The Half Sisters (Creative Writing Challenge #4)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for  Creative Writing Challenge #4...

Challenge:  Develop a story contrasting the way people spend their money. 

I hope you enjoy my story... it's called "The Half Sisters".


The Half Sisters

"Uhmm... Mr. Rod, aren't we starting yet?" Yukari inquired impatiently. Yukari is the only daughter of the late Souichiro Goro, a known business man. Her father recently died of cancer at the age of 56.

"I'm sorry Ms. Goro, but I'm afraid we couldn't start yet, until every recipient is here." the lawyer answered her calmly. 

"What? What do you mean? I'm not the only inheritor of dad's money and property?" with wide eyes, she asked.

"You'll know in a bit." the lawyer answered, trying to keep his calm while looking at Yukari and her bitchy attitude. 

Yukari is known to be a happy-go-lucky and a spoiled brat. Since she's the only daughter of the late Mr. Goro, whose wife died early upon giving birth, she was able to live her life she wanted. No rules to follow... No worries... What she wants, she gets. Somehow, Mr. Goro was to blame for it, since he wasn't always at home and just gave her anything she wanted.

A few minutes later, a knock on the door was heard.

"Please come in," the good lawyer instructed.

"Good afternoon, is this Mr. Rod's office? I was told that I'm to meet him today," asked the girl who lightly opened the door. She was wearing a pink blouse, a pair of jeans and sneakers. She was also wearing a pair of glasses with her hair done in a ponytail. 

"Yes, Ms. Mika... I'm Rod, please come in," he welcomed her and shook her hand. "Have a seat."

Yukari looked at Mika from head to foot like a rude critique. "Hmnn.. what a plain girl!" she commented in a bitchy way.  Mika who was the object of her criticism, just shook her head. "I'm sorry for being plain... I can't afford that branded dress and  stiletto heels you're wearing," she thought.

Mr. Rod, then tried to clear his throat to get the girls' attention. "So, Ms. Yukari... this is Ms. Mika, your half sister."

Yukari's eyes grew bigger than they already were and suddenly stood up and hit the table, "WHAT? You're lying!!! This plain and ugly bitch is my sister? How on this f*ckin' earth did that happen?"

Mika, who was equally as shocked as she is remained silent. She looked at Mr. Rod with a questioning gaze. 

"Okay... Let me explain. " he stood up and directed Yukari to sit again. "Mr. Goro had a daughter even before he got married to Yukari's mom. He didn't know about it until the child who happened to be Mika turned 18 three years ago. 

"That was the year my mom died..." Mika commented.

"Exactly," the lawyer answered, "Before your mother died 5 years ago, she contacted Mr. Goro and told him that they had you. Well, Mr. Goro wasn't convinced at first but when he confirmed it through DNA test, it was inevitable. That's the reason why you were able to continue going to University."

Mika, who was still shocked started tearing up, "So I have a father?"

"You HAD! He's dead... and the reason why're you're here is because of that!" Yukari sarcastically answered. "Mr. Rod! Go on... I just want to know what father left for me, I couldn't care about this either way!" she continued while pointing at her half sister.

"Yukari, you shouldn't treat her that way. She's your elder sister after all. At least both of you have each other." he told her, then continued. "Ok, so according to Mr. Goro's last will and testament, he is going to leave his savings to his two daughters, 50% to Yukari and 50% to Mika... he's also leaving the only property he has left, the house to both of you. Under the condition of living together, only then can both of you receive the money."


Yukari and Mika was left with no choice but to live together. Even though they really didn't like the thought of it, especially Yukari.

"Hey Mika! My friends are coming over later. We're going to have an overnight party here, so you had better shut yourself in your room. I don't want them to see me with someone ugly." she told her elder half sister rudely.

"Again? Yukari... you party almost every week! You're wasting too much money on these things. Are you even studying?" she commented worriedly.

"Shut up, Nerd!!! I'm using my money, not yours... I had better use this damn money for fun. AND... stop acting like my sister, because you are not.. and you will NEVER be!" then she walked out.

Mika let out a sigh. "I don't like you either, but you are my sister... the only family I have left. I hope you won't waste your life in parties and alcohol."

Their deceased father only left them the house and savings, because the company went bankrupt when Mr. Goro became terminally ill. 


"Mikaaa! Mika!!!" Yukari shouted.

