Military Tech: Army Rolls Out Tanks With Major Defensive Capabilities!

in #military7 years ago

  • The Army is doing a wide rollout of active-protection systems for Abrams tanks.
  • Systems are more able to thwart incoming antitank missiles and other projectiles.
  • The Pentagon is making sure it is prepared for potential large-scale conflict.

I don't normally write about war and military technology for the fact that I find it depressing and also disturbing. I want to promote and discuss technologies that are designed to help humanity live in a more peaceful and humane way.

But, today I just couldn't resist bringing up the topic of the modern tank!

Apparently, the US military wants to let the world know that it is ready for the "reemergence of long-term, strategic competition" with powerful state actors.

Its main competitors being most notably Russia and China. This plan was outlined in the Pentagon's National Defense Strategy earlier this year.

One major development to come out of this is the fact that the Army appears to have settled on a long-awaited upgrade for its main battle tank. The new budget for the coming fiscal year outlines upgrades for 261 M1 tanks with Israeli-made Trophy active-protection systems, according to Breaking Defense.

Active-protection systems are designed to fend off antitank missiles and other incoming projectiles. The Trophy system, called Windbreaker, uses four mounted antennas, which offer 360-degree coverage, and fire-control radars to pick up incoming targets. Internal computers then devise firing angles and signal two rotating launchers on the sides of the vehicle to fire ball-bearing-filled canisters. The system has been installed on Israel's Merkava main battle tanks since 2009.

This is a huge upgrade for the army's aging tank brigades and should send a stark message to the rest of the world that these tanks mean business. I would like to hope this situation is simply a peacock showing off its brightly colored feathers but the thought comes to mind 'why make it if you don't intend to use it?'

What do you guys think of this recent move by the Pentagon? Are we simply looking at the military industrial complex bilking even more money from hard working taxpayers? Are these upgrades significant on a large scale?

Please let me know what you think about all this tank hoopla!

Thanks for dropping by @Techblogger.


The Army is equipping tanks with a high-tech protective system it's been working on for decades as it prepares for a great-power war - Business Insider

Image Source:

Business Insider


Si vis pacem, para bellum.

How cool would it be to get a ride in one of those tanks... those things are beasts..

Seems like a waste to me. Wars in the future will likely involve cyber and currency wars, but what the hell do I know.

I don't think we "need" them in the sense of us realistically needing to use them, but to maintain our global influence we need to at least have them - kind of like having nukes.

Yes, I understand that concept but if you've studied WW1 you would know there was an arms race before the war kicked off. As the race ramped up the potential for war increased due to the alliances that were being made... Sort of a self fufilling prophecy. The fact that countries have nukes has probably kept a major hot war from breaking out but only until a country can work out how to disable another country's nukes without them knowing...

America is the leader in the defense field and weapons are necessary to maintain peace.

The US military is in need of much rebuilding, the last administration stripped them down to their damn drawers.
We need to rebuild and strengthen our military, I was in the Army and was a Tanker, then it was the M60.
That’s just before the Abrams first started coming out.
Those are some bad ass tanks!

I don't think the upcoming wars will need these destructive machines, modern wars will be based on food and food, i.e survival

this is massive. they are always prepared, but I believe America is in for peace.

"I don't normally write about war and military technology for the fact that I find it depressing and also disturbing."

Most sane people would find it disturbing and depressing!

perfect & congenial!

needs more Alabama

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