Are We Closer Than Ever To Star Trek Cloaking Technology? - Future Tech - Part 30.

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

How close are we really to a full on cloaking technology that can hide entire ships like in Science Fiction?

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Some of the best Science fiction films and TV shows from the past 60 years have shown us what technologies we may see in the future with some becoming science fact. But the most elusive technology from science fiction that scientist are still researching is the cloaking technology that was made famous by the original Star Trek TV series back in the 60's and has been seen in countless science fiction media since.

In a paper that was published on The Optical Society Publishing site on Full-field broadband invisibility through reversible wave frequency-spectrum control, (Remind me never to ask these dudes to name anything) have made some significant progress towards the end goal of cloaking an entire space ship... well, maybe not that far, but it is progress non the less.
In this paper, researchers have found a new way to make something appear invisible by using directed and filtered light to make an object appear invisible. The paper describes an object that can only reflect green light when a single beam of normal light passes through it. So the light will pass through the object but the green wavelength of the light will be reflected back. By using a filter in front of the object, it shifts the green wavelength into the red, blue and yellow wavelengths, all the light can now pass through without being reflected back, and then by using another filter, it then shifts the green light back to how it started. This adds up to an object that will now appear invisible thanks to a couple of filters.

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I have previously covered technological breakthroughs in clocking technology, most of which try to use mirrors or somehow bend the light or look to the animal kingdom to find answers to this very illusive technology, and in comparison to them, this approach is very simple and straightforward, it is amazing that it has not been attempted before. Even though they are using directed light, because they are not trying to bend the light or use mirrors, it completely eliminates any optical effects that are a key problem with other experiments.

Even though this experiment has only been seen in one direction and with shifting the green wavelength, it is still proof of concept that could have a wide array of uses in multiple industries including, the military (naturally), communications including fibred telecommunications, internet to improve speeds by using more specific wavelengths, and filtering out others. It could also have the side benefit to online security, by adopting the filters. A sensitive email could be sent, and no one but those that have the right filter at the other end could receive it. So we may not be able to cloak our cars any time soon, or have our own invisibility cloak (harry potter) but it is a good step in the right direction and the research shows a lot of promise to that end.

What do you think about the research?
Let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.

Stu @TechMojo

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