How deep can YOU get?!

in #life7 years ago

There will be four stages to this post, each of which will get deeper the further you go. 

Stage one - Life

Life is pretty good for some of you right? I mean yeah, we all have those days where everything seems to go wrong. You might have a good 9-5 white collar job where you think you are doing well. You might work from home thinking you have the better job. I am sorry, but I am going to change the way you think in these four stages. 

I want you to think about why you wake up each day. Is it for the kids, for your partner or is it for you? Think about this for a second and remember your answer. 

I want you to now think of what is on your mind each night before you fall asleep, what do you picture your life to be? 

In this stage I want you to find your why, your real why. Listen to your heart and body and find your gravitational pull, what is it that lingers on your mind before you always brush away thinking it's too good  to be true. What is pulling you in the mornings when you wake up feeling fierce! What is it that TRULY wakes you up as a human being and SETS YOU ON FIRE. What is it when you are alone in the car or alone on a run that really motivates and drives you? What is it that your mind dreams of, but your insecurities keep pushing away? Does your why link back to my previous two questions? Or is it completely separate?

Write down right now what pulls you, what is it that you day dream about. What is your purpose here on Earth. No bullshitting answers, no beating around the bush just write it down and leave it in front of you. 

Stage two - Money

Look down at your answer from above. If your heart is not beating hard right now, you haven't found it. I am telling you right now when you know exactly what you want and where you should be, your heart will be pounding. If you are not at this stage leave now, go and watch some YouTube clips or read some books on finding your why and really find it. I promise you it will change your world. 

If you think you know what it is then continue on.

Money.... where do we start. Think about all the stress you have had in your life, how much of it had to do with money? You don't have enough money to do this, or to get there and to see that. I get it, we all do. 

I want you to write down a number next to your why. This number can be whatever you want it to be HOWEVER it must be able to allow you to freely go and get your why. How much do you need to be able to start your journey. Go on write it down, don't feel bad and put the absolute minimum write down what you would need to get yourself there.  

So you have your why and the value you see it as. Your heart should be beating super fast right now, mine is just writing this and just thinking about mine! What is it  going to take to get to this number, is this achievable to reach? Is your current income able to get your where you want to be. Write it down, Yes or No. 

Stage three - Time 

You should have three things written down now... Your why, the amount your need and can you achieve that number. It doesn't matter if you have said yes or no.

I am telling you right now, you have been given 5 years to live. 1825 days. 2,628,000 minutes. Where do you start? Are you going to take control of your life and find your why? Or are you going to piss it away doing what you're doing now. You don't have the time left anymore man, this is it. 5 years left to do what your pull is begging so hard for you to do. STOP pushing the thought away, it's here. Make your decision. 

Do you tell your family-

Mum Dad, I have 5 years to live. I have run out of time. I need to continue working this crap job I hate in this city I hate to have some money left for the family after i'm gone. What have I done to deserve this?


Mum Dad, I have been given 5 full years to change my life. I have been given 1825 days to go out there and get what I really want. I am going to change right now and take advantage of every single second the universe has given me to being the person I want to be. This is my time, I promise to make you proud of how hard I am going to work to finish this life exactly how I always dreamt about. 

It might not go exactly along those lines, you might be talking to your children who don't exactly understand the concept of time. Or to your Husband/Wife who is crying their eyes out because you have been given a time. That's for you to decide. 

Time is everything. You will understand this when you have been given yours. 

Do you have time to love harder and to grow more? If it so simply meant putting down the phone, alcohol or whatever you might do. If your child is given two weeks to live, do you wish the past 5 years you would have loved harder and played more? 

Time is everything my friend, and it's running out. 

Stage four - Death 

 1 hour 23 seconds..... 

You are saying your goodbyes, trying to desperately to take in every colour, every shape, every smell of your loved ones. They are standing around your bed all holding onto you. Your feet, your hands, your shoulders. All trying to love you that last time. 

59 minutes 10 seconds.... 

Your mind is running a million times an hour, what have you done in life. Your mind is desperately trying to find those good times to hold onto. The first time you laid eyes on your husband/wife. The smile they have for only you. The first time you see your children, their first smile, first steps, first time they say your name. Your mind is blocking all the bad times but there's something at the bottom of your heart... You can feel it in your gut. There is one thing that you didn't do. One thing that your conscience kept trying to tell you only for you to push it away. 

34 minutes 18 seconds

You can feel the time is near and you remember that time is everything. Money doesn't control time. Money doesn't control love. Time is everything you have ever needed to get where you wanted to. Have you wasted it? 

13 minutes 24 seconds.... 

You can feel your breathing start to slow, your loved ones are crying a little harder now whispering in your ear how it's okay to leave and how much they love you. You can feel their grip start to tighten as you feel yours start to weaken. You why is sitting right above you now. You know exactly what you were born to do. Have you done it? 

2 minutes 4 seconds... 

The doctors are coming in now as your sight starts to drift. You haven't done it have you? You haven't done what fires you up, what drives your motivation? Or have you... Have you been fired up, heart pounding  and pushing as hard as you can to get exactly where you needed to be. If you have, these next 60 seconds will be the best of your life. 




Your time is up. You either have or haven't done it. The choice has and always will be yours. You don't know how much time you have left so why are you waiting. You need to have started a minute ago, because in a world where time controls all. You are losing every second.  

Good luck my friend, I wish you well on your journey. 


Wow, very very good post, immediate resteeming!!! Thank you for sharing :)

Thank you so much! <3

Wow that was deep stuff... really made me think! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you! I was hoping this post would at least reach one and make them think!

Wow. I'm going to my quiet place for a while.

I hope you this sparked something for you :)

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