It’s Friday, This is Your _ o _ l _

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

it's up to us to always be out to fill in the gaps. extend that hand of freedom to another, adapt together.

what with north korea and the US edging us nearer to war, supposed russian psyops (but i actually like the russians tbh), earthquakes in mexico, general world suffering, people waking up or ignoring climate change, hurricanes, devastation in general around the planet it can all be a little much to deal with. you can literally see the cracks in the surface of the things that we take for granted everyday. the world is and always probably will be in turmoil. everything we do has an impact somewhere. even when things are good in our own lives in another it’s terrifying.

please forgive all spelling, double entries, etc, i just wanted it to flow out of me today.

the ying and the yang. the positive and the negative, the good and the bad, war or peace. we all experience them everyday of our waking lives as human beings. it’s part and parcel of being alive, now, on this spinning piece of of space rock. we take part, we do our bit, try and leave things as we found it or hopefully better. sometimes we know we did good sometimes we know, so very much, that we fucked up. i’m still on my mission to be stay humble, be humble. be on the side of team humble.


  1. having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance. "I felt very humble when meeting her" synonyms: meek, deferential, respectful, submissive, self-effacing, unassertive, unpresuming
  2. of low social, administrative, or political rank. "she came from a humble, unprivileged background" synonyms: low-ranking, low, lowly, lower-class, plebeian, proletarian, working-class, undistinguished, poor, mean, ignoble, of low birth, low-born, of low rank
  3. cause (someone) to feel less important or proud. "he was humbled by his many ordeals" synonyms: humiliate, abase, demean, belittle, lower, degrade, debase, bring down, bring low

at 44 i’ve experienced a lot of these feelings

i’m not an expert, but i’ve certainly explored a lot of these things words and their impact of them as a human being. i’ve tried to maintain a modesty and at times totally fucked it up letting sheer force of will override sense and humanity for others. i’ve been both disrespectful (and felt it) and respectful when i’ve encountered reason and legacy and effort. you could say overtime it was an overwhelming humbling experience. it’s the neuron brain chemistry i live to explain, the things that make us react, the things that make us act or change our behaviours based on what we see or hear. we calculate the scene and decide what our moral compass should be.

i’ve felt low-ranking in life. i’ve felt mis-informed. outta the loop, poor, both physically and mentally, financially. i’ve been in that dark pit looking up wondering how much blood i have to let out in my fingers trying to climb up out into the light. that the tunnel seems to go on for ever and hearing my voice, shallow and meek, weak even in that tunnel. sometimes up, sometimes just out, into the world around us. with you, the rest of the humans. i understand what the definition of suffering is. i feel it. i see it in your eyes and i can feel the edge of the aura when i’m near you. i’ve always called it an esp but i have it. i certainly have it. i’m in touch with it. we are friends, we have a good relationship me and my aura radar.

i’ve felt inferior and out of date, i’ve witnessed family members, both mother and father fall from their respective graces and lose their identity to both single mindedness and the pseudo faux riches this world pretends are the ideals we are meant to head towards. i will no doubt in some ways fall to the same things. i will adjust my life sensors and BS firewall on the way and i will try to maintain the power to the humble generator along the way. i will strive for humblity for humanity over greed and want vs need. it’s not going to be a walk in the park on a sunny day either. it’s gonna be littered with blown our umbrellas and soggy wet squeaking shoes and a defeated look on my face as i sit in silence wondering why. this is what it is to be human.

many times in my 44 years on planet earth i’ve felt these things, watched these things, experienced, shared in it. just like you. i’m not different, we all feel, we all know what’s right, what’s greed, what’s overreaching, what’s too much or when we do too little. when we put our own survival before the needs of others, when we should have stopped wanting what we want ourselves to be and realised we needed to out reach a hand to another because that was our true path to our own destination. we need to give a hand more. we have too give an extra hand. it’s written in our narrative, in our dna, we come from strands of our fore fathers before us. we must.

i’ve been humbled many times over by ordeals. i’m sure you have too. it’s part of being human. today, is a a friday. fridays are the end of a working week for many, they go into the weekend with two days of relaxing or enjoyment. spending time with family, loved ones, children, no work, just play, relaxing, quality time. the instagrammable forty eight hours of a utopian world of a positive perfect crafted world. bliss. these are our lives and we live them as full as we can. this narrative is also changing rapidly.

not everyone has a job, or will have a job, not everyone in all areas of the world see’s the weekend as any other day, it’s the same everyday, no income, no food, just pain, strife, worry, anxious stress and anxiety to what’s next, desperate to maintain a legacy and yet stay humble in their pursuits without even knowing what else the world holds. as i drink my coffee and celebrate my access to many things - food, drink, roof over my head, wonderful compassionate partners and children i want to share a thought with you today and i hope you find it with a sense of ease and compassion.

it can take a lifetime to be humble, to be the unlimited life buffet of empathy, to put our own ego and vanity aside and maintain a level of humanity of balance, it’s work. it’s not native. the world is bombarding us with ideals and opinions and choice, access to notions of lifestyles painted in magazines and media but please think of your fellow men and women around you. always be ready to drop your own gps position to help them navigate to their next spot.

i wish you and yours today a fantastic friday, that you burst into colour as you hit the weekend and that some life resolutions come through for you like they have into my life recently. like someone fired a cluster bomb of goodness and blue skies removing the storm. i load these words with badass rollerskating unicorns with machines full of candy, i want you to overdose briefly on our shared kinship for humanity because without it we are shells, husks, headless and let’s be honest the world and the people in it deserve more than that.

much love.
stay humble.
teamhumble x

TRUST AND AUTHENTICATION. . epic wins pinboard → i was a brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won a vloggie for involvement in node666 (san francisco 2006) → on television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold to evan williams (twitter) in april 2011 for 5 figures → went to phil campbell, alabama to help repair/recovery/help raise money month after a tornado ripped through the town (was on sky news, bbc news, al jazeeza, nightly news, alabama weather channel?!) → CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → i was in a music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros to kickstart web tv studio → did project work with sleepydog indirectly for nesta (responder) → crowdfunded digital signage concept called the pi street (do it for steem?)


<3 beautiful. you've got it mouse.

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