"What do you need, Yukari? Is there anything wrong?" she asked worriedly as she hurriedly went down from the second floor. 

"Do you have money? I need to attend a drinking party later, but I got no more savings.. Give me some, sister!"

Mika was shocked... "See what I've told you!? You shouldn't waste your money on useless things.." 

"Shut up and just give me some money..."

Although reluctant, Mika gave Yukari some money. Mika is very particular in using her money. She only buys what she needs. She's still a student, so she's trying to use her money wisely.


Ring.... ring... ring....

"Hello, Goro residence... How may I help you?"

"Is this Ms. Mika Goro?" the person on the other line inquired.


"This is Yama hospital... It's about your sister..."


"M-mika?" Yukari called slowly as she opened her eyes. She noticed her older sister holding her hand while sleeping on a chair beside her bed.

"Yukari... You're awake! Thank God! How do you feel...? Wait, I'll call the doctor," she nervously exclaimed.


A few days later, Yukari was discharged from the hospital. She underwent an emergency surgery after she and her friends got in an accident upon going home from the party. She's now back in their house.

"Mika? Where are you going? You don't have classes today, right?"

"Ahh.. No, I don't... but I got a part-time job today. And yeah, I already prepared food for you, so you only have to re-heat it."she instructed.

Mika was about to go out from the house when she felt her younger sister's hug from behind. "I'm sorry, Mika... I'm really very sorry. I'm a brat.. and.."

"Shhhh... Don't worry about it, okay?"she stopped the younger one from continuing. 

"B-but... your University fees... your savings... you paid it all for my surgery and the hospital bills." the younger sobbed.

"Yukari..." she faced her sister and wiped her tears. "You are more important than anything else. You're my only family left. Money? We can always find that if we work hard, but I can never have another sister."

Yukari wailed and hugged her older sister. "Thank you so much, sis. I've learned my lesson the hard way. Once I recover, I'll find a part-time job and do well with my studies. I promise you that."

"I'll take your word for it. It's not too late, my dear. One day, we'll be able to continue dad's company and make our lives prosper again, okay?" Mika told her gently while patting her head.

Yukari nodded, still hugging her sister. "Yes, let's do that!"


"And now, let us all welcome the CEO's of Goro Inc., Ms. Mika and Ms. Yukari Goro." the emcee announced. They are celebrating the 3rd anniversary of their company. 


It has been years since their first encounter at Mr. Rod's office, and now the half sisters who consider themselves one hundred percent sisters run their own company.

"Looking back at all we've been through... we really have travelled far, right sis?" Mika told the younger.

"That's for sure... I was such a brat back then, but I've learned my lesson. I've learned how to value money, studies and of course, family." She held her older sister's hand while they were sitting on a bench by the beach.

"Let's enjoy this vacation for now, because in a week we're definitely back to the real world." Mika giggled.

"Haha.. You bet!" Yukari answered with a laugh. "I love you, sis."

"I love you too, my sister..."




So, there you have it... my entry for Challenge #4... The story could've been longer and detailed... If I have more time (in the future), I'd like to make a multi-chapter version of this story. 

I'm an only child, but I do have a sister... from different parents though.. hihi~ and I love her so... She's my best friend, and she just celebrated her birthday yesterday... :)  

I actually made her a poem, so you may check it here -->


Thanks a lot for dropping by! 

Love lots, @tegoshei


This is well done, and very uplifting! You really condensed down the good and bad parts of people into a single story, showing the same person can make both good and bad decisions. Great work!

Thank you so much. :) I really appreciate your comment and I'm glad the message of my story got through.. ^^

Well done @tegoshei! :)
I love the fact that you are also sharing some facts from your real life.

Thank you very much... :)

Stunning challenge! :-O

Classic morality play, and I can imagine how you are itching to flesh out this story with heaps of juicy details.
The hard part, for me at least, is cutting back all the details that seem to matter, but nobody wants to read.
as for me,
I am simply stunned that we choose the same name for the central character.
much lols
I only changed one letter from yesterday's character (well yesterday figuratively speaking as I am well behind) Mike to make Mika.
And here she is again.

well done

That's true... I want to make a much detailed story someday... but before that, I have to improve so I can better entertain my readers... :)
Ohh~ that's interesting!! ^^ Giving names or characterization is actually one of the hardest part.. haha xD

Thank you! :D

you are very welcome.

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