5 Retro Game Breaking Glitches - Gaming Top 5 - Part 86.

in #gaming6 years ago

Once a game is developed and released, there can be a few bugs and glitches, then there are game breaking ones.

# retro consoles.jpg

Glitches are basic programming quirks and can sometimes give gamers a glimpse as to what is 'behind the curtain'. However, glitches are very annoying from a game designers perspective as they reflect on the designers lack of quality control when designing a game. And it also annoys gamers as it can interrupt the flow and immersion of the game, essentially ruining the experience.

So lets look at 5 retro game breaking glitches.

5 – Charlie's Angels.

  • Regardless to the fact that this is a very bad movie tie in GameCube game that was so poorly received, the PS2 port of the game was never released in the states despite already existing in PAL format. This game has one of the more well known glitches of all time.
    If you were to start a fresh game with a memory card, you had no problems playing it. But if you start playing a new game without a memory card in the GameCube, the game will automatically revert to a demo mode without warning the user. You can play the first level and as soon as you complete it, the game will seamlessly take you back to the start of the level, forcing you to play an everlasting loop.
    Even if you plug in a memory card after you start the game, it will still loop the first level. To resolve this issue, you have to turn off the console completely, insert the memory card, and then turn the console back on. This is the only way you can play the game past the first level.
    It is a lot of fucking about to play a shit game that you should never have bought in the first place. This glitch is probably doing you a favour by not letting you play the full game, its not worth your time.

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4 – Luigi's Mansion

  • This is the second game to feature Luigi as the main playable character, and this was also the first release game for the GameCube.
    The idea of the game is that Luigi has to to rescue Mario from the haunted mansion by battling lots of ghosts and collecting 25 keys, each one allowing you to progress further into the game. As a whole the game is well polished and very enjoyable to play, but there is one specific glitch that more than a few people have found.
    The glitch in this game appears on the very last portrait ghost, Vincent Van'Gore. After you defeat this ghost, one of two things will happen. If you walk right, you can pick the key up and the game continues as normal. If however, you walk left to the edge of the room, a Boo ghost will appear. Before you can capture the ghost, he will disappear through the wall on the left. If you chase after him by going through the door, on the left, you will find him again, and like before, he will vanish once again through the wall from the room you were just in. once you capture the ghost, you will will be promoted to save your game, which you do, and when you go to collect the key... it is gone.
    By exiting the room, you reset the room to normal, with no ghosts and,,,, no key. Without the key, you can not continue the game, and you can not go back to your last save, as you just saved it after the room was reset. You have to reset and start all over again.
    It is a very annoying glitch and one I have personally had to deal with.

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3 – Enter the Matrix.

  • I'm going to say it........ there is a glitch in the matrix. Well, on 2 platforms that is.
    There are 4 versions of this game, PC, GameCube, PS2 and Xbox. The only version that is bug free is the GameCube version, it plays perfectly. The PC has one or 2 bugs, but that is more down to hardware compatibility if you are using newer or much older hardware.
    Lets start with the Xbox version of the game. During normal gameplay, for no reason whatsoever, the game will just crash. And depending on how far you have progressed, you will get an error message.... like these...
  • Press L1 to try and restore. Except there was no L1 button the original Xbox.
  • SPU WAD Stream Failed! Big FUCK! Tell Tony!
  • Particle Texture Fucked.
  • Scripter Fucked up and tried to trash memory.
  • Whore ass. Too many portals.
  • There are a lot more random messages like this, and the majority of them were aimed at Brian Lee, one of the game developers for the Xbox Port.
    The PS2 version of this game is equally bad. In some sections of the game, the frame rate is very jittery and very low at certain points in the game. But that is nothing as when you get to the control tower 2 level in the game, and the boss appears, the game will just crash and freeze. No matter what you do, you can not get beyond this point apart from throwing the game in the bin. There was a later version 2.00 which fixed this, but now you were left with the same problems as the Xbox version. So the devs simply traded one problem for another.

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2 – Sonic Adventure 2.

  • It is well established that almost every single 3D sonic game is bad, and this game is no different. The only note worth thing this game has for it was it was the last sonic game released on a Sega console. And I think it introduced shadow. It was also a bitter end for Sonic on a Sega console because over a third of the games printed and sold had one enormous glitch that was never picked up on until a customer called the helpline to complain.
    When you are at the last part of the game and you finish the first section with Tails, you then switch over to Eggman. But as soon as you spawn, you fall through the floor and too your death.
    The texture for the floor is there and you do see it for a split second, but there is no collision map for the floor, without it, you simply fall through the floor as though it wasn't there. You have to bare in mind, you are on the final stage of the game, and because of a missing line of code, you simply fall through the floor every single time you try.
    By the time this title was released, with the glitch, the Dreamcast had already been discontinued, putting the final nail in the coffin for Sega's last console.

Sonic Adventure 2 (Sega) [NTSC-U].jpg
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1 – GTA Vice City.

  • I hate to shit on an awesome game such as this, because for the most part, the game is damn near perfect and many of you will agree. It took everything that made GTAIII great, and then doubled up on the insanity and increased the overall awesomeness of the game.
    On the original version of the game for the PS2, the game had one serious flaw that can only be described as... ''Fuck, Fucking, Fuckly, Fuck a Duck Fuck.'' this is another glitch that I know about all too well.
    When you progress to the second island on the game, you are able to buy an Ice Cream factory so you can progress even further. Inside the factory, there is a save icon where you can, well, save your game. However this save icon is dangerous. If you save your game here at this location, the next time you load this save at this location, you will be greeted with nothing but a black screen. This is made all the more worse for those of you, just like me, who tend to overwrite there last save, each time they save there game. This would mean that all those hours you put into the game have gone to waste and you simply have to start over again. This is the main reason why I now make multiple saves of a game where possible to avoid such game breaking glitches as this one.
    Thankfully, on later copies of the game after its initial release, had this glitch fixed.
    The PC version of the game was also released with similar glitches, but because of the digital nature of PC's, a patch was released that you could simply download and install yourself.

Grand Theft Auto Vice City COVER.jpg
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In a way, this list just goes to show that no matter how good or popular the game is to the players, shit or awesome, glitches can appear anywhere.
Today glitches like this still do happen, but because games for the most part are no longer physical copies, digital games can have automatic updates, so when a glitch is found, the development team can create a fix for it and it can be automatically applied before too many other people find out about it.
Unfortunately though, some games are sold incomplete or before the game is officially finished, and glitches like this can happen in almost any game. But because of how quickly they can be patched, I concentrated more on the games that weren't so easy to fix.

What game glitches have you encountered in the past?
Let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.

Stu @TechMojo

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After reading your post, I think the "retro" era of gaming should be defined as pre-patching days, or 6th gen consoles and back. Thanks for the post! Sorry you had the misfortune of playing Charlie's Angels 8-D!

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