Dear @Dayleeo // 22nd of July 2k18 // I had extremely scattered sleep but i’m here! :)

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago

Good morning, odd sleep in ‘patches’ last night — saw 2am, 5am, 7am and then finally decided to get outta bed around 8:30am — was a lot of moving around and some lower back pain but I feel like I caught up with some sleep — in some ways it’s gonna work out ok this six week holidays if poppet is only staying over one night even thou she is gonna be here more days.

i’m hoping that you got reasonable sleep last night and that your ready for your first shake thing today, I think today will start to get a bit easier, I think it’s interesting how these things will not only keep you going but also clean you out, not having to worry or be concerned with the acquisition of food has always been something that brings more time back to my day if i’m not concerning myself of what I’m gonna eat next — food should not be my daily drivers as to how my day goes or mapping my day around the next meal, I mean sure I gotta eat but I don’t want to have my focus on it.

I’d love these cleanse drinks I think, mainly from that perspective, just literally rally and sprint between the times when the buzzer goes off to have another one and track my mood and momentum levels between the two — just having to throw a bunch of these in a bag and head to your client job tomorrow is kinda perfect tbh because you really don’t have to focus on it.

Today is just a handful of the same old same old apart from obviously we will be able to get some film SITUATION into the mix, when I woke it had done like 20% so I have no idea what’s over (if anything or what) we will just have to try a few and see if anything got to complete — you might have to check it with vlc on your computer first, I’m sure we have something to watch regardless.

Tonight is gonna be an early night, bed for 8pm, sleeps ideally for 9pm and then up at sunrise, crush everything for the day and then I should be free for the rest of the day — I’m not totally sure of poppets schedule for the week but I want to kick of the next six weeks and be on point and ready — if I can keep it up for these summer holidays then it might make the whole getting to the airport early morning situation easier as well in september.

Either way, I know I have to triple down for this next months and we need to crack on in on that @transition fund for at least the next thirty days to realise this first trip, if we can cover that then it should be straight forward to get the transport to the airport and at least ‘get over’ — also I’m presuming by then we will have the OBS setup on lock and you will have a copy of my setup running on your laptop over there maybe so I can pick up and record what I do day to day as well. I can’t add the idea of picking up a laptop at this stage that’s just not part of the equation! :)

ok, time to build out the top 10, go do pots and all the life admin things, back to record all the videos and then get straight into modding in the next few hours to get on top of that verification que situation, also need to search out a few decent hunts for today and see if I can lock down my work for the early start tomorrow.

Maybe it’s the momentum of knowing that you are doing this new cleanse thing or that you have resources and things locked in for the month ahead but it’s certainly rubbing off over here in terms of momentum, so far everyday is getting much easier to focus up on those things than before when it was just a stresser, I made some big improvements in the last few weeks and I’m sticking to them.

Right, let me get all my little jobs done and then i’ll get back to you on discord in the next few hours — it’s the momentum energy swing and roundabouts here at the moment, the usual sunday energy, just gonna merge into it and then have the peace and quiet of the early afternoon.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


Postingan yang sangat bagus.

Cleanse drinks sounds good, but sleeping at 8! This can disturb your sleep sometimes. You might wake up at night late and not sleep well. It doesnt work with me.

i have too. i'm gonna be starting to get up over the next six weeks at sunrise. should be nice and calm! :)

I am trying to do it these days. Looks like mission impossible and sometimes the alarm doesnt help at all :(

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