sector.

    Yes games has been boosted so much due to this technology. For this we can take an example of Axis infinity game that is one the most popular blockchain game. So, we can guess from here how blockchain technology impact's the gaming sector.

    Friend congratulations to become a winner of previous week I appriciate your engagment efforts. Thanks for sharing your informative and quality blog with us.

    Greetings 🇵🇰

     2 years ago 

    The immutability of blockchain is good as it prevents bad actors but in some ways it's not too good in the case when wrong information was stored. I still prefer the immutability, that's one of the ways we are assured of our data safety. Thank you for sharing on my post.

    You raised some valid points related to the block chain security. Now everyone is taking block chain seriously and that is a positive side for this platform. Nice post. Best of luck.

     2 years ago 

    Everyone is taking blockchain serious because of its great features, it is decentralized and it's transaction is fast, limitless and can be done to any part of the world. Thank you for visiting my blog.

     2 years ago 

    I really like the fact that you talk about how Coral health adopt blockchain technology in its functioning.

    Talking about it keeping patients health records on digital ledger, linking patients to specialists and also monitoring patients to doctors relationship.

     2 years ago 

    Coral health is just one of the companies I see, there are others too. We will see more of them in the future. Thanks for sharing on my post.

     2 years ago 

    This is a very nice post. I believe that you did your research for this post. As you mentioned, one of the disadvantage of Blockchain is that there's little or no cross communication.
    However, there are some Blockchain platforms that have developed this feature.

    Good luck in the contest

     2 years ago 

    Yes, cross-communication is a problem in some blockchains.

    Only a few blockchains have this interoperability functionality.

    I wrote about this in the post as some of the blockchains have the functionality.

     2 years ago 

    The issue of cross communication between different blockchains is one worthy of note it is a big disadvantage. It affects transactions a lot. They can charge a fee twice the usual and and that settles the thing but I think blockchains are not made to work that.

    It's a very knowledgeable post you have shared. Have a good contest outimg

     2 years ago 

    Yes, cross-communication is worth to be bothered about as it makes it difficult for easy access from one network to another but some blockchains are supporting the interoperability already.

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