Gene Update: Scientists Developing Increased Precision in Gene Editing Methods!

in #science7 years ago

According to recent research scientists at Osaka University in Japan have just developed a modified Cas9 enzyme that greatly suppresses the rate of unintended genetic mutation compared to conventional methods.

What this means for the normal folks in plain talk is that they have found a better way to edit genes and do it in a way that isolates specific genes to affect the intended change. For example say I want to change the gene that makes blue eyes blue to brown, before I may have made an attempt and it worked but I also changed the persons eyebrows from black to purple. Ok, suffice to say that is a fail!

A team of researchers in Japan has discovered a method to more accurately edit genes using a modified CRISPR-Cas9 system. They published their findings in Genome Research. Gene therapy is an emerging strategy to treat diseases caused by genetic abnormalities. One form of gene therapy involves the direct repair of a defective gene, using genome-editing technology such as CRISPR-Cas9. Despite its therapeutic potential, genome editing can also introduce unwanted and potentially harmful genetic errors that limit its clinical feasibility. In the present study, researchers at Osaka University report the use of a modified version of the CRISPR-Cas9 system that can edit genes with substantially fewer errors.

The science of gene editing is moving forward at lightspeed and it won't be long until we see an amazing number of brand new gene editing services hit the markets. This indeed appears to be a breakthrough and other scientists in the field of genetics will be paying close attention to these findings and assuming they confirm the same results will be building even further on top of this new and improved enzyme.

Instead of the error-prone method of simply joining two ends of DNA back together, cells can use template DNA which acts as a molecular blueprint, allowing them to repair DNA with much greater accuracy. Importantly, by giving cells a different blueprint—in other words, by introducing foreign donor DNA into a cell—highly accurate edits can be made to a defective gene.

Essentially what has been introduced is a sort of model for a gene to follow, a new blueprint to build from. This is a very scary and exciting time for humanity when we look at it from a point of view that includes modern genetic editing science.

“Our study is a proof of principle that target-donor nicking can achieve accurate genome editing without DNA cleavage, which has significant implications for its use in medicine,” said Nakada. “There are many diseases for which a precise Cas9 system like this would make gene therapy more cost-effective and safer. We are very excited to see how this technique will be incorporated into the current paradigm of gene editing technologies.”

This appears another missing piece found and added to the puzzle of bringing life changing and life saving gene editing techniques to the masses.

What do you guys think about this new scientific breakthrough?

Are we looking at a significant achievement in modern genetics?

Please leave thoughts and feedback below.

Thanks for reading @Techblogger!


Making Gene Editing More Precise - Asian Scientist

Image Source:

Asian Scientist


As a Christian I am always wary of two things when it comes to scientific advancement (especially of this type). First, that Christians will demonize something that can be life changing, and second, that the advancements will be used in ways that are ultimately detrimental to humanity by those with low moral standards.

In the former case, I can see my fellow Christians being duped by illogical arguments about "playing God" when they do not apply. In the latter, I can see individuals in power (Christian and otherwise) using gene therapy to devalue human life in certain areas of application i.e. warfare, abortion, etc.

Still, this is the story of medical advancements for centuries (if not longer). I hope the net gain is good. I would love it if my grandchildren could forgo illness and disease they would otherwise have had to live with.

In general, my message to Christians would be that this has all sorts of positive outcomes from the perspective of someone with a Christian worldview. Imagine if you could remove the argument in favor of abortion based on genetic disease. Imagine if you could live longer and healthier in order to accomplish more towards your ultimate purpose of glorifying God. These are just a couple of ideas off the top of my head, but the overall idea is that it does not have to be dismissed as black magic simply because you hold a Christian worldview.

To everyone with the ability to wield this power I would say, hold the sanctity of human life in high regard or you are undermining the entire purpose of advancements such as these. You need not have a Christian worldview to see that a low view of human life is detrimental to humanity even from a purely biological perspective.

Very interesting points!

I think the key is balance. If the research in the field of genetics benefit, will relieve mankind from diseases is great. But I think it won't happen tomorrow. Perhaps it will be created for our children and grandchildren. But if these technologies are only aimed at making a profit, who will benefit? A bunch of people who can afford it? Time will tell.

I hope they make a profit, or it will never get anywhere. As a matter of fact, if they were allowed to make a profit outside of government funding it would speed things along nicely I suspect. The sooner the wealthy start benefitting, the sooner the less wealthy will start benefitting.

Great news
I think it must be first tested on animals before human trials
I think only rich people would like do this gene editing
They have money and also crazy mind to do stupid things

I read that CRISPR-Cas9 works through the combined action of the Cas9 protein, which cuts DNA, and a short guiding RNA, which tells Cas9 where to make the cut. Together, these two molecules allow virtually any gene in the genome to be targeted for editing. The greater challenge, though, is finding a way to make specific changes to a gene once it has been targeted.

I prefer natural gene editing that involves muh dick and some sweet wet sticky.

I like this share very much , the research and developing in that sector is fast and hard to keep up with the facts . So thank you very much for this post.

This genetic change can be used to fully recover lost organs in any accident and scientists are already working on that.

pleasant & fantastic!

Another gaint step for humanity. This means we'll be seeing real life Superman and WonderWoman in no time

@techblogger, Nice and Informative Post.

But having supreme power by editing the genotype and phenotype of the living creatures is against the rules of the mother nature.

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